The earthquake was so severe that the city was covered by a sandstorm.

"We are going to U City this time. A major earthquake occurred there and it is now covered by a sandstorm. We need to find the source and destroy it to open a passage for the people in U City to evacuate.

Of course, the destruction of the source of the disaster will be done by the Governor, and we only need to arrange for the evacuation of people." The Minister of the Beast Taming Alliance in Pallet City began to mobilize.

Governor Chaomeng has already issued an order to them.

Many people are excited to see the Governor in person, but unfortunately they are only responsible for assisting the people to evacuate this time.

And Su Lu has already set off.

U City is not too far from Pallet City, and ordinary cars can reach it in an hour.

At the invitation of Yaya, Su Lu took the new energy vehicle made by Panda Duck.

Ten miles away from U City, Su Lu could already see the thick wall of yellow sand.

The thick sandstorm was spinning, forming a thick tornado that enveloped the entire city.

The sandstorm was so dense that it looked like a puff of black smoke.

"It covers such a large area." Su Lu narrowed his eyes.

The sand grains hit the car window and made a rustling sound.

The gray-white metal cocoon in Su Lu's arms seemed to be getting excited.

Shakiras looked at the sky-high sandstorm with a sharp gaze.

This is the domain that should belong to it!

Although Shakiras had a good life in Pokémon Valley, he had good food and drink, and because he had not evolved yet, he didn't even need training.

But it would eventually evolve into the desert tyrant, Bankiras.

What Shakiras longed for was not the birdsong and flowers in Pokémon Valley, but the killing brought by the yellow sand all over the sky!

And Su Lu brought Shakiras with him precisely because he knew that U City was now covered by the sandstorm.

Shakiras's current level has reached 65, which meets the requirements of evolution. As for physical fitness, with a large amount of life energy infused, plus the continuous supply of sky stones and a large number of rare minerals, Shakiras's physical fitness is now terrifyingly strong, and the shell outside his body is even harder than steel.

What Shakiras needs now is an opportunity to evolve.

Su Lu got off Ya Ya's car.

The yellow sand was about to hit his face, but was pushed away by a mental force. With Su Lu's current superpower strength, ordinary yellow sand could no longer cause any harm to him.

And Shakiras jumped up from Su Lu's arms.

It was also because Shakiras could now roughly control his weight and achieve the effect of suspension. Otherwise, with Shakiras' weight, Su Lu would probably have a hard time carrying him all the way.

Su Lu looked up at the sky, and the Sky-Ray Seat was already above the invisible clouds.

As long as the Sky-Ray Seat roared, the sandstorm would dissipate into thin air.

But Shakiras dived into the sandstorm.


"Wait a moment." Su Lu said.

Because Su Lu found that the life energy in Shakiras' body seemed to be overflowing.

Shakiras floated into the sandstorm.

Su Lu looked at it with some concern.

The fast-spinning gravel hit Shakiras's shell, but it could not cause any impact on Shakiras.


In U City, several humans in blue uniforms looked at the yellow sand all over the sky.

"Boss, the people from the Beast Taming Alliance are here."

"Then let them take over. With the Dragon God and the governor named Chaomeng, not many people in U City should die." The blue-clothed man called the boss had a circular symbol with a gold border on his clothes.

And this symbol represents the Rongshihui, and only the leaders of the Rongshihui are qualified to print this symbol on their clothes.

On his hand, a ring held a black hole the size of a pigeon egg...

Before the Beast Taming Alliance appeared, Rongshihui was a relatively large and legitimate organization, but was later classified as a cult.

After the Rongshihui people evacuated, the tornado that originally only surrounded U City began to slowly squeeze towards the center.

The survivors in U City looked at the thick sand and dust barrier in despair.

The sudden earthquake almost destroyed the entire U City, and the subsequent sandstorm blocked the city, leaving ordinary people with no way to escape even if they wanted to.

If the sand and dust tornado had not shrunk in the first time, and U City had not been covered by the space-time rift, the number of casualties would have been even more terrifying.

Four shelters were destroyed, and the remaining two were also overcrowded.

Many people were looking for usable supplies in the collapsed city.

No one knew how long they would be trapped.

Now the tornado had begun to shrink, and the rapidly rotating sand and dust tornado would throw up and crush all living things!

"Damn it! Get back to the shelter!"


Even the bricks were swept into the sky and ground into pieces by the gravel.

Despair began to spread.

But what was even more despairing was that the cameras and screens that were still usable turned dark in an instant.

At the same time, the electronic products in everyone's hands also crashed instantly.

"Is it a crack in time and space? Or is it an expanding forbidden area?"

In the dark tornado, a whimpering sound came from the dark shelter.

It was as if the sandstorm was roaring, and a little light came out from the dark sandstorm wall, dazzling and like a new life!

The scavenger sitting in the ruins stared blankly at the flash that pierced the sandstorm.

What is that? What?

"Oh my god, Shakiras flew so far..."

Beside Su Lu, Mewtwo has appeared, and Mewtwo's defense shield easily resists the sandstorm that can crush ordinary people into minced meat.

In the sandstorm, Shakiras's appearance began to change.

A ferocious giant beast broke out of the steel cocoon.

The evolved Banguiras roared to the sky!

The gray-green armor that Banguiras should have originally had has now turned pale due to the influence of the sky stone, emitting a special metallic luster.

His feet are floating in the air, and he can walk on flat ground in the sky.

At this moment, Banguiras has completely acquired the characteristics of suspension!

Roar! (I am the master of the sandstorm!)

The rotation speed of the sandstorm began to slow down instantly.

No! This is Banguiras using its sandstorm to fight against the sandstorm in this area!

"Not enough! Not enough!" Su Lu's eyes also showed excitement.

Su Lu wants to help Banguiras!

Super power blessing! The power of Evergreen is added!

And! "Banguiras! Mega Evolution!"

Banguiras exerts his strength happily.

Another flash!

Mega Banguiras!

The armor extends, forming a ghost face on Banguiras' chest. The silver-white 'ghost face' is still eye-catching in the sandstorm.

It's like the god of death in the desert has opened his eyes.

Roar! (Sandstorm! Reverse it!)

The sky is full of yellow sand, and the sky-high tornado is instantly still.

The gravel and rocks swept up to the sky fell down with a bang.

Su Lu also looked at the floating Banguiras excitedly.

This is his first Pokémon with quasi-god combat power besides the legendary beast!


Yaya in the car looked at the powerful Mega Banguiras and drank a cup of tea leisurely.

Gah~ (This junior has 70% of my strength~)

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