Glitch utopia

Chapter 112 Funeral

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Sun Jack sat numbly in the mourning hall, looking at the tablet hanging on the wall. The screen saver of the tablet was a black and white screenshot of the priest. The priest inside was smiling happily. This was the first time that Sun Jack saw the other person's smiling face.

As the angle of view zoomed out, King Kong on the side was currently wearing a cassock, with a sad expression while knocking on the wooden fish and chanting sutras for the priest to save him. "Namo Amitabha Night"

Behind him are rows of monks with holographic projections. The reverberation of Buddhist sutras coming from the suspended speakers next to him is accompanied by the sound of Vajra's salvation.

Various holographic projections of paper money continued to float down from the walls on the left and right sides.

AA, who was kneeling next to Sun Jack, was crying very sadly. She cried loudly, picked up the paper vibrator and ball beside her, and kept burning them in the copper basin.

There is a light path under the copper basin. Any paper objects burned in the basin will be quickly projected holographically and transmitted along the golden light into the urn in the mourning hall.

The burning copper basin was kicked away by Jack Sun, and it rolled and was thrown directly on the speaker. As the speaker fell to the ground, the sharp noise instantly pierced the entire mourning hall.

"They're all fucking dead! What's the use of doing this now! He's dead!"

The mourning hall became quiet for a while, and everyone looked at Jack Sun.

Old 6 leaned against the paper sex robot beside him, flicked his dreadlocks coolly, and said proudly: "Brother, it's just a dead man. Don't forget that we are mercenaries. It's normal for people to die."

Jack Sun rushed over with a ferocious expression and punched the opponent in the face. "Fuck you! It's our comrade who died! My brother who is willing to sacrifice his life to save me in times of crisis!!"

Old Lu, who had a bruise on his face, scratched his neck and shouted at Jack Sun: "So what! This world has always been like this! What's the use of blaming me!"

"Wrong! This world is not like this! Never! This world is wrong!" Jack Sun pushed hard and threw the other person against the container aside.

"What's the point of trying to convince me! If you have the ability, go and convince this fucking world!" Song 6pus pushed back.

Lao Liu put away the playful smile on his face and looked at him very seriously. "If you want to survive in this world, you must adapt to it! Go against the rules of this world! You will only be wiped out by this city!!"

"Are you asking whether money or life is more important? Let me tell you! Fucking money is more important! If you had had 100,000 @!! Then the priest would not have died!!"

"Don't fucking blame this city. If you want to blame, blame it on you for not having money! If you want to blame, blame it on you for being a fucking poor b*tch!!" Song 6pus pushed Sun Jack away violently.

"You bastard!" Tapai cursed and rolled up his sleeves, about to come over and beat him up, but Sun Jack's hand stopped him.

"Forget it, let's go." Jack Sun turned around and walked out of the mourning hall, his lonely back gradually covered by the heavy rain.

As soon as Tapai followed him out, aa also stood up, but was stopped by Lao Liu, "Don't worry about them! Let's continue! The dead are the most important, let's continue to do nothing."

As he pulled out a data cable from behind his ear and plugged it into the wall next to him, the paper money floating in the air disappeared. All kinds of beauties in sexy clothes instantly filled the entire mourning hall and began to pose towards the priest's urn.

"Oh~yeah!! This is so damn right! Does it deserve to be called a funeral without stripping and pole dancing?"

As the exciting music switched out, Song 6pus twisted toward the priest's urn with that familiar smile on his face. "Father! Are you good enough? Have a good trip!!"

Jack Sun did not take the subway. He just strolled through the streets of the metropolis, looking at the bizarre world in front of him through the rain. After a long time, he stopped on a platform next to a river.

"What are you thinking about?" asked Tapai from behind.

"I'm thinking about Ananda. Why does he have so much energy? He can hire a rich man like Synapse to be a killer. How powerful is his energy?"

"So that's what you were thinking. I thought you would take over the priest's mantle."

"No, I'm not a priest. I can't be a priest." Jack Sun, who was soaked all over, took out a cigarette from his arms and lit it.

"You know I understand something through the death of the priest. Do you know what it is?" Sun Jack clenched the railing tightly with both hands and looked down at the dark, lifeless river flowing below.

"What is it?"

"That's great strength, strength is everything! I need to find the memory and strength of the past, and find Ananda to avenge the priest!" Sun Jack's eyes were extremely firm.

"As long as you have enough strength, no matter what you say is right or wrong, others will listen to you!"

Tapai looked at Sun Jack's back at this moment. "But in this world, money can buy strength, and strength is money. Do you agree with Old Liu?"

"I don't care what you think or not, I'm not a philosopher!"

After saying this, Jack Sun paused slightly, and a murderous intent gradually appeared in his eyes. "I want to find Ananda, I want him to die!!"

Ananda and him were not only conflicted about their past identities, but now with the death of the priest, the old and new hatreds were now added together.

"So people's thoughts can be changed anytime and anywhere? This seems to be different from what you thought before." After Tapai said this, the camera locked on Sun Jack's back.

When Jack Sun heard this, he turned around and looked at Tapai. "Then what do you want me to do? Be an enemy of the whole world? I can't do it! I'm just an ordinary person! I have tried my best even if I am alive! I said, I am not a priest! I can't be a priest either !”

“I only care that the friends I know now and those I forgot in the past will not end up like the priest! We just want to protect them! I don’t want to see dead people anymore!! I don’t want to see them anymore!! Do you understand!! "Jack Sun clasped Tapai's head with both hands and shouted loudly.

"You don't need to explain to me, I'm just a guard robot. Whatever you do, I will help you unconditionally."

"Very good, very good." Jack Sun reached out and patted the other party's shoulder. "No matter what happens in the future, we will bear it together. Now let's go home first."

Although he was very strict during the fight with Synapse and did not reveal any clues, Sun Jack got the two most critical pieces of evidence, one was his brain, the other was Ananda's o, and the one named Qia, A weirdo with pearly skin all over his body.

When he returned to his apartment, Jack Sun saw Qia leaning on the sofa with a sad face, exposing her bright white back and looking out the window at the city scenery.

"Why did Ananda kill me? Doesn't he love me anymore?" There was deep sadness in his starry pupils.

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