Glitch utopia

Chapter 347 Countermeasures

"How do you learn? You can't even buy learning chips for this on the Internet, right?"

Jack Sun, who saw through AA's predicament at a glance, took the chopsticks and started eating in big bites. After returning from class 3, he drank a lot of wine and hadn't eaten for a long time.

As the fragrant beef noodles were sucked into his mouth and filled the entire mouth, Sun Jack's appetite was instantly whetted.

"AA, don't touch these, don't get into trouble with Class 3 before you learn it." Jack Sun said vaguely with noodles in his mouth.

"Oh." AA lowered her head in frustration. After a while, she raised her head and looked at Sun Jack's resolute profile.

"Boss, you must have a good relationship with Tapai, right? You must love him very much, right? You must be sad that he is like this."

After saying that, before Sun Jack could speak, the two AAs wiped away their tears and rushed directly to Sun Jack, giving him a big hug. "Big hug, it's okay, it's okay, it will pass."

"What are you thinking about, little girl, every day? It's enough to make this joke once. If you make it too many times, it won't be fun."

Jack Sun pushed the two AAs away, freed his hands and continued eating his own noodles. "How can I have so many feelings for such a broken robot?"

"Then why don't you give up?" The voice of the digital personality suddenly sounded in Sun Jack's mind.

"What did you say?" Jack Sun slowly tightened his grip on the chopsticks.

"Since this matter is so troublesome, then we should give up upgrading the tower's intelligence. Anyway, this guardian robot will not be of much use anymore and cannot help us much."

"No!" Jack Sun's suddenly raised voice startled AA.

"Why not? I am also you. I know what you were thinking just now. You want to go to Class 3 again to find a way to upgrade the tower faction, but I advise you not to do so. The trouble in Class 3 was finally solved. Now, don’t mess with them anymore.”

"Lesson 3 on the entire planet is all about sharing resources and information. We already have enough enemies, and we can't afford to create a more powerful enemy for ourselves."

"This is the Tower Clan! The Tower Clan who has saved our lives several times!"

"So what? Can you tell which of his actions are scripts from Guan Sanji and which are mandatory orders from intelligent AI? He is just a robot. We have so much money now and have the same functions like this You can buy as many robots as you want, so why spend a lot of money to repair an outdated one?”

"No! Absolutely not!" Jack Sun directly rejected the suggestion of getting rid of the digital personality again.

"Stop being so petty. Think about the purpose of us being alive now. Think about the dead Hilda, Ananda and the others. Think about what we promised them. You waste so much time and energy on a robot. You deserve it." They?"

As for the digital personality, Sun Jack stopped there and waited until the noodle soup was cold without taking another bite.

"I am also Jack Sun. I have no emotions. I am absolutely calm. My choice is your most rational choice."

Jack Sun finally moved, and he stretched out his chopsticks to scoop up the few noodles left in the noodle soup, "If we don't need emotions, we must be absolutely calm. Then why did we make all the sacrifices to find that illusory hope? We were Shouldn’t we maximize our own interests?”

This time, the digital personality was silent. After Sun Jack finished eating the noodles, he spoke again: "Maybe you are right, but priorities will not be transferred based on emotion. Dealing with Guan Sanji is more important than the Tower Pai." , Guan San is in trouble now and can’t take care of us. This is a rare opportunity that should not be wasted on this kind of thing. Moreover, Tapai is the camera of the Holy Grail. His intelligence level has dropped, which is not necessarily a bad thing. "

"Do you think it's possible? That guy put a robot next to me just for the drama of the live-action show. If it were an artificially retarded person, do you think the Holy Grail Man would buy Tower Pie peripherals?" When Jack Sun said this, his hands moved again Stopped.

"Wait, the peripherals of Tapai?"

Jack Sun's eyes suddenly lit up as he thought of something, "I have found a better choice than provoking Section 3! Let's go to the Holy Grail! Can't we just buy a peripheral robot from Tower Pie?"

As long as it is a copy of Tower Pai, its intelligence level will definitely be N5. When the time comes, copy a copy of the intelligent AI data and stuff it into Tower Pai's mind, and won't he come back?

"Holy Grail? Do you think it's better to provoke the Holy Grail than Section 3?"

"Why not? "Revolutionary Sun Jack" has not been re-released yet, which proves that Guan Sanji is probably busy dealing with sensitive topics now, and don't you want to go to the Holy Grail to see, let's mess with Guan Sanji this time Is there any trouble? If the harm is serious, then we must continue our efforts!"

After a pause for a few seconds, the digital personality said: "You can give it a try. It's best to take this opportunity to help me add new sites to the Holy Grail Network, otherwise there will be too few information acquisition points based on "Revolutionary Sun Jack". "

When he thought of this, Sun Jack immediately went ahead and started preparing a plan. For such a big man, it would definitely not be feasible for him to disappear suddenly. But fortunately, he didn't have much else, so his clones were enough.

In the morning of the next day, a clone of Jack Sun surrounded Tapai with a solemn expression and sighed. In fact, it was not a clone. If the original Jack Sun could not come back, then he would be the new Jack Sun. This scene was Keep acting.

At this moment, Sun Jack, wearing armor, has come to the sewer again alone, opened all shielding units, and slowly approached the transmission channel of the Holy Grail.

Sun Jack raised his foot to step over the traces of rat blood corrosion before, and continued to walk down. It was too easy to be discovered if he broke through the hole directly, so it was more convenient to find a computing airborne vehicle and sit on it directly.

When he came to the transportation point along the pipeline, he saw all kinds of materials being quickly loaded by unmanned airborne vehicles, flying upward along the straight up and down space in the white tower.

He took advantage of the moment when a airborne vehicle stopped beside him in camouflage and directly stuck to the bottom of the airborne vehicle.

After a short flight, the upright airborne vehicle came to the unloading point and began to fly horizontally, and Sun Jack took this opportunity to jump directly from the airborne vehicle.

Seeing the dazzling sunlight again, Sun Jack felt a familiar and unfamiliar feeling at this moment, especially when he saw the huge white moon star ring.

He was not here for sightseeing, so Sun Jack quickly adjusted his mindset and got directly onto the truck heading to the Holy Grail. With a nervous and anxious mood, he slowly approached the huge silver city in the distance.

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