Glitch utopia

Chapter 376 Split

Sun Jieke watched the distant Tapai acting according to his plan, and then glanced at Guan Sanke, whose expression was very ugly.

The uglier Guan Sanke's expression was. The more joyful Sun Jieke felt in his heart, it was indeed like this. If you want to defeat the enemy, you have to think of countermeasures from the enemy's perspective!

Even if he has a hundred times or a thousand times more money than himself, it does not mean that this guy is invincible. He has been tied up by this drama. As long as you hit the snake at its weakest point, this guy is particularly easy to deal with.

Seeing that the situation was almost over, Sun Jieke hurriedly shouted: "QD!! What are you doing! Don't let us all go! Do you really want to cause an intelligent machine crisis?! If you really provoke Class 3, all of us will die!!"

As soon as Sun Jieke said this, he directly put Guan Sanke there, and it was neither good to let him go nor not to let him go.

"Damn, has this guy awakened again?" Guan Sanke actually began to have some doubts in his heart.

But seeing that the behavior of the distant Tapai was getting weirder and weirder, and the computing power was overloaded crazily, Guan Sanke did not dare to gamble.

Even if Sun Jieke awakens again, at most he can find an opportunity to catch him back and brainwash him again. But if Ta Pai really has an omnic crisis in front of all the audience, the whole show will probably be blacklisted.

"Don't get excited! They are all yours! I didn't say they are not yours! Sun Jieke has returned them to you! They are all yours!"

Guan Sanke quickly raised his hands and carefully pushed Sun Jieke and Xiaoting to the out-of-control Ta Pai, trying to stabilize the other party first.

However, just when Guan Sanke was highly tense and focused all his attention on the out-of-control Ta Pai, Sun Jieke suddenly took action.

He shook his body, turned quickly, and immediately reached out to grab the folder in Guan Sanke's hand.

Guan Sanke reacted instantly and quickly retracted his palm back, away from Sun Jieke's touch.

Seeing that the folder was getting farther and farther away from Sun Jieke, Xiaoting, who was standing beside him, pressed lightly on her neck, and all kinds of memory fragments suddenly spurted out from behind.

With a strong momentum, she hit Sun Jieke's back straight, and Sun Jieke, who was speeding up suddenly, caught up with Guan Sanke's huge fist in an instant.

Five meters! Three meters! Two meters! One meter!! As Sun Jieke's fingers touched the folder, data instantly flooded into his brain like a tide.

"Got it! Retreat!!"

Hearing Sun Jieke's words, Xiaoting, who was spewing all kinds of memory fragments behind her, quickly turned and moved away from Guan Sanke.

Seeing that the task was completed, Ta Pai also stopped his exaggerated performance and quickly approached the two people.

"What? It turned out to be acting?"

"It's boring, I want to see a river of blood!!"

"Fortunately it was pretended. If it was real, this drama would be cut short."

The Holy Grail saw that Ta Pai was acting, and he was immediately bored, and the barrage on the screen was directly reduced by more than half.

At this moment, Guan Sanke, who found himself deceived, was completely furious. With his face flushed, he roared and quickly chased after the three people. "How dare you play tricks on me!?"

Sun Jack frantically clicked to exit the game, but it was still useless. Feeling the trembling sound behind him getting closer and closer, his mind turned quickly.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it next." The digital personality suddenly said.

"No! You can't be exposed!" Sun Jack hurriedly stopped him.

"I won't be exposed. It's someone else who did it." The next second after the digital personality took action, with a "pop", Sun Jack's eyes suddenly went black, and then bright again.

The world began to collapse between the black and the bright, and all the wardrobes around turned into colorful blocks overlapping each other.

It's not just a simple collapse. Sun Jack once again felt his nervous system! The opponent's shield is about to break! The opponent's authority is not the highest!

Just when Sun Jack was overjoyed and ready to exit the game, the sky above his head suddenly darkened.

"Sun! Jack! Ke!!"

As he looked up, he saw Guan Sanke's huge sole stomping down on him fiercely.

At this moment, Sun Jack's body began to split, one into two, two into four.

When Guan Sanke stomped down with anger, he found that there was no sound of blood and flesh under his feet, and he was forced to lift up slowly.

When he looked down at his feet, he was shocked to see the densely packed Sun Jacks resisting his stomping with his shoulders.

"Want to kill me? It's not that easy!!"

As more and more Sun Jacks piled up and split, they finally formed a constantly wriggling meat mountain.

As Sun Jacks activated the cloning technology, in this virtual world, the consciousness of various Sun Jacks began to overlap and merge, and finally formed a Sun Jack who was three times bigger than Guan Sanke.

Sun Jieke looked down at Guan Sanke, who was staring at him with wide eyes. In this virtual world, he was like a mountain. He gritted his teeth, raised his right foot suddenly, and stepped hard on his mind with all the frustrations he had felt during this time.


Just as Sun Jieke raised his foot and stepped on Guan Sanke, there was a snap, and the surroundings instantly became dark.

Just when Sun Jieke was about to raise his foot to see if Guan Sanke was dead, his kneecap hit the game cabin hard, and he grimaced in pain and quickly blocked the pain.

It only took a second for Sun Jack to react and come out on his own.

When Jack Sun checked out all the technical data in his system, he was immediately ecstatic. His goal was achieved! This technology that Guan Sanji was extremely afraid of was finally obtained by him! !

Jack Sun quickly switched his prosthetic eyes to night vision mode and climbed out of the game cabin. "Tappai?! Towerpai!!"

But fortunately, nothing happened to Tapai. At this moment, he climbed out of the game cabin and looked around. "Is this... a power outage?"

Jack Sun came to him and stretched out his hand to pull it up. "It looks like there is indeed a power outage. Such a big company doesn't even have a backup power supply -" Just as he was halfway through his words, everything around him started to light up again. got up.

"Boss! Can you hear me? I have followed your previous instructions and cannot contact you. I will forcefully cut off the power immediately! Can you hear me? Do you want to cut off the power again?" The voices of the AAs were heard in Sun Jack's ears. The edge sounded.

"What was my previous order?" Jack Sun immediately realized that this was probably the digital personality's countermeasure.

As long as you take on everything he does, there will be no flaws.

But what Jack Sun didn't expect was that in order to avoid being discovered this time, the other party did not use his proficient hacking skills, but directly asked AA to physically cut off the power with an extremely rough move.

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