Glitch utopia

Chapter 362 New Development

Sun Jack was frowning at this moment, thinking about what the other party had just said. He just wanted two space carriers, but he didn't expect to encounter such trouble.

"What did you just say? All weapons companies are conducting research and development of DNA programming?"

"Of course! I don't know who shared the DNA technology! Now all the weapons companies have changed their tracks and are crazy about involution!" After finishing speaking, No. 13 directly sent a video to Sun Jack's system. .

When Jack Sun opened the car, he saw three black people singing rap and hip-hop dancing. Their skin color gradually turned white, and their curly hair quickly became softer.

"Do you see, this is an entertainment company, they are already hyping up a new concept!!"

"Don't be so ridiculous. Could such a big company collapse just because it stopped one project? Are you kidding me?" Although what the other party said was so serious, Jack Sun was not scared.

It takes at least several years for a new technology to go from research to mass production.

No. 13 looked at Jack Sun, with a hint of irritation on his face. "Gaofeng Technology is different from your mercenary company! It is a listed company! Do you think Gaofeng Technology's most profitable business is selling combat prosthetics and war machines? Wrong! It's stocks!"

"It's because of your ban on DNA project experiments! Investors have no confidence in the future of Gaofeng Technology. The current share price of Gaofeng Technology has been falling! In just half a month, it has already fallen by 3 space carriers. !”

"Ah~" Tapai on the side covered his chest and made a heartbroken expression.

At this moment, Jack Sun's eyes suddenly widened. He did not expect that just stopping a research and development project of Summit Technology could cause so many chain reactions.

He didn't expect this. If the expectations of investors were added to the equation, there would be many variables, and it might be really troublesome for the current Gaofeng Technology.

Seeing that Jack Sun had realized the seriousness of the matter, No. 13 controlled the robot sitting next to him and installed his head on it.

As he stood up, all the senior executives of Summit Technology behind him also stood up and stood in front of Jack Sun in a fan shape.

"I know you are the largest shareholder of Gaofeng Technology, but that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want."

"Gaofeng Technology is a company, and everything it does must comply with market regulations! The research and development of DNA programming technology must be restarted!"

"Oh? What if I don't agree?" Jack Sun stood up directly and glared at the other party. The atmosphere in the conference room instantly became tense.

"Don't forget, I am the boss of this company. If I hadn't taken action before, Gaofeng Technology would have been divided up by other companies!"

"If I say no, I can't! Anti-human things like DNA experiments must stop!"

After hearing what Jack Sun said, No. 13 finally understood why Jack Sun banned it.

"You, a layman, are not qualified to manage a company at all!"

"I'll say it again, if it doesn't work, it won't work! If you want it, just spend money to buy back all the shares in my hand!" Jack Sun said with a cold face, stood up and left.

"What should I do? The birthday gift is gone. How are you going to explain it to AA when you go back?"

At this moment, Jack Sun, who was sitting on the floating shuttle, frowned, thinking about the reaction of the entire top management of Summit Technology.

He was not thinking about the attitudes of those people, but he felt something strange about the whole thing.

"No, something is wrong." Jack Sun told Tapai through the encrypted channel of his digital personality.

"What's wrong?"

"DNA programming technology is expanding a little too fast. I don't think this is normal."

"Isn't new technology bad? Of course everyone wants to occupy the track in advance."

"That's not right. There is a lack of resistance, and there is a lack of resistance from old capital to old capital. The guys with high mechanical prosthetics are as dead as if they were facing the new capital that threatens them. If the new technology is really fully rolled out, it will be equivalent to The fate of all prosthetic companies."

"If my guess is correct, this matter can go so smoothly only because it is the plot of revolutionary Sun Jack." Sun Jack expressed his guess.

"What does it have to do with him?" Tower Pai connected to the floating shuttle and kept shuttling over the metropolis.

"Of course it does matter. If you think about it, the purpose of "Revolutionary Sun Jack" is not only to make money, but also to weaken the Holy Grail people's resistance to new technologies. It is used to compete with the old capital behind X."

"If the two are connected, then No. 13's reaction this time will look much more normal."

As Jack Sun spoke, he stood up directly. "No, I want to go back and take a look. I want to see if the whole thing is what I thought."

As he spoke, Jack Sun's body gradually became transparent and disappeared into the floating shuttle.

Ten minutes later, Jack Sun came to the door of the Summit Technology Building again, activated his mimicry disguise and walked inside with Tower Pai in the same mimicry disguise.

The security of Gaofeng Technology Company has various detection equipment, but Jack Sun, as the owner of the largest share of Gaofeng Technology, has the highest authority. All detection equipment is directly selectively blinded, and all elevator access control is directly and unconditionally released.

When Jack Sun arrived on the third floor, he could clearly feel that the atmosphere on every floor, no matter what department, was obviously not quite right. Everyone was worried, and many people even cut out stocks from time to time to take a look.

Seeing a middle-aged man with tattoos on his face and a big belly, riding a balance bike anxiously towards the office on the left, Sun Jieke quickly followed.

When Sun Jieke followed him into the office, he saw a woman with transparent legs nibbling the butt of a pistol with her mouth full of sharp teeth.

"Boss, I heard that No. 1 just came?" The fat man asked the woman sitting at the back of the office with a nervous expression.

"Well, I'm here, but judging from my boss's expression, he still doesn't agree to lift the ban on the No. 31 research project."

"How could this happen? Didn't the boss tell him that if the stock continues to fall like this, as long as it falls to the critical point, the entire stock price will be worthless?"

"Why didn't they say that? The company's management channel is scolding him like crazy, but others just don't agree. What can you do? Damn, this guy is a mercenary, he knows nothing about managing a company! Fuck him!"

The fat man's body shook when he heard the news, and cold sweat kept coming out of his head. "It really can't fall anymore. I'm leveraged! Why is he doing that?"

"The boss didn't say it, but I got some news from the marketing department. It seems that No. 1 thinks that the No. 31 R\u0026D project department is inhumane."

"Inhumane?" The fat man repeated with an unbelievable expression, "But we pay."

"Who said it's not?" The bald woman said very agreeably.

"He thinks the test subjects are human beings, but are our employees at Peak Technology not human beings? If things keep going down like this, everyone in the company will be selling themselves on the street!"

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