Glitch utopia

Chapter 365: Acquaintance

Jack Sun closed and opened his eyes. When he woke up instantly, he found himself lying naked in a warm water bag. Before he could understand what was going on, the entire water bag burst open instantly and he fell straight down. Go to the conveyor belt below.

On both sides of the conveyor belt are various fast-moving mechanical arms. They are like modified cars, quickly cutting off the flesh and blood of all Sun Jacks on the conveyor belt and replacing them with brand new prosthetic bodies.

When Jack Sun saw his left eye being gouged out and a prosthetic eye glowing with purple light forced into it, he instantly understood that he was not his original body, but just a cloned copy.

Jack Sun held his brand-new combat prosthetic body and said with self-mockery, "This month is January, so it's time to change into new clothes for the New Year."

The spray gun next to him stretched out and quickly sprayed some kind of granular thing on Sun Jack's body. After a while, these particles quickly merged and turned into a new piece of clothing. Then a number popped up on his system. Personality tips.

"Reporting to Summit Technology, position: Project N4 researcher."

At this moment, Jack Sun felt a hand tap on his shoulder, "Brother, what's your position?"

Sun Jack glanced at the other person and found that the other person was Sun Jack who was wearing exactly the same clothes as himself. The only difference was that he did not have any prosthetics modified on his body.

"Researcher N4 of the Summit Technology DNA Project is supposed to be used to infiltrate Summit Technology. What about you?"

The other party shrugged indifferently, "I am one more word than you, researcher. Since we are both going to Summit Technology, how about we go together?"

"Okay, let's go together." Jack Sun took the other person on the flying car as a gift.

Jack Sun was not idle in the car either. He opened his own system port and quickly received all the information about the DNA of his digital personality.

He had been a little surprised before as to why he, as Jack Sun, had to install a nervous system in his head. Only when all kinds of data were inputted uncontrollably did he understand everything.

If you don’t want to be fooled by people from Summit Technology, then you must have knowledgeable people on your side.

Since I am no longer my true self, I must change my mentality as soon as possible and complete my work wholeheartedly.

Jack Sun understands the importance of the DNA project team, not only to prevent the stock from falling, but more importantly, to strengthen his ability to strengthen DNA.

Any new technology developed can be seamlessly integrated into their bodies. This is very important.

And if this research and development team removes the genetic lock left in their bodies by Guan Sanji, they will make a lot of money.

Just when Jack Sun was concentrating on sorting out all kinds of knowledge that appeared in his brain. His own voice came from next to him.

"Strange, isn't this Xiao Ting?"

Hearing this, everyone in the floating car, Jack Sun, immediately stopped what they were doing and looked outside.

Through the thick glass, they saw Xiao Ting's floating car smoking, and it was scuttling between the buildings in an awkward manner, trying to get rid of the pursuers behind it.

However, this is not an easy task. The BCPD aerial vehicle with blue warning lights flashing behind it is clinging to it, firing shells crazily, various large and small combat drones and a group of buzzing drones. People were surrounding her like flies, and from time to time other BCPD members would join in. The situation looked very pessimistic.

"What kind of trouble has Xiao Ting gotten into?" A group of Sun Jacks watched the excitement without hesitation.

To be honest, I really don't have any need to help here. I and the other party have cheated each other several times. They are acquaintances and more like enemies. Now it's a big honor not to add insult to injury.

When Jack Sun and others saw Xiao Ting, Xiao Ting also saw them. Almost at that moment, without any hesitation, he walked straight towards the floating car on their side with a bunch of trouble behind him. Rushed over.

"Holy shit!!" Seeing all the rockets and artillery shells coming from behind, Jack and the others were instantly frightened and covered in cold sweat.

"Jump off the ship! This floating vehicle doesn't even have an automatic cannon, and it's not fast enough! It's just a delivery person!!"

The Sun Jacks who had prosthetic bodies opened various combat prostheses and broke open windows and doors. The Sun Jacks who had not modified their prosthetic bodies jumped off the ship one after another to escape.

Just as they came out, as Xiao Ting passed under the float vehicle, two rockets shot directly into the cargo ship, bursting into a cloud of sparks in the rain.

Seeing this scene, Sun Jack and the others were thankful that they all came out. If they had been just a few seconds late, all of them would have died.

But before Sun Jack and the others could breathe a sigh of relief, they saw Xiao Ting's floating vehicle make a quick turn and rush straight towards them.

Suddenly, all Jack Sun began to swear at each other. It was obvious that she had attached themselves to Jack Sun and the others because of their previous grudges.

It seemed that he would not give up until this trouble was brought upon them.

"Disperse the formation!" All Sun Jack dispersed, trying to minimize the damage as much as possible.

But even if it is reduced to the lowest level, there is still a prosthetic Sun Jack who is carrying a non-prosthetic Sun Jack and is stuck to Xiao Ting. The performance of the propeller behind it is obviously not as good as Xiao Ting's floating car, and the distance between the two is getting bigger and bigger. close.

Sun Jack was unable to dodge, and a laser shot past him, passing through his armpit. He was fine, but the body of the experimental subject Sun Jack on his back gradually softened.

This laser beam directly penetrated Sun Jack, who had no prosthetic modification, and shot his heart directly.

Even if his recovery ability was strong, he was helpless in the face of such a fatal situation. He only saw him staggeringly stretching out his right hand and pointing a middle finger to the back, and there was no life.

The experimental project has not been restarted yet, and a Sun Jack was lost because of an unexpected situation.

Seeing this scene, Sun Jack was instantly furious. He did not hide immediately, and threw the body in his hand to the ground, and rushed back to Xiaoting's airship without hesitation.

Just when the two intersected, Sun Jack quickly adjusted the direction of the thruster, slashed to the left, and avoided the oncoming bow.

The harsh friction sound continued to sound, and Sun Jack's mechanical arm left a long scratch on the airship.

With a "bang", the sound of nails rubbing against the blackboard disappeared, and Sun Jack's hand firmly grasped the edge of the window of the hovercraft.

"Fuck! You dare to kill me! Today we are going to fight!" A laser shot out from Sun Jack's collarbone and quickly began to cut the surface of the hovercraft.

As if she noticed what Sun Jack was doing outside, Xiao Ting immediately started to act, and Sun Jack's system interface kept sending error reminders and virus warnings.

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