Glitch utopia

Chapter 39 Hackers

Looking at the pregnant woman in front of her who was talking nonsense, and the prosthetic limb in her hand that was constantly waving out of excitement.

Jack Sun tried to use words to calm the other person down, but it had no effect.

On the contrary, because of Sun Jack's words, the other party's attention was diverted from himself to Sun Jack.

The woman stared directly at Jack Sun. "You...your body looks good. Maybe I was a boy in the past? Right! No! This body is mine! I was originally a boy!"

"Why do you use my body! Give me your body back!" After the woman said that, she immediately rushed towards Jack Sun with a ferocious expression.

Jack Sun took out the combat potion and thrust it into his neck, then quickly rolled to the side to avoid it.

He reached to his waist, took out a grenade, pulled the tab and threw it in the direction of the woman.

There was a loud "boom", and Jack Sun, who was lying on the ground, was thrown away.

When he stood up again, he saw the woman walking out of the thick smoke. Her clothes were blown to pieces.

With a silver modified skin and four mantis scythes, she looked more like a monster than a human at this moment.

Just when the woman opened her mouth and roared towards Sun Jack, a roar sounded.

An SUV rushed over at an extremely fast speed, slammed into the woman, and knocked her out.

The car door opened, and Song Liu, who was smoking a cigarette, got a pair of sunglasses from somewhere and walked out of it very pretentiously, but was pushed and staggered by Tapai from behind. "Come on, what's the ink stain on?"

When he saw Father Tapai and Si Ai arriving, Sun Jack breathed a sigh of relief. "Why did you come here? Didn't you send your location?"

"Damn it, your system has been hacked, how can we locate it?" Si'ai, holding a sniper rifle in his hand, looked at the woman getting up from the ground in the distance.

"Be careful, this guy is very skilled at hacking. Any mechanical equipment that comes close to her will be hacked." Jack Sun reminded the other companions.

"Don't be afraid, my system's firewall is very expensive." Si Ai reached out and pressed lightly on his left eyeball. The eyeball quickly rolled into his eyelid, revealing a triangular socket.

Then she pulled off a wrist-thick data cable from the direction of the gun and inserted it directly into her left eye socket. "A cybermaniac actually still has a clear mind to invade the system? It's strange."

As soon as Si Ai finished speaking, he raised his hand and shot the woman. The woman was staggered and a hole was opened in her silver skin.

At this time, the priest also walked towards the woman silently, still holding the shotgun in his hand.

"The poor monk is here, don't worry, leave all cyberspace matters to me!" King Kong's voice rang in everyone's ears.

Sun Jack looked at Song Liu who was smoking beside him, "Why don't you do something?"

Song Lu glanced at Sun Jack, with a hint of helplessness on his face. Finally, with his fingers holding the cigarette, he waved it left and right. "come on, come on, come on!"

"Damn, you're a coward."

Jack Sun rushed over with the tower faction. Soon, under so much firepower, the woman couldn't withstand it no matter how strong her defense was.

Large pieces of silver skin fell off, revealing the electronic components and dense circuits inside.

But just when Sun Jack thought everything was over, malfunction noise flashed in front of his eyes, accompanied by a harsh rustling sound. Sun Jack wanted to take off his prosthetic eye.

Not only Jack Sun, but also everyone else's systems were hacked. Even Si Ai, who said firewalls were expensive, was also the same, but it was not as painful as them.

"King Kong! Do something!" Jack Sun yelled.

"It will be ready soon, it will be ready soon! Anti-cracking is loading! Amitabha, Buddha bless you, no bugs, no bugs!"

And just when everyone temporarily lost their fighting power, Tower Pai, who had no reaction, walked over and punched the scarred cyberpsycho.

"Hackers, right? Viruses, right? Trojans, right?"

No matter what hacking methods the other party uses, for a robot from the ancient times, it's just a fool's errand. Even the network protocols are from thousands of years ago and are of no use to him at all.

Under the physical attack of the tower faction, the cyberpsycho finally fell to the ground, and everything was finally settled.

Everyone who had recovered gathered around and looked at the woman who fell in the heavy rain.

"Haha! Nice!, with our joint efforts, this time the task has come to a successful conclusion!" Song 6PUS came over happily with an e-cigarette in his mouth.

"What's wrong with you?" Tapai looked at him with disdain.

Song 6PUS seems very thick-skinned and has no shame at all. "I said it was useless for me to come. You forced me to come."

Jack Sun was too lazy to pay attention to him, turned to Si Ai and asked, "Where's AA?" Are you okay? "

"What could be wrong? It's just that the stomach was opened, and no organs were lost. I gave her emergency treatment."

Hearing this, UU Reading Sun Jack breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he introduced this job to AA. If the other party lost his life because of this, he would really feel sorry for him.

"Although there were some twists and turns, the commission was successfully completed. Amitabha, Buddha bless me."

Looking at the baby lying in the amniotic fluid, Jack Sun quickly knelt down on one knee, thinking about how to rescue the child.

At this moment, I saw Song 6PUS taking out a chip and inserting it into the slot behind the woman's ear.

"She's like this, why do you still want to insert the chip?" Jack Sun asked.

"That's why we need to insert the retrieval chip. We must have King Kong's nervous system preserved as soon as possible before the human body's bioelectricity disappears. Bro, this is all evidence that we are getting paid." Song 6PUS completed the commission He seemed happier than Jack Sun.

However, before they were happy for long, everyone heard King Kong's very surprised voice in the team channel. "Jack Donor, are you sure your prosthetic body was hacked just now?"

"Of course, do I need to lie to you about this kind of thing? I wasn't the only one whose system was hacked just now. What happened?" Sun Jack asked King Kong this very strange question.

"But the poor monk did not find any hacking chips or equipment in the female donor's system."

"Are you sure? Is it possible that she did it in other ways? For example, through the Internet or something."

"Amitabha, this is impossible. This female donor has no built-in heat dissipation, and your system is not bare metal. It has temporary ICE protection. If you just hack in like this, her brain will have been burned into a ball of paste." unless....."

"Unless what?"

"Unless it's not this woman who hacked into your system,"

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