Glitch utopia

Chapter 115 Searching

"Fuck..." Jack Sun lay back and rolled around randomly. Hearing what Tapai said, his calm heart was disturbed again.

"But...but...that's not right!" Jack Sun suddenly sat up and pulled Ta Pai in front of him, ready to review the cause and effect of the incident with him.

"Look, I'm from 2025 AD, right? I've been lying in space in the sky for more than a thousand years, right?" Jack Sun said one by one.

"I can't guarantee anything else, but I can guarantee that in the era of my existence, there was absolutely no machine that could modify memory!"

Unexpectedly, the Tower Pai shook his head again, "If the memory is really modified, then the fact that you think you are a person from thousands of years ago may be false. This proof is untenable."

"I'm not from that era? I'm not from the 21st century?"

Sun Jack's mind was very confused at the moment. He inserted his hands into his hair and scratched his head frantically. The more he thought about it, the more confused he became. Finally, he suddenly put his hands down and shouted to Tapai: "Holy crap! Where are you! Why are you causing trouble for me!" "

Tapai shrugged his shoulders, "The reason why I deny your unconvincing self-comfort is to help you."

"I know it's not easy to accept that my memories are probably all fake, but if this is the truth, then you have no choice but to face it."

"If...if...I am not Sun Jack, then who am I?" Sun Jack seemed to be asking the Tower Pai, and also seemed to be asking himself.

His current cognition, his current consciousness and even the current thinking in his mind at this moment are all derived from his past memories. If all memory anchors may be false, then the current cognition in his mind , my own identification with Sun Jack, does everything in my mind really belong to me?

All the choices I made before, and even the way I think about it now, could it be because someone edited my memory and deliberately displayed the results?

When this kind of thing really happened to him, Sun Jack finally understood the horror of it. When the uniqueness of a person is blurred, some things are difficult to distinguish.

"It's not without evidence. At least your muscle memory that breaks through the human body's threshold, and the very strange Hilda, should be in your original memory." Tapai, who had been pouring cold water on me, finally started to help.

Muscle memory? Hilda? Sun Jack's heart was in confusion at this moment. He had previously thought that these things were from his lost five years of memory, but now he had another explanation.

If this is true, it means that there is another layer of real memory hidden under his current false memory, and Hilda is the trace that emerged from under that layer of memory.

"But there's one thing I don't understand. If someone modifies your memory, what's the motive?"

"You ask me, who am I going to ask? Do I still need to bother here?"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. The system interface in front of Sun Jack popped up the camera at the door. It was Si Ai.

"I'm a little uncomfortable. Come back next time." Jack Sun, who was very irritable at the moment, declined the other party's visit and locked the apartment door directly through the system.

However, as Si Ai smiled slightly in the surveillance camera, the locked door reopened.

"Holy crap! You haven't handed over your authority yet! Did you make a mistake? This is my home!" Jack Sun is really annoyed by people like this who have no sense of boundaries.

"What's your house! This is still my gun room."

"Revoke the permissions for me!" Sun Jack connected to Siai's system and finally saw the other party revoking the access permissions with his own eyes, and then he was willing to give up.

Sun Jack was too lazy to care about Si Ai and sat back on the sofa, thinking about what to do next.

Si Ai could see Jack Sun's mood at the moment and sat beside him without bothering him.

Jack Sun suddenly reached out to take the other person's e-cigarette, put it in his mouth skillfully and took a puff. His lungs suddenly felt numb, and his irritable heart gradually calmed down.

"Did I smoke before? Or did I learn to smoke during the five years of amnesia?" Jack Sun looked at the e-cigarette in his hand and fell into deep thought.

Jack Sun really doesn't want to accept this reality. His family, friends, and even his own personality and three views in the past twenty years are all fake? Are they all instilled in his head by others?

But whether he accepts it or not, Jack Sun can only recognize the reality now. This is indeed a possibility.

If you want to deny this possibility, you must find a way to prove the absolute authenticity of your past memories.

Watching Sun Jack take one bite after another, Si Ai looked at his profile with a smile.

"What are you looking at?" Sun Jack felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by him.

"Your face is so disfigured, why don't you patch it up?" Si Ai said, looking at his disfigured face.

"I'm not in the mood for this, let's wait until next time."

"Didn't you buy insurance?"

"Forget it, I'll find a doctor myself for this minor injury to avoid extra premiums."

"You really know how to live." Si Ai stretched out her hand and gently touched his face, with a hint of fascination in her eyes. "Hey, what a good little handsome guy, but it's a pity that he can poop."

"What the hell are you doing? Don't you need to open a store to do business?" Sun Jack knocked her hand off directly.

Si Ai stood up and looked down at Jack Sun on the sofa. "Don't think about it alone. There is no need to sit in your room alone and think about all this. If there are things that you can't handle on your own, you may be able to solve them easily with others."

"Who are you looking for?"

"Your companion, when we first thought about working together, wasn't it just to keep warm? How come something really happened and you didn't use it anymore?"

On the night of the second day, UU read a book www.uukanshu.nett Everyone was sitting on the table in the corner of the hot dog bar, and there was a glass of beer in front of everyone.

This time it was Jack Sun who was treating him, and there were some hot dogs on the table. It turned out that hot dogs were really sold here, but he was stingy and deliberately didn't order them a few times before.

In addition, while everything was fine during the day, Tapai's armor and the injuries on Sun Jack's face and hands returned to normal. Sun Jack's injury didn't cost much, but the parts Tapai used to repair himself were not cheap.

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AA just picked up the wine glass with both hands and licked it. When he found that no one else drank, he quickly put it down.

"Bro? You saved my life. If you have anything to do, just ask, except for borrowing money of course." Song Liupus used his newly installed prosthetic limb to pick up the hot dog and stuff it into his mouth, chewing it with big mouthfuls.

At this moment, the hole in Song Liupus's chest has been filled, and all the teeth in his mouth have grown out. The colors are actually colorful. The color looks like low-quality plastic, and the size is not suitable for stuffing it into his mouth. It looks like buck teeth. Don't know where he got it from.

"I have a problem, a problem with my memory."

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