Glitch utopia

Chapter 123 Companions

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"Boss? Who is the boss?"

"Jack Sun! He's the man who helped you find a job. He's gone and blocked us all. We're so worried!"

The young man wearing bright yellow glasses appeared in Black Panther's mind. He seemed to be missing a piece of his ear.

"What happened?" Black Panther couldn't help but sit up. "He's not here with me. How can I help?"

"It's okay, I'll look for it myself first." AA on the street looked anxiously at the people coming and going, not knowing how to find it for a while. "Has the boss been visited by enemies again? Has he been captured by them now?"

Suddenly her eyes lit up and she ran towards the bcpd floating vehicle hovering by the roadside.

AA stood on tiptoes and said. "Hello! Can you use bcpd's monitoring network to help me find out where this person is now? I can pay for it!"

The bcpd agent who was leaning in the cab and rolling up his sleeves was a little impatient. He snorted when he received the character information sent by AA. "You are looking, and we are still looking! Get away! Didn't you see that I was high? I don't have any eyesight at all."

AA's eyes were red with anxiety. She was really worried about the safety of Tapai and Jack. Although they didn't get along for a long time, they were already the people she cared about the most.

"AA! Found them! Come quickly!" A message from Old 6 was sent to AA's system, which immediately made AA burst into tears.

At this moment, she didn't care about saving money, she just hit a flying droplet and hurried over.

They met Sun Jack and Ta Pai again in a coffee shop. AA rushed over and hugged the two of them and started crying, "Where on earth have you been! I was scared to death! I thought you were dead." !”

"I know I'm not that powerful and can't be of much help, but please don't abandon me, okay? I will really work hard!"

Jack Sun hugged AA and looked at the others in confusion. "How did you find us?"

Song Liupus walked forward proudly, "Brother, don't question my connections. I've been around longer than you. Finding someone is not a casual matter."

"What are you doing?" Si Ai walked over impatiently while smoking an e-cigarette. "He left without saying a word. We thought you were kidnapped by Ananda."

"No, Ananda's next wave shouldn't be that fast, don't worry."

"So Donor Sun, why did you leave suddenly?" King Kong turned the metal beads in his hand and asked Jack Sun with a confused expression.

Sun Jack looked at them, considered it for a moment and then said: "Ananda's matter is my private matter. I can handle it myself. There is no need to get involved."

"You mean it's not necessary?" Si Ai stepped forward, "He killed the priest and treated us like chickens. This problem has been established for a long time. This is not your private matter."

Jack Sun looked at his other companions, feeling very complicated for a moment. "But Ananda is really strong, as you have just seen. If you are not careful, you may die."

"That's right! That's why you need our help even more!" Lao Lu said righteously. “There is strength in numbers.”

"I know we are not very strong, but don't you have money? A whole 1,300 @, you can buy us advanced combat prosthetics, install the strongest black ice on our system, and upgrade us. Help us arm ourselves, then we can’t help you!”

"(╬ ̄ Pan ̄) I knew you had bad intentions! After wandering around for a long time, it turned out that you were eyeing this money, right?" Tasi started cursing at Lao Liu.

"Bro! What do you mean by targeting! I also have a share of that money! I also helped before!"

"(`д′) Yes, you helped. You and Synapse dealt with us. Among the mercenaries who were chasing us, you were the one shouting the loudest! Do you want me to bring out the video evidence?"

"Okay! Stop arguing!" Jack Sun interrupted the quarrel between the two. He pulled out a stool and motioned for the others to sit down.

As wisps of steam rose from the coffee, Jack Sun looked at his companions and spoke again. "I had something happen to Ananda in the past."

"Have you ever slept with him?"

Sun Jack glared at Lao Liu who interrupted, and then said: "I'm not sure whether he is good or bad now. It's possible that I did something sorry for him before I lost my memory. The things here are very complicated, and I really don't want to tell him. You’re involved.”

"That's your own business, Donor Sun. What does your position have to do with the poor monk? If the sb kills the priest, the poor monk will take revenge!" King Kong put the coffee in his hand heavily on the table.

"Yes!" Lao Liu nodded repeatedly, "And this is also good for you. If you spend money to arm us all, don't you have a better chance of winning than the two of you?"

"Boss." AA looked up from Jack Sun's arms and looked at him firmly with eyes red from crying. "Boss, I want to help you. You have helped me a lot in the past. Now that you are encountering difficulties, I will never back down!"

"It doesn't matter even if you don't agree! It's your decision to disagree, and it's my decision to help!"

Looking at the other people in front of him, Jack Sun felt warm in his heart. Although there were a lot of weird things going on in this place, he had also found some friends without knowing it.

Now that it was about this, Sun Jack didn't insist anymore. He knew that no matter how much he said, he still wouldn't be able to convince them.

Besides, if they don’t work together, there is no guarantee that they will find Ananda alone.

"Okay then" Jack Sun clicked on the team channel and quickly gave 100 @to each of the four people in front of him.

"Ananda is good at hacking. Let's upgrade the system firewall. For the rest, buy some combat prosthetics as much as possible to improve your strength."

"Dad! You are my biological father!" Lao Lu suddenly grabbed Sun Jack's right hand, kissed the back of his hand hard, then turned around and ran out laughing wildly.

"Is this guy going to stop coming back after getting the money?" Tapai put his chin on his hand and tilted his head to look at Lao Liu's leaving figure.

"Do you even need to ask? Then I will definitely not come back. Hesitating for a second is an insult to Lao Liu's character." Sun Jack said, and added in the team channel, "But it doesn't matter to me whether it's money or not. , if everyone really helps me find Ananda successfully and find out what all this is about, there will be extra rewards."

Soon Jack Sun saw Lao Liu running back from outside. He pulled up the stool again and sat down. He said with a solemn expression: "Well, Ananda is not that easy to deal with. Bro, we must work together! Information matters. Just leave it to me! I promise to complete the task!"

"Fuck, you really didn't waste a minute for money." Tapai picked up the coffee and threw it in his face.

"Okay, stop making trouble, what should we do next?" Si Ai looked at Sun Jack.

"Wait." Jack Sun picked up the coffee, took a sip, put it down again, picked up two white sugar cubes and put them in.

"What are you waiting for? Who are you waiting for?" AA asked.

"Xiao Ting%" Sun Jack patted his head which was placed in a bag on the table. "I contacted her."

"Boss, didn't you offend her? She was actually willing to help you?" AA asked in surprise.

"Spend money, in this big city, money can turn enemies into friends."

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