Glitch utopia

Chapter 78 Jack Sun

"AI model?" Sun Jack looked at the storage device in AA's arms.

"Well, I just went in and took a look, there's nothing else."

"Don't connect Xiao Ting's things to the nervous system randomly, otherwise it will be over if the personality memory is copied." Sun Jack warned quickly.

"But boss, this thing can't connect to the Internet. It's just an external memory."

Jack Sun was still worried, so he contacted King Kong specifically and pulled him over for a checkup.

After King Kong came over to completely eliminate it, and opened multiple simulators for isolation, and confirmed that everything was safe, he pulled out a data cable from the system's external device and plugged it into the socket next to the black box.

As the system interface flashed, a visual window popped up in front of Jack Sun.

Jack Sun could see the icon outside the folder, which was the ghost from before, but this time the ghost had two horns and red eyes.

"King Kong, what is this thing for?" Sun Jack asked.

"Amitabha, Donor Sun, and the poor monk just checked the model and code notes. This kind of AI can automatically scan the most terrifying creatures in a memory, and finally use the algorithm to deduce a simulated personality to abuse and intimidate the original body. The poor monk judged , this AI model should be specially trained to torture virtual personalities." King Kong introduced.

"Torture the virtual personality?" Sun Jack did not expect that even for such a thing, Xiao Ting would actually make an AI to do this kind of thing. It seems that she copied a lot of virtual personalities.

"However, this thing doesn't seem to be of any use to me." Jack Sun thought for a while and looked at King Kong. "Is this expensive? Can you sell it for money?"

"Of course not. The software used by hackers must be cracked by themselves and then modified by themselves. If you spend money to buy the genuine version, it is an insult to the hacker profession."

"What's the point of cracking it? Just say that this AI is pirated."

After Sun Jack complained, he tried to open the folder. Since the AI ​​was pirated, maybe the information carried on the AI ​​could be of some value. Sun Jack was really poor now.

As Jack Sun clicked to open it, he found that the folder was all filled with the ghost-assisted AI. "Is this thing so easy to use? How come there are so many of them?"

With the introduction of King Kong, Jack Sun understood the various parameters and data of the rows of ghost AIs.

This ghost AI has been specially copied many times. Each AI here is a specially trained model, which is equivalent to a simulated digital life.

Jack Sun can even see various basic information about the people these AI ghosts have interrogated through trace records.

"This guy is really nothing." Jack Sun looked at these interrogation AIs and could think of the cruel things that had happened on the Internet.

"By the way, has Sun Jack been interrogated by the AI ​​here?" Sun Jack thought for a while and directly searched for the word "Sun Jack", but couldn't find it.

Jack Sun simply searched for the maximum age. His age should be the oldest among the records, but what surprised him was that a record appeared, with an age of 1,324 years old.

I obviously have three copies of my memory and personality, why only one? Jack Sun noticed something was wrong.

"Could it be that Jack Sun was not interrogated to find out his age? Does this statement belong to someone else?" Jack Sun recalled the overlapping words that Jack Sun said before his death.

Sun Jack soon discovered that the guy seemed to have indeed said that he had not compromised under Xiao Ting's interrogation. No wonder he couldn't retrieve it.

But what's going on with the other one? Did Xiao Ting ever interrogate his contemporaries?

Jack Sun's heart jumped at this moment. He realized that he had thought wrong before. These auxiliary AIs are useful, and they are very useful! Each AI here represents a library of information from the depths of someone else's mind.

Jack Sun found the auxiliary AI that had interrogated that person, took a deep breath, and opened it in the simulator.

The moment he opened it, the cartoon ghost image quickly transformed into a young man with cold eyes, and the environment around him instantly turned into a cold basement. He held a stick in his hand and smashed it directly towards Sun Jack. . "Fuck you! Is there anything you haven't told me?"

Although the frame of the simulator was a reduced interface, Jack Sun leaned back slightly. He really didn't expect that the personality simulated by the auxiliary AI would be so real.

"Huh? You're not Liu Zihan? Where the hell are you?" The interrogation AI kept spinning in circles in the simulator.

"Liu Zihan? Is this the name of the person you once interrogated?" Sun Jack asked quickly. "Where did that person come from? What did you find out during the interrogation?"

As soon as Sun Jack spoke these words, he saw the young man on the other side collapse into a cartoon ghost. "Insufficient permissions to access."

"King Kong, can you obtain permission?"

"Amitabha, this is natural. I have also used this kind of auxiliary software."

As the sound of rapid typing on the keyboard came from the team channel, the cartoon ghost of UU Reading quickly turned into the appearance of the previous youth, but this time he did not have a stick in his hand.

"King Kong, please go and contact AA. She has some parts to sell." Jack Sun endured his excitement and pushed King Kong away first.

As soon as he heard that there was a deal, King Kong immediately went to ask AA happily, planning to kill these laymen.

"What's the name of the person you're interrogating?" Jack Sun continued to ask.

"Liu Zihan, kid, what's your name again?" The gloomy-looking young man looked at Sun Jack with disdain.

Jack Sun was a little unhappy. Does the virtual AI have to simulate such a character that deserves to be beaten? "My name is Jack Sun. Don't say anything now. I will ask the questions and you will answer."

"Hahaha!" The other party suddenly laughed loudly, but quickly restrained himself. "go ahead."

"Why are you laughing?" Jack Sun frowned dissatisfied. Why did the interrogation AI react like this?

"It's nothing, just ask."

"I asked you what you were laughing at just now!"

"Your name, hahaha!!" The other party laughed again.

"What happened to my name? I'm that too"

"Hahaha! Sun Jack, Sun Jack, hahaha, who would give their son such a SB name? Your parents are so heartless, hahaha!"

"Huh?" Jack Sun was confused by the other person's expression, "What's wrong with my name? My name is obviously very good. My dad specially found a good name for the old people in the town and chose it according to his birth date."

However, upon hearing Jack Sun's words, the other party laughed even harder, clutching his stomach and almost laughing like crazy. "Hahahaha! Is the old man your dad is looking for named James? And he chose it based on his birth date. Hahahaha!!!!"

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