Chapter 0077 – Conquer the Sharp Teeth Squad!!

“It’s simple, just like the Red Queen!”

Gu Zhe said.

“It depends on whether you are willing to say yes or not!”

“Red Queen!”

Saying that, Gu Zhe called.

With his words, the Red Queen stepped forward and blocked between the tiger and Gu Zhe, a pair of blood-red eyes looked straight at the tiger, and a trace of electricity flashed at the ends of her hair on her forehead!

As an artificial intelligence turned into a person, the same type of electric shock messenger or electrical control ability of cannon sister Mikoto Misaka can be said to be very suitable for the red queen.

After getting the new ability, the red queen really wanted to find someone to try it out.

If this object was the tiger who had pitted her before, the red queen would be very willing!

Noticing the eager look in Honghou’s eyes and the unhappy tiger who looked at him, he suddenly realized that this was to prevent him from rioting.

And why guard against his uprising?

Because the next procedure may be very unexpected to him, he will not be able to accept it.

So, what kind of procedure will make me unacceptable to myself who has lived in the wilderness for many years?

Looking at the living example of the Red Queen, the tiger suddenly had an answer!

“Sir, you won’t be, want me, like the Red Queen…”

After realizing that answer, the tiger had a smile worse than crying on his face, and he asked with difficulty.

He looked at Gu 443 Zhe longingly, hoping that what he was thinking was not true.

But the Tigers were disappointed.

Gu Zhe looked at the tiger in surprise, surprised by the other party’s understanding, and thought so quickly that he was going to be controlled by magic.

Gu Zhe nodded in the desperate gaze of the fierce tiger: “That’s right, it’s what you think!” ”

He shrugged indifferently: “Hey, you see, only like this, I can fully trust you, this is the only way for the Sharp Tooth Squad to live!” ”

It’s just that Gu Zhe didn’t realize at all that the tiger was completely different from what he thought, and when he heard Gu Zhe’s words, the face of the tiger who wanted to be crooked in his mind was extremely ugly.

He got it!

The other party wants to use that feminine technique on himself.

Why was the Red Queen, who was still rebellious before, and her heart was higher than the sky, became a little daughter-in-law after coming out with her body!

The other party’s technique, to make the creation naturally obedient to the other party!!! For men, the extremely difficult choice comes, brothers and lives, can only stay – one!

For a while, the tiger fell into a wordless silence.

At this time, listening to the conversation between the two, the other people of the sharp-toothed squad in the fog turned their heads to look at the fox who obviously understood.

“Fox, what do you mean the same as the Red Queen?”

Gray Wolf asked.

Looking at the fierce tiger and Gu Zhe in front of him, the fox turned his head and replied in a low voice: “That is to say, reverse the body and become a woman, just like the red queen!” ”


Hearing the fox’s words, the gray wolf, the viper, and the vulture exclaimed.

Subsequently, the crowd was excited!

“The eldest husband was born between heaven and earth, how can he hear nonsense!”

“People die and birds rise to the sky, do not die for thousands of years, big deals, big heads and big scars, eighteen years later – a good man.”

“Fierce tiger, the manly husband stands up to the heavens and the earth, this white jade pillar is gone, is this still called a man?”

“We’d rather die!”

Gray wolves and vipers jumped on their feet.

However, before they could jump a few times, several people saw Gu Zhe’s strange eyes.

“I’m talking about the seal of loyalty, what are you talking about?”

Gu Zhe said strangely: “Ah, this…”

Hearing Gu Zhe’s words, the gray wolf and the poisonous snake looked at each other below.

It’s not nonsense, it’s okay, wait, what is the loyalty engraving?

Everyone in the sharp-toothed squad who had just relaxed became energetic again, and they looked at Gu Zhe.

Gu Zhe read their eyes: “It’s just a technique that makes you always loyal to me!” ”

“Or do you want to be treated the same as the Red Queen, sexually?”

“No, no, no, no!”

The five members of the Sharp Tooth Squad shook their heads in unison.

Can you be Jing Ke’s assassination of Qin, but you can only think about being the assassinated Qin Emperor?

“So, your answer?”

Gu Zhe asked.

Hearing his words, the five members of the Sharp Tooth Squad looked at each other.

People are like this, you say you want to open a window, they are not happy, but you say you want to open a hole in the house, they immediately agree.

For example, the sharp tooth team, Gu Zhe said to put a dog chain on them, they were unwilling, but if they said that they would all turn them into women, they would be willing to take the initiative to put on a dog chain.

A moment later, the five members of the Sharp Tooth Squad gathered in front of Gu Zhe.

They looked at Gu Zhe: “Sir, we agreed!” ”

“Okay then!”

Gu Zhe nodded, took the crystal nucleus of the hive licker handed over from M4A1, and absorbed!

【Motherhood Charge (40/100)—(300/100)】

Then, after selecting five people, Gu Zhe’s All Things Motherhood Technique was activated!

Because it is only a mental reason,—— the opportunity can be shared by five people

Consumption – the number of sub-niang transformations, and the five members of the Sharp Tooth Squad were also surrounded by a burst of colorful streamers.

Subsequently, the colorful streamers shattered, and a new world appeared in front of the five members of the Sharp Tooth Squad.

They were surprised to find that when they looked at Gu Zhe now, there was no hostility and disdain, only respect and loyalty.

The good news is that apart from his attitude towards Gu Zhe, nothing has changed in his other personalities.

But there are some changes.

“My hand! My hand! ”

The tiger exclaimed as he looked at his palm that had been cut off by the laser earlier.

His hand cut off by the laser was actually replenished by Gu Zhe, what kind of operation is this!!?

Immediately, the tiger looked at Gu Zhe with gratitude: “Thank you, thank you, my lord!” ”

“Okay, go down and rest!”

Gu Zhe waved his hand.

“Red Queen!”

Gu Zhe called.

“Master, I’m here!”

It’s like a mobile phone smart, Red Queen replied.

“Arrange a place for them to rest!”


The Red Queen left with the five members of the Sharp Tooth Squad.

Gu Zhe’s subordinates, add another elite team!

And after the five people of the sharp tooth squad left, Gu Zhe also rubbed his back tiredly, and this day and day were finally busy.

I don’t know how the island trackers and those who fought… Remembering those third-order battlefields before, Gu Zhe and his strong fighting spirit have not been thoroughly summarized today.

After letting the gun ladies clear out a new, clean room, Gu Zhe walked in.

The first is the bonus from the red queen.

[Ding, a new maiden creature appears, please choose one of the three talents of artificial intelligence, me, red queen, and angel/winged man. 】

Looking at the angel/winged man transformation, Gu Zhe’s heart moved, “It’s actually out of this, this is the ability to fly!” ”


“It’s just that there are some things that need to be asked.”

Gu Zhe asked the system.

“System, if I choose the Angel/Winged Man transformation, can that wing be retracted?”

The ability to fly is great, but Gu Zhe doesn’t want to hang his wings outside all the time as a birdman.

The system’s answer made Gu Zhe happy in his heart…

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