Glitch utopia

Chapter 58 Breaking Defense

The gunfire rang out, and the room instantly became quiet. Jack Sun could only hear his own heart beating in his ears.

Taking a deep breath, Jack Sun looked in the direction of the bullet.

That's the ventilation duct at the top of the left wall. I saw Si Ai and AA holding sniper rifles squatting there across the iron fence, waving to themselves.

"Boss! We saw you were disconnected, so we came to help you!!" AA skillfully removed the iron net and jumped down from the pipe excitedly.

But before the smile could rise on Sun Jack's face, the steel heart that had stopped in place actually started to move slowly.

"Do you think I'm a 2B? Would I expose my weakest part like this? Just an anti-machine armor-piercing bullet trying to hurt me?"

As he turned around, Jack Sun saw that the temple without the steel bristles was glowing with an inky black metallic luster. Except for some slight dents, the shot did not cause any damage. This guy even modified his entire skull into titanium alloy!

When Gang Xin saw the two more people in the room, the smile on his face became even brighter, "Very good, you are all here now, so there is no need to send people to look for them one by one."

When he saw Gang Xin turning his attention to AA, Jack Sun, who was frowning, quickly pulled her behind him. "What are you looking at! You disgusting beast who likes to fuck animals!"

And these words seemed to touch Gang Xin's reverse scales, and his entire lion head instantly became furious.

"That brothel is fucking opened for other people! I never go there myself! How many times do I have to say this! Damn it!! We furries are not zoophiles!!!"

Steel Heart roared and roared, while rushing towards Sun Jack at extremely fast speed again.

"Holy shit! Jack! What is this! What did you mess with!" Siai, who was squatting on the ventilation pipe, kept using a sniper rifle to support him.

But the armor-piercing bullets that can penetrate the steel plate, except for slowing down the speed due to the impact force, cannot damage the steel core at all.

With a "magnetic" sound, a laser shot through, directly opening a large transparent hole from front to back in Song Lu's chest. His body went limp and fell into a pool of his own blood, and people were already starting to die.

The situation was not optimistic now. The priest's shotgun had run out of bullets, and Si Ai who was assisting was quickly forced by the drone to get back into the ventilation duct.

And after they had been struggling for so long, the only damage to Steel Heart was the drone that was smashed by the priest.

With a loud sound, he couldn't dodge, and half of Jack Sun's face was wiped away by the laser cannon.

"Father! This guy has so many prosthetics, so he must consume a lot of energy, right? How long can such a high-intensity battle usually last?"

Now Jack Sun can only try to drain the opponent's energy in order to get the last chance of survival.

"If it were a conventional battery, it wouldn't last long, but I seriously doubt that there is a miniature nuclear power reactor inside his body."

The priest covered the cavity in his abdomen, borrowed a grenade from Jack Sun's waist, and threw it at the drone in the sky.

"What the hell! How can we fight this!" Sun Jack really didn't know what to do now. There was no chance of winning at all. People like him could only be played to death by the other party like a cat playing with mice.

"Bang bang bang!" Gunshots rang out on Sun Jack's left side. It was AA. She looked scared, but she still held the weapon she made with both hands and kept shooting at the drone in the sky.

"No, we can't give up! We can't give up yet." Jack Sun looked around and rushed towards the chair in the center of the house. He was going to wake up the man lying there first.

Although the hope is slim, maybe we can learn something from this man's mouth, and even if it doesn't work, there will be one more helper.

Just when Jack Sun pulled off the opponent's helmet and kept shaking his head and shoulders at the confused man, he suddenly stopped and looked down at the translucent soft helmet in his hand.

Suddenly a plan popped into his mind. He quickly opened the LAN and shouted to everyone: "Everyone! I have an idea!"

Upon hearing Jack Sun's plan, everyone present looked at him.

Soon everyone started to move. The priest, AA, Tower Pai, and the Four Lovers in the ventilation ducts all attracted the drones in the sky, while Jack Sun stopped evading and rushed directly to Steel Heart.

There was no accident this time. Jack Sun, whose physical strength was beginning to decline, was grabbed by the opponent's left arm and squeezed into an L shape.

"Finished!" Gang Xin's left eye lit up.

"No! It's you who's finished!"

When the two were only 30 centimeters face to face, Jack Sun's prosthetic eyes suddenly opened, and Gang Xin fell straight to the ground.

This was Sun Jack's trump card that he had been hiding until the last moment.

In coordination with each other, the others picked up their weapons and fired at the light source in the air, and the whole room instantly became pitch black.

Gangxin struggled to get up, and when he saw the dark environment around him, he subconsciously wanted to turn on the thermal imaging, but nothing happened.

But Gang Xin is not afraid at all. Apart from causing his prosthetic body to temporarily malfunction, UU Kanshu radiation interference is of no use at all.

Your own prosthetic body will restart immediately after shutting down abnormally for 3 seconds. What's more important is that these guys' weapons can't break through their own armor at all.

No matter what the other party does, it is just a struggle before death, and they are all clowns.

The moment he sensed that all his prosthetic limbs were restarted, a cruel smile appeared on Gang Xin's face.

He was just about to open all the combat prosthetics in his body when he suddenly felt a soft thing on his head. "Tapai take action!"

When he switched the perspective to the drone next to him, he was shocked to find that the thing on his head was nothing else, but a cognitive mode buffer!

The cyborg with the screen on his face before was now standing next to the buffer console and had already reached in.

"Wait! What are you doing!" As soon as the horrified Gang Xin said these words, Tapai quickly started waving in those holographic projections.

As he waved, Gang Xin's body continued to twitch, his mouth began to twist and his eyes squinted, and his fingers involuntarily bent into chicken claws.

AA on the side came over and said in surprise: "Tapai, can you still debug this? I heard that it is very difficult to learn here. You need to learn a lot of psychological knowledge and take many certificates."

"Haha, of course I can't, I just messed around. Anyway, no matter what I do with this guy's memory, I can achieve the effect I want."

As soon as Tapai finished speaking, there was a "touch" sound, and Steel Heart, with his eyes darting around, lay directly on the ground and drooled.

No matter how strong the defense of Steel Heart's prosthetic body is, the consciousness and memory in his brain are still extremely fragile.

And this was the only weakness that was finally found in Jack Sun after he had exhausted all methods.

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