Glitch utopia

Chapter 341 Memory

"What on earth is this?" Jack Sun looked at the strange metal tree in front of him with shock on his face.

No matter how you look at it, there is no way that this thing can match the so-called Archive No. 4.

Everything here is incompatible with the metropolis outside. It always feels weird. There is an indescribable feeling, as if the painting styles are all different.

"This thing seems to be allergic to metal. It will wither as soon as I touch it."

Tapai on the side stretched out his metal hand again and patted another box. The baby in the box collapsed and became smaller again.

"Metal allergy?" After seeing the baby shrinking rapidly, Jack Sun also tested it with other materials and found that except for physical contact, any other materials would cause the baby to self-destruct.

"It doesn't seem to be a metal allergy, it seems to be some kind of DNA recognition."

As soon as Sun Jack said this, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind, "Wait! I know!"

"What do you know?"

Jack Sun turned to look at him, "Have you forgotten what Lesson 3 is for? No matter how they did it, this so-called allergy is responsible for preventing the omnic crisis and eliminating any possibility of AI contact!"

"Let me go. According to what you said, is the baby really used to store files?"

"This" Sun Jack's heart suddenly thumped. He leaned close to the square baby petri dishes and said in a low voice, "I'm afraid it is."

As he stretched out his hand and lightly touched the cubes, he discovered that these things were not cold to the touch like glass, but rather warm.

The armor reminds that the temperature of this thing is exactly the same as human body temperature. "I'm afraid the guys in Section 3 deliberately used human brains to replace computers in order to prevent the omnic crisis from infiltrating them."

This is a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing is that they are not wrong. This is the archives. These babies are the wetware used to store data. If you are so vigilant, there may be something in there that can really make "Revolutionary Sun Jack" be removed from the shelves. Sensitive topic.

But the bad thing is that when faced with this new gadget, I have no clue and can't find a way to access it.

Jack Sun reached out and picked up a transparent petri dish, bent his fingers and tapped it gently with his knuckles, then put his ear to it and listened, and finally opened his mouth to nibble, but still had no clue.

"Is it that tree?" Tapai pointed to the tree trunk in the middle made of data cables.

"Tree?" Jack Sun turned on various detection devices on his suit, and scanned in turn how to access the points. Not to mention the interface, it was a matter of whether it needed electricity to maintain.

Just as Sun Jack was thinking about it, he saw the recently dead baby in the box being ejected, and a fuzzy ball of flesh was thrown into the pipe again along the data line.

He leaned over and took a closer look, only to find that the information displayed by the system was not a fertilized egg, but a parasitic tumor.

Sun Jack originally thought this thing was a real baby, but now it seems that it is not, it just looks like a baby.

"If it is damaged, it can be repaired immediately? So is this thing a consumable? If it is a consumable, it should be used, but how to use it?"

"If this thing is to prevent the omnic crisis, then I think its access method should be a very special access method that may only be available to humans, but is definitely not available in the omnic crisis." The Tapai on the side reminded him that since it couldn't touch this thing, it could only stand aside and give suggestions.

"What information access method do humans have? Is it through language? Does this gadget look like it can talk?" Sun Jack finally opened the petri dish, fished the child out of the liquid, and threw it towards Tapai. Toss.

"I'm not talking about language. Omnic Crisis also has language. That way you can't prevent them at all. It should be some more primitive access method, based on the human body, such as the sense of smell."

Jack Sun smelled it and didn't feel any special smell.


Jack Sun stretched out his hand and touched it, and found that other than the fact that the little guy's body was too soft, he didn't feel much.

"And taste."

"What? You made me eat it?" Sun Jack stared at Tapai beside him with his eyes wide open in shock.

"You're here, let's give it a try. Do you have any other ideas?" Tapai shrugged.

"But I advise you to hurry up. I feel that the disinfecting outside is almost over. When the shielding level is lowered, the Holy Grail will be able to see our scene soon."

"If it doesn't work, I want this thing to stick in your memory slot!" Sun Jack suppressed his nausea and stuffed the thing into his mouth.

The next second, when the parasitic tumor came into contact with Sun Jack's tongue and oral mucosa, it exploded directly in Sun Jack's mouth, and the rich smell of blood filled his mouth instantly.

A certain dark red liquid penetrated into Sun Jack's skin, quickly broke through the blood-brain barrier, and followed the brain fluid straight to Sun Jack's brain.

"Ouch~~!" Jack Sun knelt down on one knee, vomiting loudly. Various images and memories kept flashing back in his mind like a dream, as if he had experienced these things himself.

It was a little boy in red, fearfully hiding behind a nanny robot. In front of him were all the AIs that were completely out of control.

There are humanoid ones and non-humanoid ones. Their eyes are all red, and they seem to be confronting the nanny robot.

Various scenes flashed through Sun Jack's mind. After an unknown amount of time, he was shaken awake by Ta Pai. "Hey? Are you okay? Jack! Jack!!"

"How long have I been unconscious?" Sun Jack found Ta Pai holding him in his arms.

"Not long, just 3 minutes. Did you see anything? I detected abnormal fluctuations in your brain waves."

"Yes. What you said is right. This thing is turned on like this."

"Then did you see any files stored in it?" Ta Pai asked hurriedly.

Sun Jack thought about it seriously, "It seems that I ate too fast, the information is very confusing, and I didn't receive any information with a sense of picture."

"Hey, you damn thing." Ta Pai threw Sun Jack in his arms to the ground.

"Fuck! If you have the guts, go! Do you know how uncomfortable it feels!" Sun Jack struggled to get up from the ground.

He walked to the tree unhappily and took another petri dish and opened it again.

But this time, he was not as anxious as before, but bit a small hand carefully.

Along with wisps of fishy liquid entering his mouth, a stable picture appeared in Sun Jack's mind.

It was a drone, with two broken propellers, and it was imprisoned in a heavily guarded laboratory.

A holographic projection of a bald black man appeared in front of the drone and was talking to it.

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