Glitch utopia

Chapter 355 Exchange

"So is this the conflict between Guan Sanji and X?"

In the past, Jack Sun only knew that Guan Sanji and X were not dealing with each other, but he never found out what the conflict was between them.

Now it seems that the non-dealing between them is not just their own grievances, but the confrontation of the interest groups behind them. They are just one of many confrontations.

A mysterious corner of the Holy Grail, once shrouded in mist, opened up in front of Jacky Sun.

"Don't worry, they seemed to be positive characters for three moments." Jack Sun stretched out his hand and pushed the other person's feet away.

"Isn't it? Genetic programming technology itself is very mature. It is obviously better, cheaper, and has fewer side effects. Isn't it just you mechanical conservatives who are getting in the way?" The other party put his foot up again, proudly. He raised his eyebrows at Jack Sun.

"The emergence of any new technology will damage the old interest groups in the past. Whether it is oil lamps and electric lamps, horse-drawn carriages and cars, or cars and trams, it is the same process, but in the end they all have the same ending."

"What side are you talking about?" Jack Sun said in an extremely dissatisfied tone.

"I am not on either side. I don't care how you fight. I only care about my own interests. I only want my one and only Sun Jack."

Jack Sun glanced at her and decided to release some more false information from X. Whether it was true or false, the more confusing they were, the more chances he would have.

After quickly searching for old routines in technological iterations throughout history, he explained: "We are not old stubborns who hinder new technologies. In fact, we are also developing genetic programming technology. We are not resisting new technologies, we are just Just resist those new capitals that try to shake our monopoly position.”

"As long as our research and development progress exceeds theirs, not only will we not destroy "Revolutionary Sun Jack", we can even use our promotional tools to promote "Revolutionary Sun Jack" for free, greatly increasing everyone's acceptance of new technology. ”

"What you said is so shameless."

"You're still a Holy Grail man. As long as you can make money, what kind of shame do you have?"

During Sun Jack's conversation with Ah Zi, he got some unknown information, and he didn't know what use this information would have in the future.

But under the current disparity in strength, he could only keep this information firmly in his mind and seize any possible opportunity.

After chatting like this for more than ten minutes, they finally arrived at the outskirts of Puxi District.

The spaceship stood on a rooftop. The two people got off the spacecraft and looked at the huge statue of Buddha and Jesus on the Statue Street from a distance through the rain.

"There are cameras all around Sun Jack now. Is there anything you can do?" Sun Jack asked Ah Zi while sharing information with the other side so that they could prepare their clones.

Azi on the side gave Sun Jack a strange look. "Isn't this your plan? What are you asking me to do?"

"Of course I have my plan, but do you just want to take the benefits and not work?" Jack Sun turned to look at her.

Ah Zi thought for a while and then said: "Let's do this. I can create a chaos. I don't care how you take advantage of the chaos. I only want my people."

"Chaos? How much chaos is there?" As soon as Sun Jack asked this question, various noises came from the streets below, and a red sports car on the road rushed straight into the crowd.

Soon, various skull images continued to occupy all three-dimensional advertisements, various screens, and even human pupils. Everything with skull images began to become angry and began to explode. After a while, , the power supply system in the entire region also began to become unstable.

"Electronic virus!! Cut off the Internet immediately! The electronic plague is coming!!" There were constant shouts and screams in the streets.

"Electronic plague?" Jack Sun muttered to himself as he looked at the spreading virtual skulls.

The other party didn't seem to intend to offend Guan Sanji, even if the help came in secret.

At this moment, a group of graffiti gang floats flew through the sky, shouting as if they wanted to do something with the chaos.

"It's become such a mess, are you going to do anything or not?" Azi asked.

"Don't worry, we're already working on it. I've changed it. Remember to pick it up." After Jack Sun said this, his body quickly disappeared and flew towards the Statue Street in the distance.

"Record all the information about this woman's contact with me." Jack Sun asked the digital personality.

"What do you want? I need details."

"What else can we do? This way we have a card in our hands that we can play at critical moments to cause trouble for Guan Sanji! This bastard will prevent this bastard from causing trouble for us all day long."

As he quickly approached, Sun Jack had already seen that his clone had come outside and was gathering mercenaries.

"Are you really going to send me there? The original body?" The clone that replaced Sun Jack passed the level and the digital personality was connected to Sun Jack.

"Why not? After we go up, we will have an informant in the Holy Grail. Remember to keep in touch with me after you go up. If you dig out any valuable information from that woman's mouth, remember to tell me as soon as possible."

"Then I'm going to suffer a lot."

"You're not afraid of death, why are you afraid of this?"

"I was prepared to die at any moment, but I never thought that one day I would be sent to be used as a sex slave by someone else."

"Stop talking nonsense and get ready! The Digital Personality Preparation Sutra may block the Holy Grail perspective!"

Under Sun Jack's order, all the more than 200 clones in Utopia Security came out at this moment.

They were all identical Sun Jacks, moving in and out of the crowd, providing Sun Jack with opportunities.

"Do it!" At the moment when Sun Jack shouted, Sun Jack's body disappeared from the Holy Grail's perspective.

At the same time, A Zi behind him also exerted his strength at this moment. With a snap, the entire Puxi District was instantly black.

In the darkness, Sun Jack's voice rang in everyone's ears.

"Network Security Department! Do your best to prevent the spread of the electronic virus! AA! Take your logistics department to ensure the company's power supply!"

This was not a big deal. After a lot of trouble, the power was finally restored.

After the BCPD hacker group arrived, the electronic virus gradually waited for me to control it.

But what no one knew was that Sun Jack had quietly changed someone at this moment.

And the previous Sun Jack clone had been taken away by A Zi.

A Zi's voice rang in Sun Jack's mind at the last moment of restoring power.

"Remember, we've never met! We've never met face to face. Even if you say we have, I won't admit it!"

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