Glitch utopia

Chapter 351 Sun Jack

Looking at the other party's actions, Sun Jack's heart could not help but hang in the air. The floor of the store was unusually smooth, but he could not guarantee that the other party would not find any traces.

The other party seemed to have discovered something and began to move, scanning and approaching him.

Just when Sun Jack saw the two of them coming towards him and was ready to fight to the death, a rainbow came in front of Sun Jack.

"I want this limited edition of Sun Jack of the God of War!" The speaker was a slender girl. Her clothes had obviously been specially modified. Any random movement would leave colorful afterimages behind her.

"Madam, please wait a moment. The God of War version of Sun Jack should be sold out in this store. Please wait a moment. I will help you adjust the sales record and return record." A female salesperson in a neat uniform flew over and served with a smile.

"No need to check, I'll take it if I say I want it, whether it's a return or something else." As the girl's temple ring changed from blue to green, she reached out and gently pressed behind Sun Jack's ear, "Let's go, follow me!"

When he saw the black hats all looking at him, but did not make any move, Sun Jack immediately got down from the cabinet and followed the girl outside.

Although he was confused now, how could he be bought by someone, he didn't care what was going on now, and got rid of the danger first.

When Sun Jack followed the girl out of the store, the two security AIs also followed.

It was not known whether it was because of the girl's existence that they did not take the next step against Sun Jack.

The girl was not in a hurry to go home, but went around to the AA peripheral store and bought an AA who was wearing a cool swimsuit like a little boy, and then sat on the round flying tool that floated down from the sky.

When Sun Jack followed the little boy AA and also sat on the flying tool, he finally got rid of the surveillance of the security AI completely.

However, Sun Jieke was not happy at all at this moment. The current situation did not seem to be much better than before.

Sun Jieke looked at the other party's back and felt a little uneasy. Why did the other party buy him? Did she see something?

The circular flying tool quickly flew over the silver city and finally stopped in front of the silver wall of a building.

As the girl stretched out her hand and lightly touched the air, the silver wall spirally opened a round hole for the flying unit to enter smoothly and opened the hatch.

It seems that this building does not even need an elevator, and it can fly in and out directly.

Behind the silver wall is an empty living room. What surprised him was that the floor of the living room was not a carpet, but a lush green grass, and the decoration of the whole room looked particularly full of color, as if he was in an animation.

The girl took off her shoes, stepped on the soft grass on the ground, and walked towards a door on the left.

Sun Jieke followed the young boy AA to a door on the right. There was a big icon of "Revolutionary Sun Jieke" hanging on the door, for fear that others would not know what this room was used for.

As soon as Sun Jack entered, he saw neatly arranged figures on the shelves, including not only the main supporting characters.

Even the dead King Kong Roadman was also available, they were like sculptures, with various POSS, standing on various round platforms.

There were not only clones here, but Sun Jack also saw his own fan animations, fan books and fan fiction on the full wall.

When Sun Jack walked over and took a look, he found that the taste was very strong.

There were Sun Jack x Tapai, Sun Jack x AA, male Tapai x female Lao 6, female Lao 6 x female Jack, and even male AAX shota Linda Linda. There was nothing he couldn't think of and nothing they couldn't do.

With a "puff", Matrix couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The absurd scene in front of her made her no longer care about being shocked.

'What the hell are you laughing at! You laugh! Do you think there is no you? "Sun Jack pointed at the matrix peripherals in the corner and said sarcastically.

"It seems that this woman is your die-hard fan, but her hobby is really weird, why are they all gender-swapped?"

"Who cares what kind of fan she is? I didn't come to the Holy Grail to play COSplay with her." Sun Jack looked for the peripherals of Tapai among various peripherals. Since they can't be bought outside, the Tapai here can also be used.

It hasn't been long since I came here, and I've been targeted. The Holy Grail is not so easy to treat. I'd better take Tapai back as soon as possible.

"Sun Jack, is that you?" A pleasant voice suddenly sounded from behind Sun Jack, making his scalp numb.

When he slowly turned around, he saw the girl with her hands behind her back, staring at him with big eyes and strong curiosity.

Sun Jack, who was numb, forced himself to remain calm and smiled at the other party. "Haha, guess. "

At this moment, he did not dare to be careless. Although the other party looked like a girl, who knows how old this guy is, and whether he was a man or a woman.

"I think you are Sun Jie Ke. I noticed you as soon as you entered the store." The girl floated over, with greed in her eyes, and kept touching every detail of Sun Jie Ke.

"I have watched your live-action drama countless times. I remember every scar and every mole on your body clearly! I will never make a mistake!" The other party became more and more excited, and at the end, she stretched out her tongue and licked Sun Jie Ke's face wildly.

"Fuck you!" Sun Jack forcefully pushed the other person away. He never thought that he would meet such an oily girl.

Looking at the girl spinning excitedly in mid-air, Sun Jack suddenly had an idea in his mind. This guy seemed to be his biggest fan, so he could take advantage of this.

"Do you like my drama?" Jack Sun asked cautiously.

"Yes!" The girl nodded repeatedly and said excitedly: "I really like your drama!! I also like your character and everything about you!"

"That's it." Sun Jack thought for a few seconds and then said: "Yes, I am Sun Jack. I came to the Holy Grail secretly to prepare a front for the revolution. Now I urgently need a Tower Pai clone to help me. To complete the revolution, as long as you help me on the eve of the revolution, how about I make you a political commissar after my revolution is successful?"

"No! I don't!" The other party refused directly without hesitation, her greedy eyes staring at Sun Jack deepened. "The real Jack Sun only belongs to me! I want to keep you by my side forever!!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the door behind her closed with a bang. At the same time, all the clones in the room from all directions turned to look at him at the same time.

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