Glitch utopia

Chapter 88 Sewer

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In the underground pipe with rapid water flow, Jack Sun took off the underwater breathing mask on his face and covered AA's face.

After AA took a few puffs, he was about to take it off and return it, but was stopped by Jack Sun.

Holding his breath, he quickly shared his current position with the tower faction to prevent the other party from finding him and rushing back to find the fighting machine to do stupid things.

Suddenly, the front section of the pipe came loose, and Jack Sun and AA rushed out of the pipe into a vast and huge body of water with bursts of blisters.

When Jack Sun turned on the night vision mode, he clearly saw the mine below and immediately understood that they had been washed back to the abandoned mine lake, which is where rainwater gathers in the entire metropolis.

Jack Sun carefully poked his head out of the water and found that except for King Kong's blown-up car, which was still burning, there was nothing unusual and that thing did not follow him.

Sun Jack carefully swam from the water to the shore while carrying AA. He looked around cautiously and asked, "How do you know there is a flood discharge pipe under the ground?"

"Because that's my home, and I live in that pipe." AA said proudly. She was very happy that her knowledge could help Sun Jack.

"You actually live in a sewer pipe?" Sun Jack recalled the dark and humid environment just now, and couldn't help but feel a little sad for AA. What kind of life did this little girl live in the past.

But think about it, if I hadn't been forced to do nothing, I wouldn't have gone to the 69 Club to find a job.

"Why do you live in a place like that?"

"Because this place is free, and you don't have to pay the electricity bill."

After looking around, he found that the big guy was not following him. He said to AA, "That's not a place for people to live. Come and live together in my apartment from now on."

Hearing this, AA was so moved that she hugged Jack Sun hard and kissed him on the face.

"Really? Boss, you are so kind! But, is it really okay? If I go there, will it really not disturb the world between you and Tapai?"

Although he knew that AA had good intentions, Sun Jack felt that his good intentions were not repaid.

"I'll reiterate it again! The two of us are not a couple! Who did you listen to? Is it because Si Ai is spreading gossip there?"

"No, I'm an observer. I majored in engineering. I have strong observation skills! Boss! Look, the tower is here!"

Jack Sun followed AA's finger and found that Tapai walked out step by step from the bottom of the abandoned mine lake. "Jack Sun! Your uncle!"

"Shut up! Leave quickly! That big guy is probably looking for us." Jack Sun said and jumped onto the back of Tapai with AA.

"Boss! That tail! Bring that tail with you, too. There are a lot of parts that can be disassembled in it!"

AA's eyes were shining as she looked at the neat metal scales. She could tell at a glance that the alloy was made of very good material, and she was almost drooling just by looking at it.

"It's too heavy. It's all made of iron. We'll get it next time." As he spoke, Sun Jack kicked the fish tail and rolled it back into the lake.

As the wheels of the Tapai started turning, they quickly approached the metropolis. Now Sun Jack missed the weird and bizarre society that he once hated.

At least there is BCPD in the city. That kind of mechanical fortress cannot be openly opened in the metropolis. No matter how bad the order is, it is still order.

"Where did Ananda come from? Why could he send such a powerful guy so easily?" Tapa asked as he ran.

Hearing this, Sun Jack's face became a little ugly, "I don't know, he may have some issues with me in the past. No matter what happened before, this guy is now my enemy."

However, although the other party wanted to kill him, his words also revealed some useful information to him, that is, he was very strong in the past, whether it was his own special ability or financial resources.

So that the other party can only take advantage of his amnesia to prepare a trap in advance to kill him.

Sun Jack understood that this matter was not over yet, it was just the beginning. Now that Ananda knew that he was still alive, he would definitely not let it go.

He must regain his past memories and strength, otherwise he will not even be able to protect himself.

Suddenly, Tapai stopped. It stood still and seemed to be observing something. After a few seconds, Tapai said: "My radar sensed something. The big guy was two kilometers away from us. He seemed to be fighting with someone." .”

"Then what are you waiting for! Let's leave quickly before it notices us."

At this moment, Sun Jack wished that the mechanical fortress would cause other troubles, and the AI ​​didn't look very smart. It would be best to get the entire BCPD into trouble, so that he could benefit from the snipe and the clam.

Tapai's wheel hub had just rolled eight times when it stopped again with Jack Sun's words of "wait."

A terrible guess popped into Sun Jack's mind. "You said...were the priests and the others who fought against that big guy?" The priest seemed to have said before that he would ask others to come together to save him.

Upon hearing this, AA immediately contacted others through the nervous system, "Father! Father! Can you hear me? Sister Si Ai! Sister Si Ai!!"

But after I contacted him, I found that no one could be reached! Their information has been blocked!

In this situation, there is no need to even speak. As Jack Sun slapped Tapai’s metal head, Tapai immediately turned around, UU Reading www. quickly rushed towards the direction that his radar had just detected.

"How dare they! That thing is so scary, why did they rush up to it!" Sun Jack was filled with anxiety at this moment, fearing that after he passed by, he would only see corpses on the ground.

After a few minutes, Sun Jack was finally able to see the explosion in the distance with his naked eyes, even without the tower's radar.

He saw the jet drone flying in the sky, interfering with the spider machine. It was Si Ai's drone, and it was really them.

Soon Jack Sun found the location of the others with his naked eyes. The priest was arranging something on the unfinished building on the left. Song Liu on the other side was videotaping with an excited expression. He seemed to want to record the entire scene and sell it for money.

Fortunately, although they provoked that thing, they did not use force, but mainly used restraint.

"Let's go! I'm fine! Let's go quickly! This thing is very dangerous!" A worried Sun Jack shouted at them.

Others saw Jack Sun, but unfortunately, the mechanical spider also saw it.

"The primary goal appears, and the task priority is modified."

With the sound of cold metal machinery, the big guy spurted out blue flames from its tail and rushed towards Sun Jack like a small mountain peak.

"AA! Where are the sewers around here?!" Sun Jack asked AA hurriedly as he watched the big guy rushing towards him.

"What? Let's get in and escape?" Tapai asked.

Looking at the sewer layout sent by AA, he raised his hand and fired three cannons, blasting three craters into the ground in front of the mechanical fortress.

As the structure was destroyed, the hollow ground could no longer bear the huge weight of the mechanical fortress, and half of its body sank directly. As the impact force was released, the entire street was plowed up by the big guy. "Let's drill the shit out of us! Let this guy drill it!!"

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