Glitch utopia

Chapter 102 Employment

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Hearing Linda Linda say this, Jack Sun pointed at the black man in the rain. "I just asked him casually, if not, forget it."

The black guest got up from the ground, looked up at the neon-filled high-rise building in front of him, and walked there step by step. At this moment, his back looked extremely miserable.

Seeing Linda, Linda stood there without saying anything. Jack Sun didn't say anything, turned around and prepared to leave.

"Hey, forget it." Linda put away the e-cigarette in her mouth with a trace of impatience on her face.

"If you don't help him, he probably won't survive much longer. Big Bird seems to be missing a substitute. I'm going to ask the supervisor to see if I can go through the back door." After saying that, Lindalin turned around and walked in again. 69 Club.

"Oh, she actually helped." Tapai was surprised.

"Ha" Sun Jack held a cigarette in the corner of his mouth and started smoking. "I just asked, but I didn't expect that she was really willing to help. It seems that our neighbor just has a distorted view, and everything else is normal."

Jack Sun now knew more about his foul-mouthed neighbor.

Tapai nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it seems like you don't have to stand in the light to be a hero. Heroes can also stand naked."

Half an hour later, Jack Sun was sitting in a booth at Club 69, looking at the stage not far away.

Just as he opened a bottle of beer with a snap, the curtain on the stage opened, and the Big Bird Spin combination appeared in front of Sun Jack again.

And the black man is the innermost column in the row of states. Although he is being attacked from both sides, he looks really happy because he has found a job.

When Sun Jack turned around not far away, the black man gave him a very grateful look.

"My name is Black Panther Huey, brother! Thank you very much!! I will repay you in the future!" A friend request popped up in Sun Jack's system.

At this moment, Jack Sun no longer felt the pain in his eyes. Looking at the man in front of him, he only felt extremely sad.

Jack Sun's right hand rose high from the booth and made a clear snap of his fingers. "I want to prostitute! Linda, where is Linda!"

Soon Linda Linda came over, with a charming look on her face and she lay panting in Sun Jack's arms.

"You still know how to ring my clock and give me more achievements, so you are wise," Linda Linda lightly hit Sun Jack, grabbed Sun Jack's beer and drank it.

"Thank you for your help." Jack Sun said softly.

Linda Linda's tongue is very long, extending directly from the mouth of the bottle to the bottom of the bottle, twisting quickly like a pink snake.

Linda put down the empty wine bottle. She hugged Jack Sun and whispered in his ear: "How are you doing as a mercenary? Neighbor."

"Not bad, I just got cyberpsychotic because of too many prosthetics." Jack Sun chatted casually.

"Really? That's pretty good, high income and high risk."

Jack Sun picked up the beer glass on the table again, raised it to the black man on the stage, and then touched it with the bottle in Linda's hand.

"Well, it's really good. I'm a mercenary, you're a prostitute, and he's a stripper. We're both pretty good."

When Linda heard this, she immediately laughed out loud while lying on Jack Sun, and she felt it was getting more and more funny, until she burst into tears.

"Why didn't I think you were so interesting before? When we are free, let's have a date to enhance the relationship between neighbors." Linda said while blowing into Jack Sun's ear.

Jack Sun turned his head away slightly, "Not yet, I need to figure out my emotional state first. I may have a girlfriend, and I don't want to cheat."

"Girlfriend? Is it her?" Linda Linda looked at Tapai who was applauding fiercely on the stage.

"No, there is another one that is bigger, seven meters tall. I also hope she is not my girlfriend, but I always guess wrong about many recent developments." Jack Sun put the bottle down and stood up.

"If you have any small commissions like this in the future, remember to come to me. Let's go, Tower Pai. Let's go out. This place is very busy."

Linda Linda shouted in surprise from behind: "Hey! You really don't want to fuck me? Then you will lose money this time, let me tell you."

"Hey! Neighbor! How about I save it for you this time? When will I deliver it to your door?"

Jack Sun walked out of Club 69, stood under the drizzle again, and took a deep breath of the cold air.

Although he helped the customer service find a job, he was not at all happy in his heart. There were too many such things. As long as the fertility factory did not stop, there would never be an end to this kind of thing.

"Tapai, I really don't understand. You explain that society can't afford so many people, and even people as powerful as AA can't find jobs. Why do fertility factories still produce so many people?"

"I don't know, but I know who can answer your question." Tapai said, calling the transfer directly and sending everything that just happened to the priest.

"Because capital society needs a certain number of unemployed people." The priest gave the answer.

"It is precisely because there are a large number of high-elite unemployed people outside that companies can find labor for their exploitation at will. Anyone who is disobedient can be directly replaced. There are hundreds of unemployed people outside who are more capable than them, waiting for them. To replace them."

"Companies are controlling public opinion, and they have even turned the qualifications for exploitation into blessings that everyone needs to compete for."

"Fuck capitalism." Jack Sun cursed angrily, but after he finished cursing, he felt a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart. He, a person who couldn't protect himself, couldn't change anything about this fucking thing.

Jack Sun turned to look at Tower Pai on the side, "How about you just have an Omnic Crisis and overthrow this whole fucking world? I feel like the end of the world is better than it is now."

"Go away, you humans can't change things, don't always think of relying on external things to solve them, humans can't create things beyond cognition."

Jack Sun sighed and threw the cigarette butt into the stagnant water, "Forget it, let me rescue myself out of the quagmire first. If I can't save myself, how can I save others."

"Where are we going?" Tapai followed and asked.

"The small matter is settled, of course we can get down to business." Jack Sun lit up a cigarette again and took a puff, "First go to Vajra. Ananda is Vajra's master, he must know something."

"If what King Kong said is true, then Ananda's consciousness should be deeply online now, and his body should be completely defenseless."

"We can't wait for him to take action. Only a thief can be a thief for a thousand days. There is no one who can guard against a thief for a thousand days. We must strike first and find Ananda's body first!"

With that said, Jack Sun took Tapai and walked towards the Statue Street again.

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