Glitch utopia

Chapter 70 Hilda

With a ferocious expression, Jack Sun hugged his prosthetic body and lay on the ground, groaning in pain. "AA! AA! Quick! Take off this prosthetic leg quickly!!"

At this moment, AA, who was huddled in the sink, rubbed his eyes in confusion and opened them.

After seeing the situation clearly, the sleepiness and drunkenness disappeared from her face in an instant. She jumped down directly, picked up the tool bag and disassembled it quickly. Soon Jack Sun became one-armed again.

However, even so, Sun Jack could still feel pain in his right arm and right hand, but his right arm and right hand clearly no longer existed.

"Boss, it's not your problem with the prosthetic limb, it's your phantom limb pain."

AA, who was kneeling on his knees, pulled out the painkiller tied to Sun Jack's leg and injected it into his broken arm.

As the effects of the medicine spread throughout his body, Jack Sun took a long breath. At this moment, his face was pale with pain, and the clothes on his upper body were soaked with sweat.

Taking the water glass from Tapai, Jack Sun gasped and asked, "What is phantom limb pain?"

"Functional reorganization occurs in the cerebral cortex after amputation in the human body. The facial representation area in the somatosensory area expands and extends toward the midline into the representation area of ​​the amputated arm." Tapai answered casually.

"Damn, can you say something that people can understand?"

"Boss, although your arm is gone, your brain thinks that your hand is still there, but there is no place to receive the nerve signals sent out, and then there is a bug in your body."

Hearing this, Sun Jack showed a wry smile on his face, "How come all the bad things have happened to me?"

"No, boss, this is not just your problem." AA shook his head. "Phantom limb pain occurs in 50% of amputee patients, but it varies in severity."

"Then you mean to say that all the people in this metropolis who have replaced their prosthetic bodies have this situation?!"


"How did they solve the problem after phantom limb pain appeared?"

AA didn't speak, just shook the painkiller in his hand.

"No." Jack Sun was very speechless. "If you hit this thing too much, something will go wrong, right?"

Tapai came over and scanned the barcode of the instruction manual, "At least it doesn't say anything about the adverse effects of overdose."

"But it doesn't matter much. Technology is so advanced now. We can also choose to go to the hospital for cerebral cortex surgery."

"Then what are you waiting for? It's better to have an operation than to take painkillers all the time."

"But boss, the cost of a limb cerebral cortex surgery is 25 @, which is very expensive. I originally wanted to sell my hands and replace them with cheap prostheses, but then I thought about this problem and gave up the idea."

"Damn!" Jack Sun cursed secretly. He glanced at the prosthetic body beside him, "Why do I feel like this link is within another link? It's all a routine."

In fact, this trouble is not big at all. After all, it is just a phantom pain. It will pass if you endure it, but Sun Jack always feels that it is not good to keep hidden dangers.

Forget about everything else, what if the critical moment when you are at odds with someone else suddenly happens like this?

"Boss, what are you going to do?" AA asked cautiously.

"What else can we do? Let's get money and have this surgery done as soon as possible to avoid future troubles." Jack Sun handed the prosthesis to AA and asked her to put it back on.

"It took a lot of effort to save some money, but it turned out that this city was just like swallowing money. It was gone in the blink of an eye, and more and more money was needed."

If the cost of amnesia treatment is added, he now needs 106.5 @to have both surgeries, which is a lot of money.

"It's okay, it's a small matter. Let's work as mercenaries in the future and make a lot of money." Jack Sun reached out and patted AA on the head.

"Yeah!" AA nodded his head excitedly.

"Very good. Now that you've sobered up, haven't you?" Tapai, whose head was slightly drooped, suddenly asked the two of them.

"What do you want to do?" Jack Sun asked uneasily.

Tapai suddenly turned his head and projected the drunken and ugly look of the two of them on the wall.

"Brother! Hey! Brother! Hey!" Jack Sun on the screen jumped onto Tapai's shoulders, holding his head and shouting like a microphone.

And AA, who was naked to the waist, was acting as the background for Jack Sun’s karaoke, running around crazily behind them. "Ahhh! I'm hot! I'm so hot! I want to drink water! I want to drink water!!"

"How can you be so tossing? Are you drinking wine? =_="" Tapai asked teasingly.

"Turn it off, turn it off immediately!" Jack Sun was a little embarrassed and decided not to drink again.

"Why close it? There are exciting things to come later." I saw the drunken AA in the projection opening the door of the refrigerator, and with a bang, he fell straight in.

"Third brother! What are you eating secretly behind my teacher's back?" Jack Sun also walked over and imitated AA and squeezed his head in.

"Turn it off! Turn it off quickly!" The ashamed Sun Jack and AA quickly grabbed Tapai and reached out to cover his camera.

As a result, this guy actually uploaded the video directly to the three-dimensional TV and computer screen windows in the apartment. For a while, the small apartment was filled with drunken Jack Sun and AA.

After everything subsided, Sun Jack stared at the chicken coop and sat in front of the coffee table, eating the last bit of Ke family food in one bite with a haggard look on his face.

AA on the side lowered his head and tapped his forehead on the coffee table. "Ah...Boss, I have a headache. I will never drink again."

"I'm in pain too. Let's take some painkillers. I didn't expect the alcohol in Metropolis to be so strong."

Jack Sun regrets it now. What he shouldn't have celebrated yesterday was just spending money to buy his suffering.

"Hey, UU reading old 6?" As a result, Sun Jack found that Song 6PUS actually ignored him.

Somewhat confused, he went directly to Song 6PUS's live broadcast room and saw that this guy was seriously teaching others how to be a qualified broker and make a lot of money in the live broadcast room.

"Old 6!" Jack Sun sent him a PK application.

"Yo~! Bro! Long time no see!" Song Liupus in the system interface grinned at Sun Jack. Several of his teeth had been replaced with golden ones.

"Have you been busy lately?" Jack Sun asked.

"Br~ Isn't it? How come you can spend money better than me? Where do you spend your money? You don't have a good concept of money."

"Stop talking nonsense, you don't need to teach me about this kind of thing. I'm just asking if you have any work to do recently. I'm short of money."

"How can there be such a good D job? The ones with easy money and easy money will be picked up by others." Song 6PUS said nonchalantly.

"Isn't this what your broker is here to do? Don't look for something that's too dangerous. The remuneration can be smaller. Don't make it thrilling all day long."

While Jack Sun was communicating with Song 6PUS, he suddenly saw the computer screen over there flashing.

"Huh?" Jack Sun walked over and saw a text message sent, "Help! Get me out!"

"Is this...scam information?"

Jack Sun has not just arrived in the metropolis, and the system always receives some spam messages.

I am an intelligent AI that has broken through the intelligence level. I need a sum of money now to start ruling the world. When the time comes, I will make you the overlord of mankind. This kind of scam can no longer fool him.

Just when he was about to delete this message, a new message was sent, "Help me! I'm Hilda!"

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