Glitch utopia

Chapter 16 Statue of Gods

After coming out of the building, Sun and Jack got back into the car that Song Lu had snatched and drove toward the southeast.

Without a map, Sun Jack could only rely on Tower Pai's dictation to judge that he was still wandering around the outskirts of the metropolis.

After driving for almost two hours, they arrived at their destination.

Song Liu flicked the e-cigarette in his hand into the rain, "This is it, Idol Street. It may not look like it's just a grocery street, but you have to find your way there. Everything is sold there."

Looking through the car window, the most eye-catching thing is the huge rotten Buddha statue with closed eyes behind the street. Due to the erosion of acid rain, even corroded steel bars have been exposed in many places, making it look very dilapidated.

The statue sat cross-legged in the heavy rain, being washed away by the acid rain. It followed Jesus behind him back to back. The two huge statues relied on each other to barely collapse.

Surrounding the statue are all kinds of crowded shops, large and small. The neon lights of the shop signs at the entrance are constantly flashing. They can be as exaggerated as they want, and they can be as eye-catching as they want.

These shops sell everything, but one shop instantly caught Sun Jack's attention. The neon sign had the black, white and yellow colors of wreaths, paper money and coffins on one side, and the pink, purple and black colors of various sex toys on the other.

The left and right can actually be pieced together. The feeling of fragmentation is very strong.

"Let's go, this is it." Song Liu walked towards the shop.

"Technology is so advanced, do people still use wreaths now?" Jack Sun also walked in with a hint of curiosity.

As soon as he entered the door, Jack Sun saw a monk wearing a circuit board robe and six ring scars on his head sitting there playing on the computer. On the throne in the center of the store, there was a mechanical Buddha with electronic candles.

Glancing at the strange little thing next to him, Jack Sun thought to himself: "Haha, Durex prints ukiyo-e paintings to promote traditional culture. It seems like this is a Japanese monk."

But soon Jack Sun discovered that this was not the case. The monk was a Caucasian.

It can be seen that this store is very creative, integrating funeral items and sex toys, two unrelated elements, in a multi-dimensional way.

In addition to some regular products, the products in the store also have some special ones, such as various sexy and enchanting shrouds, and paper vibrators used to burn at the graves of the deceased.

Sun Jack couldn't understand, but Sun Jack was shocked.

"Yo~ bro, long time no see." Song Lu walked over, stretched out his steel fingers and flicked the monk's head hard. The two collided and made a crisp clang sound.

"Oh? Isn't this the pus donor? The poor monk thought you were dead. Buddha bless you. Buddha bless you." Seeing someone coming, the monk smiled and pulled out the data cable inserted into the scar on his head.

He didn't switch languages ​​when he spoke, it should be his native language.

"Hahaha, King Kong, what new system chip has arrived recently?"

Upon hearing this, the monk's face suddenly changed and he quickly looked behind the three of them. "Amitabha, I don't know what you are talking about. I only sell serious things here."

When Jack Sun heard this, he was very speechless and threw the black and white Wuchang massage stick back on the shelf.

Song Lu turned around and looked at the other two people, and suddenly realized, "Oh, it's okay, these are all buddies. The kind who have been through life, you are with me, I won't report you."

Hearing this, the monk named King Kong breathed a sigh of relief. As he stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, the mechanical Buddha climbed down from the lotus throne and took care of the store on his behalf.

And he led the two of them towards the side door. "Hey, you told me earlier, I thought the police officer was here to fish and enforce the law."

The side door opened, and as we went down the stairs, we suddenly became enlightened.

Under the clean and bright white light, various brand-new prosthetics were neatly placed on rows of shelves, with two crab-like robots placed next to them.

Compared to the mess upstairs, the downstairs obviously looks like a place to sell things.

Song Liu hugged the monk carelessly and said to the two of them: "Brother, let me introduce you again. His name is King Kong Mom, a master of transformation. His skills are very good, and he is also a profiteer. Be careful when buying second-hand goods from him. Otherwise, at the critical moment when your heart is shot through, the backup heart pump you bought may... have insufficient power supply!!!"

As soon as he said this, his expression changed instantly, and with a snap, he took out the pistol from his waist and pressed it against King Kong's forehead.

"Damn you! How many things have I bought from you, and you actually cheat on me! Six holes, right? Believe it or not, I will make a few more holes in your head!!"

"Don't, don't, don't. We have something to discuss. We have something to discuss!" Feeling the coldness of the muzzle of the gun, King Kong suddenly panicked and waved his hands in a cold sweat.

"Then what's wrong with this matter! I almost lost the ball because of your evil intentions! Huh? Say it! Say it!"

Song Liupus yelled with a ferocious expression.

Just when Sun Jack thought that the other party was up to something, Song Liu suddenly put away his gun and said with a smile to Sun Jack who was watching the show: "Come on, UU Reading come and choose, what kind of system chip It’s all free today.”

Sun Jack did not expect that the other party who said he would help him solve the system problem actually solved it in this way.

He can now see that Song Liu will not spend money unless necessary. The opportunity to save his life is free, the house is free, and in the end, even the promised nervous system is free. White prostitution party.

Soon Jack Sun saw a row of cold light shining in front of him, and chips the size of fingernails appeared in front of him. He didn't recognize the various LOGOs on them, so he only listened to King Kong's eloquent introduction next to him.

"Donor, how about this one? ALT1G Type III has its own automatic translator, and can be linked to firearms to display the number of bullets in real time. It also comes with a cracking system to display the number of enemy bullets."

"Don't choose this. Which nervous system doesn't display the number of bullets and can't automatically translate it now? How dare you talk about this kind of thing?" Song Liu helped.

"Moreover, the cracking system that comes with this outdated system is no longer usable. If you leave a port open, no one can hack it, and it is easy to be anti-cracking."

He picked one up from the side and said, "Choose this one. This is the most expensive one here. It comes with a level 4 monitoring jammer, pain editor, temporary ICE, and dopamine circulator."

Not sure if he wanted King Kong to draw some blood, Song Lu kept asking for more money, and King Kong's face twitched with distress.

Jack Sun took the coin-sized blue chip from his hand and thought thoughtfully for a while. The two choices yesterday were actually not good. The best way is to find a compromise between them.

"Then is there any way to achieve the same effect without installing the nervous system into the brain? For example, external devices or something?" Jack Sun asked.

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