Glitch utopia

Chapter 49 Members

"What are leeks?"

AA asked curiously. Obviously, she had never heard of this kind of plant that can still grow quickly after being cut.

"We are leeks, and leeks are us. Do all the children produced in this so-called fertility factory owe money to the company?" Jack Sun continued to ask.

AA nodded, "Yes, they will list the cost of childbearing and education as a bill, and send it to our system on the day of our 16-year-old adult ceremony."

"We people have to work hard to make money and pay off all the bills before we can be free."

Speaking of this, AA's eyes showed a trace of fear, and the work in his hands stopped.

"If...if we are overdue for more than 6 months, then the fertility factory will send people to collect our organs one by one and mortgage them, and then return them to us when we have money."

"It's useless to go to the BCPD for this kind of thing, because according to the contract, our bodies do not belong to us, they are the property of the fertility factory."

"Contract? Who is contracting with whom? Is it a contract with fertilized eggs?" Tapai asked in surprise.

AA lowered his head and looked at his flat belly, "They have already taken away one of my kidneys and half of my stomach... I don't know what they will take away from me next time... .”

"Fuck you!" Jack Sun's face was full of disgust. He forced others to be born, and forced others to pay off their debts. He also used the debts to force these people to work as social animals for major companies. Who the hell thought of such a beastly method? .

"No, I really can't figure it out. What do they want organs for? Don't they all have prosthetic limbs now?"

"I don't know." AA shook his head, "Maybe it's for eating. I heard that the top celebrity restaurants on the Internet all sell human cuisine, and they are membership-only."

"...Cannibalism?" Jack Sun was speechless. In the past, he thought that capital would eat people as a metaphor, but he didn't expect it to be true.

But when I think about it carefully, I feel that there is nothing wrong. This city is eating people all the time, but now it is in a direct way.

Now Jack Sun suddenly felt that the Ke family food last night was not so hard to swallow.

"But it's okay now. I have a reward of 3 @!" The familiar smile appeared on AA's face again. "It can help me survive for a while."

Jack Sun looked at the girl in front of him with some distress. Even if life was so tortured, she always faced it with a smile like a sunflower.

If she had lived in her own time, she would have definitely had a very beautiful and happy life, instead of living an ignoble existence like she does now.

Jack Sun was still sighing, but AA had already focused all his attention on modifying the prosthetic limb.

"By the way, Jack, how do you plan to activate the cannonball ejection device and the arm blade?" AA sent Jack Sun various designs for him to choose from.

"Whatever, as long as you can guarantee that you will never be hacked."

"Okay, then I will remove the networking module directly." As the AA was quickly disassembled, a prompt popped up directly on Sun Jack's nervous system UI, "Prosthesis 1 has been disconnected."

If a combat prosthetic body wants to upgrade the system and change the firmware, it does require professional skills, but if you want to change something from the cyberpunk world into a steampunk product, it is really not that difficult for AA, a talented student.

It didn't take long for AA to be done. When Jack Sun put the new arm back on, he found that there was no difference except that his system did not display the number of shells.

"Jack, not only is there no display of the number of shells, but there is also no sight assist, system self-check, and fault reports." AA reminded kindly.

"I only shoot at medium and close ranges, so I don't need the auxiliary aiming. As for troubleshooting and other things, I still have you." Jack Sun reached out and patted her head gently.

AA suddenly smiled happily, showing her little tiger teeth.

"The triggering method is on the inside of your little finger and ring finger. You can trigger it by pressing with your thumb. Jack, please try it first. If there is any problem, we will debug it."

After a lot of fussing with AA, Sun Jack's prosthetic arm was modified, and he no longer has to worry about bullshit hackers for future use.

"By the way, can you modify the prosthetic eye?"

"Prosthetic eyes?" AA looked into Sun Jack's eyes with a trace of embarrassment on his face. "Sorry, I'm not sure. I'll check the information online before I get back to you."

Jack Sun was not disappointed. He was able to modify the prosthetic limbs, and the other party's abilities exceeded his expectations.

Forget it if you can't change it. Modification is to prevent hackers, but your enemies can't all be hackers, so you can't put the cart before the horse.

"What are you going to do in the future?" Jack Sun asked.

AA shook his head, "I don't know. Let's take it one step at a time. I used to look for a job in the north of the city, which is close to my home. I'll try to go to the south of the city to see what jobs are there."

That being said, Sun Jack knows that jobs are not that easy to find. If there are no other special circumstances, UU Reading Then AA will return to the previous situation before long.

Jack Sun looked at her thoughtfully, making AA think there was something dirty on his face.

"Are you really willing to be a mercenary? If you are really willing, then I can lead you."

Although King Kong can handle this kind of repair and modification work, Sun Jack can't trust that profiteer. If he can cheat Song Liu, won't he cheat himself? It's best to do this kind of thing yourself.

And in this way, AA can also have a job. Although this job is not very good, it is still better than having his organs removed.

"I do! I do! I also want to make a lot of money like you! In that case, I only need to do it a few more times, and I can completely regain my freedom!" AA's head nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Jack Sun had just asked her to think carefully about the dangers of being a mercenary, but he took it back when he spoke. It's not dangerous in this poor place.

Moreover, AA is a local, so she definitely knows some things better than herself.

"Okay, then you go back and clean up first. When I find a job, I will tell you to make a lot of money together."

AA nodded vigorously, stuffed various tools into his backpack, and walked towards the door.

After walking a few steps, AA happily opened his hands and hugged Jack Sun hard, "From now on, I will mess with you, boss!!"

"What's the name? Where did you learn it?"

"Mercenary movies, that's what I heard in them all!" After AA said that, he turned and left Sun Jack's apartment.

"Are you really going to take her with you?" The silent Tapai finally spoke.


"Her sexual fetishes are not on the same page as yours, so no matter how much you help her, it will be in vain."

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