Glitch utopia

Chapter 73 Life or Death

At this moment, the huge floating car was floating in front of Sun Jack's eyes. He could see the reason for the fight with Section 3. The floating car was seriously damaged, the steel plate was turned outwards, various wires were constantly exploding with sparks, and even the simple suspension was very difficult. It was hard work, hanging crookedly three or four meters above the ground.

The left side of the car was also leaky, so that Jack Sun could see the two people operating the floating car inside.

But even so, the oppressive feeling of this thing in front of them was huge for Sun Jack and the others, especially when they saw three drones flying out of the holes in the aerial vehicle.

"Hilda! What's the weakness of this piece of shit!!" Sun Jack asked his companion on the side.

"I don't know! I don't understand this thing!" At this moment, the anti-aircraft gun under the aerial vehicle began to work, sweeping towards them like a curtain of light.

While dodging, Sun Jack's mind was running rapidly, and suddenly he thought of an old but very effective method. "Hey! Is this class 3? I want to report it!"

However, this time the other party clearly predicted Sun Jack's prediction and blocked all the information first. Sun Jack was completely disconnected from the Internet at the moment and could not contact Class 3 at all.

Seeing that the barrels of those drones were about to start spinning towards them, if they really started to attack, all of them would die!

Sun Jack gritted his teeth, took out the painkiller and injected it directly into his neck. He knew that he would not be able to survive without using his trump card.

Then he quickly cut open his abdomen with a sharp blade, then reached in and dug out the nuclear reactor. There was a red dot on it, which was flashing slowly.

Jack Sun raised the thing high and shouted at the floating car in front of him: "Come on! Shoot! This is a fucking nuclear bomb! If we can, let's all die together!"

The bullet stopped, and everyone present looked at the thing in Jack Sun's hand. The shell that should have been glowing with blue light was covered with an ugly shell.

AA on the side waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, wait a moment, I want to do some science here. Strictly speaking, this is not a nuclear bomb. The time given by the boss is too short, so I used the nuclear material in the sealed zirconium shell. Made a high-explosive dirty bomb,"

"Holy crap! Is this the time for popular science?" Sun Jack glared at AA and looked at the float vehicle again, but then he tilted his head back slightly and asked softly: "Is it powerful enough?"

AA came behind him, leaned into Sun Jack's ear and said, "That's enough. If this thing explodes, the high-purity nuclear material inside will turn into flying pollution source fragments and dust. They can pollute the nearby area with high radiation." In the contaminated area, no flesh, flesh or electronic components can withstand such strong radiation. Neither I nor they can escape, we will all die."

"Awesome!" Sun Jack, who was secretly delighted, gave AA an appreciative look, raised the reactor in his hand high and looked at the floating car in front of him with a ferocious expression. "Come on! Let's die together if we can!"

It was obvious that the other party was intimidated by Jack Sun, and the aerial vehicle hovered there without any reaction.

"Very well, Xiao Ting%, since none of us can do anything to the other now, how about we negotiate a deal?" Jack Sun raised his voice and said to the floating car in front of him.

In fact, if we really want to die together, Sun Jack and the others will also die. This is just a last resort deterrence method.

The ultimate goal of deterrence is for Sun Jack to lead everyone away safely.

"What do you want to talk about?" A man's voice came from the speaker of the float vehicle.

"Talk about my ---" Before Sun Jack could finish speaking, a white light flashed slightly in the floating car. Oh no, the other party wanted to sneak attack!

Tapai's radar instantly sensed danger, and he was about to step forward, but someone was faster than him, and that was "Hilda" on the side.

I saw "Hilda" standing in front of Sun Jack, using her mechanical body to block the opponent's black gun.

The bullet tore through the metal body of "Hilda". Due to the obstruction, the bullet that was originally supposed to be aimed at Sun Jack's head shot a cone-shaped blood hole narrow in front and widening in the back on Sun Jack's left collarbone.

Due to the loss of strength in his arm, the nuclear reactor held by Jack Sun hit the water heavily.

However, at this moment, Jack Sun ignored the reactor in the water. Instead, he stared blankly at the debris scattered in the air and the black screen with a hole in it. The blue scales falling into the gray ocean emerged in his mind. .

When the fragments fell into the water, a dazzling laser quickly swept towards Sun Jack's body. Sun Jack quickly twisted his neck to avoid the fatal bullet.

Then he moved, covered in blood, and kept moving through various barrages. Sun Jack's body seemed to be able to predict any distant attacks in advance. Except for some bullets that could graze his skin, But it couldn't hurt him at all.

After a few short seconds, Jack Sun rushed to the floating car, and the last drone rushed towards him.

Jack Sun stepped hard on the drone with one foot, and UU Reading flew up high. Through the gap, he could even see the horrified looks of the two Xiao Ting% inside.

The next moment, Jack Sun took out all the grenades from his waist and threw them into the gap in the float vehicle.

A fierce explosion sounded, and Jack Sun was thrown away by the strong shock wave. He fell into the turbid rain and kept rolling.

When Jack Sun stopped, his entire head was soaked in the rain and motionless, like a corpse.

Sun Jack, lying in the stagnant water, silently looked at the rain falling from the sky, numbly feeling the treatment given to him by Tapai and AA.

This time, it seemed that due to the time period, Jack Sun's body did not collapse.

His heart ached so much at this moment, like a heart-piercing pain. He still didn't know who the dead Hilda was, but this despairing sadness almost overwhelmed his mind.

"Do you know her? Are you crying now that she died just after we met?" Tapai, who was using induction thread to suture the wound, asked Sun Jack. "At least your mood should be more stable."

"I...I can't control it!" Hot tears kept pouring out of Sun Jack's eyes. "This feeling is so uncomfortable!! Damn it! What happened to me in those five years!!"

Hilda was dead, and Sun Jack still didn't know him until she died. But at this moment, his heart was so painful, it hurt like a knife.

Jack Sun didn't like this feeling, as if his consciousness was put into someone else's body. Whenever Hilda was involved, his rationality and body seemed to be forcibly controlled by some kind of strong muscle memory.

"Boss! Look! The robot's head still has electricity!" AA's words made Sun Jack stand up.

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