Glitch utopia

Chapter 436: Ta Pai

"Oh my god, you actually have friends? How did you meet them? Boyfriend or girlfriend?" Sun Jieke looked at Tapai in front of him in surprise.

"We met online. The online world is actually very interesting. I have seen a lot on the Internet. It's a pity that you, an old antique, have never played much."

"You are the fucking old antique. Although my memory comes and goes, my memory may be false. If that's the case, then I am a genuine metropolitan person."

Sun Jieke subconsciously reached out to touch the inside of his windbreaker and found a pack of unopened cigarettes that had been placed there in advance.

After taking out two cigarettes and lighting them, Sun Jieke looked at Tapai in front of him, "Then your friend is quite capable. He can locate me in such a harsh environment and even break through the barrier of PPF Group."

After hearing this, Tapai looked at Sun Jieke, "Do you believe me?"

This question made Sun Jieke stunned. Tapai had never said such words to him in the past. Tapai in front of him became a little strange.

Reaching out and patting the other person's hard body, Sun Jieke said: "What nonsense are you talking about? You have risked your life to save me so many times, of course I believe you."

"If you trust me, don't ask. I know you want to know about my circle of friends, but one of the conditions for his help is absolute privacy. There are some things that I don't want to lie to you. I said I would help you, then I will definitely help you. As for how to help you, don't worry about it."

Sun Jieke sighed and reached out and patted him on the shoulder. "Why am I asking him? I don't know him. I'm asking you, what's wrong with you? Why are you a little different from the past? Now you don't even send that broken emoji?"

Ta Pai sat next to him, and Sun Jieke actually saw a trace of confusion in his metal demeanor.

"I haven't changed, I'm just a little tired. I used to follow your request and keep thinking about what a human is, and I've been learning and imitating, but I never learned it. But your human reference data is always changing."

"I feel like I've learned something and nothing."

"Don't learn if you're tired."

"Recently I suddenly don't want to think about it, because I have more important things to do now and don't have time to calculate these."

"What is it?"

"Save you."

Sun Jieke took a breath and exhaled, looking at the somewhat different Ta Pai in front of him and finally nodded. "Okay! Then I won't ask, I have only one condition, don't hurt yourself to help me, you can do whatever you want at other times, as long as you are Ta Pai, this is my last order as the master."

Unconsciously, the rain outside the window was getting heavier, and the neon-shining metropolis in the distance appeared again in the skyline.

Ta Pai, whose half face was illuminated by the neon and the color kept changing, finally nodded. "Okay, I promise you."

Hearing this, Sun Jack smiled, clenched his fist and punched the armor plate on his chest twice, "Why are you so serious? Be happy."


Just as the two were talking seriously, the poet on the side suddenly raised an index finger and said with shining eyes: "Ah! I have inspiration again!"

"Shut up!!"

"Shut up!!"

Sun Jack and Ta Pai said at the same time.

Just then, the spacecraft slowly landed on the apron of the medical center. As the hatch opened, Sun Jack came to the rain and took a deep breath.

He said with great emotion: "I'm back to the metropolis I'm familiar with. I never thought that I would miss this broken place one day."

Tapai followed him out, "Don't be sentimental, Prince, your work is not over yet, FFP's raccoon cat is still occupying your position. (д)"

"Damn." Upon hearing this, Sun Jack's good mood suddenly turned bad. He jumped directly on Tapai's back, "Let's go! Go home and kill that fake!"

The blue tail flame sprayed from Tapai's thrusters, and with the rapid evaporation of rain, Tapai carried him and flew out quickly.

The poet who was still thinking about inspiration stared at their backs as they left and suddenly woke up. He quickly ran into the rain and shouted: "Hey! You all left, where should I go? There is still one person here! Hey!!"

Flying over the entire metropolis, Sun Jack looked down and saw that the entire metropolis was being rebuilt, construction site robots were everywhere, and drones carrying bricks flew up and down.

As we came to the Statue Street, we found that this was even more the case. Even the statue of the Buddha had been rebuilt. Not only that, but the entire Buddha was also coated with a layer of gold.

This gold looked extremely dazzling and sacred under the spotlights around.

"Fuck, which SB is so rich, with so much money that he has nowhere to spend it, and he actually does this kind of shit." Sun Jack was fascinated by this feudalism.

"Don't say that. If you encounter something that you can't do, sometimes people still need spiritual sustenance."

Sun Jack was about to retort when he saw the Utopia Security Building next to him, which had been destroyed but rebuilt, and it looked more imposing and magnificent than the previous building.

The next second, Sun Jack saw a Sun Jack in a suit and leather shoes getting off a luxury hovercraft, accompanied by Linda Linda and Abei, and walking towards the gate of the building. "Fuck!"

As Sun Jack slapped Tappai's back hard, the altitude dropped rapidly. Just before Sun Jack was about to enter the gate, Sun Jack and Tappai almost fell directly in front of them.

Helping the mercenaries in the company hall, they rushed out one after another, aiming their guns and cannons at the enemy, and the automatic defense system at the company's door was instantly activated.

However, when they saw the person clearly, everyone was confused for a moment. Why was it still Sun Jack?

"Which clone are you? Why didn't you access the Sun Jack network?" Sun Jack in a suit made an intranet application to the other party with a bit of confusion on his face.

"Don't fucking pretend! You fake! I'm the real one, you're just a fake!" As the intranet application was made, Sun Jack's voice rang in the minds of every Sun Jack clone.

Not long after, all kinds of Sun Jacks flew into the air above the metropolis and quickly gathered towards the Puxi District. Looking at the sky full of Sun Jacks, everyone in the metropolis knew that something big had happened.

One by one, Sun Jacks landed, almost filling up the entire Statue Street, and even the golden Buddha was full of Sun Jacks. Staring at the scene in front of them, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

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