Glitch utopia

Chapter 83 Hilda

The short sightseeing was over, and Sun Jack and Tapai arrived at the door of their home again. When Sun Jack opened the door, he saw a strange oval-shaped machine that was more than one meter long appearing in front of him.

It's obvious that AA has used parts to make the unmanned submarine that Jack Sun needs.

"Boss! Are you back? Is it fun there?" AA greeted him happily.

"Here, a souvenir." Jack Sun stuffed the roasted mouse bought from a mobile stall on the roadside into AA's arms.

"Thank you!" AA was eating the gift while secretly observing the expressions of the two of them. She wanted to know whether her method was effective.

But Jack Sun's attention was focused entirely on the submarine, "Are you sure there's nothing wrong with this thing? Why does it look like a pile of garbage?"

Hearing that someone actually questioned his ability, AA quickly swallowed the rat meat in his mouth. "Of course! This is what I did. Not only does it have various functions, I also specially optimized the system access."

"That's good, you stay at home and look after the house." Jack Sun snapped his fingers at Tapai, and the two of them carried the thing and headed out.

"No, I'm going too. If something goes wrong during use, I can repair it on site." AA said and followed.

But what Jack Sun didn't expect was that when he heard that they were going to the Abandoned Mine Lake, King Kong would also follow them.

"What are you doing here?" Tapai asked.

"Release animals. Didn't the poor monk say that he often releases animals there?"

"Release? Release what?"



Compared with a monk going to a priest to confess, this seems less surprising.

Jack Sun didn't want to meddle in other people's private affairs, especially when he could just sit in King Kong's car.

In the back seat, AA talked endlessly about the advantages and disadvantages of his products.

"Boss, don't underestimate this little thing. This thing can withstand 50 meters of pressure. In addition to lighting, I also installed a robotic arm. If there is something in the lake, you can use the robotic arm to pick it up."

"King Kong, is it safe in the lake? Are there any living creatures?" Jack Sun asked King Kong who was driving.

"Living creature? How is that possible? It's a dead pit. Several weapons companies have used this place for nuclear tests before."

Hearing this, Jack Sun didn't know whether he should be happy or disappointed at this moment.

The car tires rolled over the increasingly muddy road, taking them gradually away from the metropolis.

As the light pollution and noise pollution gradually disappeared, everything around him gradually became quiet. The quietness made Sun Jack, who had just adapted to it, become a little uncomfortable.

Finally, King Kong and others stopped at the edge of the city suburbs. The entire lake looked particularly hazy in front of the rain and fog. The entire lake turned sky blue, and no one knew what was mixed in the lake.

King Kong pulled out a wire from the car and put it into the water. As he played the BGM rebirth mantra from the car stereo, he began to release the life with a compassionate face.

"Isn't this guy really here to electrocute fish?" Tappai said quietly to Jack Sun.

"Whatever." To be honest, I have known this guy for a while, but Jack Sun still hasn't figured out what kind of Buddhism this guy believes in.

After his release was over, Jack Sun immediately joined Tower Pai to put the unmanned submarine into the water.

There was a "pop" sound, and as the searchlights turned on, the entire lake was illuminated white.

Jack Sun took over the authority from AA and directly linked the system to the submarine lens. The bright yellow lens on his face quickly turned white, and he directly projected the image in the lens directly in front of his eyes.

Jack Sun looked left and right, as if he was in a lake. Although the things made by AA didn't look very good in appearance, they had all the functions they should have.

As Jack Sun's heart moved, the submarine's spiral clamp quickly rotated and probed into the lake.

This used to be a mine. In order to transport the ore, the entire mine spiraled downwards.

Jack Sun couldn't help but cheer up and looked at everything in the lake.

At the beginning, there was nothing except rocks, not to mention living things, not even any water plants.

But just when he was about to reach the end, Jack Sun suddenly made a new discovery. He controlled the robotic arm to insert into the gray mud, and accurately picked up a prismatic metal piece, which was just about the size of an adult's hand.

When Jack Sun put the thing in front of the camera and looked at it carefully, he concluded that it should be a scale.

"The scales are so big, how big is the real body?" Tower Pai, who shared the vision, complained: "Let me go, Jack Sun, what do you like?"

"Can you stop talking? Why does such a good robot have a mouth?" Sun Jack directly canceled the shared vision given to him and controlled the submarine to continue diving.

As the submarine reached the bottom of the mine, what appeared in front of Sun Jack's eyes were several huge mines.

The mine is a good choice because there is only one mine with a simple gate made of plastic sheeting outside.

As Jack Sun opened the door curtain with his robotic arm, a sofa appeared in front of him.

Regardless of whether it is reasonable or not to have a sofa in this water, UU Reading First of all, the size of this sofa is unreasonable, the length is almost seven meters, and it is obviously made by sewing several mattresses together.

"What kind of creature needs to use a seven-meter sofa?" Thinking of the huge metal scales before, Sun Jack felt more and more uneasy.

As the searchlight moved away from the sofa and illuminated other places, the details of the entire mine soon appeared in front of Sun Jack's eyes. The mine in front of him had obviously been transformed into a lair for some large creature.

No, it cannot be said to be a lair, it should be said to be a living room. After all, any lair cannot have a table, a lamp and a photo sealed in glass.

In the photo is a beautiful bird posing happily.

The mermaid is really beautiful, with a tall and straight body and graceful lines. But there are two problems here. The first problem is that according to the comparison of the sofa next to it, it can be judged that the mermaid, including the upper body and tail, is seven meters long in total. It is really very long. big.

The second question is, the whole body of this mermaid is made of metal. The metal scales are neatly arranged to form a slender colorful fish tail. Except for the front part of the upper body, both the back and the left and right sides are naked. completely exposing the complex and sophisticated dark blue metal structure.

The long hair hanging behind her back is also made up of wires and optical fibers mixed with fluorescent plastic tubes, and is also decorated with some electromagnetic plates and chips. This is a cybermermaid.

"Is this Hilda?" Jack Sun looked at the mermaid's tail in the photo and compared it with the blue scales in his mind.

It was discovered that there was no difference except for size, and yes, she was the Hilda that Jack Sun had been looking for.

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