As the dazzling light in front of him dissipated, Xu Luo slowly opened his eyes.

What caught his eye was an antique room, and at the same time, a stream of memories appeared in Xu Luo’s mind.

The first is his identity, the young city lord of Shenwu City, but if so, it is the contemporary city lord.

The identity in my memory is that the old city lord died some time ago, and then passed the position of city lord to himself as a young city lord.

This kind of beginning is in the Age of Empires, which makes many people complain, this is not the template of modern novels, directly dead daddy crosses ah!

Although it is said to be Shenwu City, it looks very powerful and bullish in the name.

But in fact, Shenwu City is just a small city around here, just because of this world, Xu Luo’s cheap father, that is, the old city lord is called Xu Shenwu, which is named Shenwu City.

As for the region, Xu Luo’s mind only knew that this place was called Qingzhou.

Qingzhou’s words are big and big! Among them, there are many cities that are separated! Of course, there are also powerful beings who have created their own kingdoms.

They more or less occupied more than a dozen cities, which qualified them to create their own kingdom.

If anyone rules the entire Qingzhou, they can create a generation of imperial kingdoms!

It’s just that this Qingzhou alone is bigger, maybe bigger than the entire Hualong Kingdom! This is the comparison of information in memory, told to Xu Luo.

It is enough to see how big the entire imperial era is! So many people around the world have landed one after another, but there are not many encounters.

Of course, this is also the same as everyone will not stay in the imperial era for long.

Because everyone is the lord of a city, if the city is destroyed, that is, the country is destroyed, it will be out of the imperial era forever!

And this world is far crueler than anyone imagined, although most people use the mentality of playing games to face this imperial era.

But in this world, because of their own reasons, everyone is fighting for territory and developing their own power, so war is daily.

Nine out of ten people who have just landed may be swallowed up by other cities in a few years.


Xu Luo waved his hand, and suddenly something similar to a game panel appeared in front of him.

On this, there is its own information, as well as the information of Shenwu City.

His own information was directly skipped, and then Xu Luo looked at the information of Shenwu City.

[Forces]: Shenwu City

[Level]: Small town

[Population]: About 100,000

[Army]: Two thousand infantry, five hundred archers, five hundred cavalry, total: three thousand

[Gold and silver]: 1,200 taels of gold.


This is the approximate panel, looking at this panel, Xu Luo nodded secretly.

Because compared to the opening that everyone broke out on the Internet, his own opening is considered superior.

A small city with a population of 100,000 is not bad!

The population of small cities generally ranges from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands.

In the case of Zhongchengchi, it is more than 300,000! There are even large cities on it, with a population of one million!

And this kind of city, usually does not exist, it is said that it is generally the capital of some kingdoms, there will be this kind of population.

Three thousand troops, and even five hundred archers, five hundred cavalry, which was a bonus.

After all, most people get the opening army, a few thousand infantry is not bad.

And precious cavalry, as well as the words of archers, are extremely rare.

The start was good, but Xu Luo had to ponder how he should develop the city.

The world seems to have rules, and some people have tried to develop technological weapons in this world, but they have failed.

At most, black powder was developed, but it was used in siege and fortification, and its power was not satisfactory.

In addition, some things in the direction of people’s livelihood can be done.

It’s just that this thing has long been spread throughout the world now.

You know, it has been a hundred years since the earth landed, and what can be done, the predecessors have long been able to get it.

Although no one has encountered or rarely encountered in this, even if you encounter it, you don’t know whether he is indigenous or an earthling.

It’s just that for a hundred years, 99.9 percent of the people can’t last for a few years, have a few years of game experience, and then they are extinguished, and they have been forced to retreat from the pit.

But what they brought to this world, after fermentation, has long spread throughout this world, at least in most places.

Therefore, it is impossible to rely on the advanced things and advanced thinking of modern people to obtain some general leads.

“Oh, how is this good?”

Xu Luo was helpless, he was just an ordinary person, could it be a real city lord game?

It was eventually destroyed by other cities and withdrew from the Age of Empires.

But Xu Luo, who is a traverser, feels that this game is not so simple, how can this kind of divine and divine means be like the means of creating gods?

If you quit like this, it will be your own loss.

But at this moment, suddenly a wonderful fluctuation sounded in Xu Luo’s mind.


Xu Luo was suddenly shocked, because in front of him, a strange book actually appeared!

The virtual book is like a panel, but this book, Xu Luo can touch!

And on it, there are a few big words.

“Roster of Ancient Flowers”!

The name of the book is called the Ancient Flower Register!

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