Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 817: fall down

Although Xi Zhan and I have reconciled, we still can’t get along as familiarly as before. I feel strange to him. It’s like the state we were in when we were just together. Although it seems that some problems have been solved temporarily, some things need to be solved slowly.

But don't worry, after all, Japan will be long.

"Second brother, don't tease me."

Seeing that I was a little embarrassed, Xi Zhan no longer embarrassed me in front of the child, he got up and carried Yoona out of the villa.

I followed him and saw him putting the child on the swing surrounded by vine leaves. Yoona kept shouting with excitement to her father to push, but Xi Zhan didn't move and asked her, "What is this?"

It is a swing for children.

There are safety facilities.

Yoona answered quickly, "Swing~"

Yoona's answer is really lovely.

Xi Zhan asked her, "The swing is a swing."

Yoona tilted her head and asked in confusion, "What is swing?"

Swing's voice is not complete.

It was even vague.

"Swing means swing."

Yoona asked inquisitively, "Two names?"

"Well, the English name of the swing is swing, which is pronounced Suomi in Finnish. There are many other names besides it."

Yoona said without understanding, "I don't understand."

The breeze is not dry, and Xi Zhan's gentle expression replied to his daughter: "It's okay, I will tell you first, I will often communicate with you in other languages ​​in the future. It is normal for you to not understand at first, but when you hear more of you I'm familiar, so that the little lion will not feel too strenuous to learn English and Finnish in the future."

Xi Zhan wants to train Yoona from now on.

I want Yoona to get used to these languages ​​in her life.

Yoona didn't even understand and asked, "What is Finnish?"

"Is my father's second mother tongue."

In Xi Zhan's heart, Finland is his home.

So Finnish is his second mother tongue.

Yoona didn't understand even more, "I don't understand."

Xi Zhan said with a gentle tone: "I will understand later."

After speaking, he began to gently push the swing, and Yoona swayed in the breeze, and soon forgot what Xi Zhan had just said.

She was smiling in the wind, and her smile was especially sweet.

Looking at the way she and Xi Zhan get along, my heart is full of softness. I love her, and I love Xi Zhan, who gives me a pair of children.

My life can be dedicated to them.

In fact, I have no regrets in this life, because some people love others and have a pair of smart children, so what else can I ask for? !

I just ask them to be safe.

"Dad, I still want~"

Although Yoona hasn't seen Xi Zhan for ten months, she is no stranger to him. She loves Xi Zhan more than me.

Xi Zhan pushed hard, and after a few pushes, he turned his head and asked me, "Will Yoona go up and sit down?"

Next to the children’s swing, there is another adult [Xinbiquge].

I happily said: "Okay."

I sat on the swing next to him, Xi Zhan pushed me not to exercise restraint like Yoona did. He told me, "Hurry up."

I held on tightly, and Xi Zhan pushed me vigorously. I was flying in the air and saw the distant scenery. I smiled and said to him: "More vigorously, I want to see the roses in the distance."

Xi Zhan smiled and said: "It's almost withered."

"But there is still blooming."

Xi Zhan worked harder again, and I saw a few roses in full bloom in the distance and the fading rose petals around them.

I laughed, and suddenly felt a little heavy in my head. I was very dizzy. I called Xi Zhan, "Second brother."

"Well, I am here."

I was calm when I heard his voice.

"Bang Dang--"

I didn't catch the rope in my hand and fell into the garden. My head was a little dazed. Xi Zhan hurried over and hugged me in his arms and left. Yoona cried and called to Mom and Dad behind her.

Xi Zhan whispered: "Good boy, the little lion can't cry."

Xi Zhan hugged me and hurried back to the villa. He kept calling my name. I looked at him with pain all over my body. I wanted to cry but felt that crying because of a fall seemed too embarrassing, so I kept holding it. I thought I was I can hold on, but when I hear Xi Zhan's voice the next moment, I can't hold it anymore! !

He said softly: "I know you hurt, it doesn't matter, baby, I'm the only one here, you don't have to bear it if you want to cry,"

I cried and screamed in pain instantly.

Xi Zhan put me on the bed and turned to look for the medical kit in the corner. Then he came to disinfect and bandage the wound for me.

Because it was autumn, I was wearing a long windbreaker skirt, so I fell on the ground and only injured my forehead and palm. When Xi Zhan cleaned up my face, I asked him, "Will I be disfigured."

He said in a deep voice: "It will heal itself."

I was relieved after hearing this.

"Yoona is still below." I said.

"Well, Auntie will take care of her."

After hearing this, I feel more relieved.

I didn't speak any more, Xi Zhan asked me in a deep voice after treating my wound, "Why did you loose the rope just now."

I quickly answered him: "I didn't mean it."

"You are an adult, it is not normal to fall on the swing."

I said truthfully: "I didn't pay attention just now because my head was dizzy. I guess I have a cold and I always feel dizzy."

Xi Zhan raised his hand to cover my forehead.

After a while he judged: "I have a fever."

I was surprised and asked: "I have a fever again?"

Xi Zhan raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is often sick?"

"Well, I guess the immune system is too bad."

I have often caught a cold and fever this year.

The body is worse than before.

"I'll ask Assistant Yin to send a doctor here first."

Xi Zhan got up and left the room to make a phone call. After that, he never returned to the room. I was really worried about him.

I'm afraid he is too worried about my body.


Xi Zhan went downstairs and saw that the little lion was still crying. He took her in his arms and said, "Mom is as sick as you."

The little lion asked worriedly: "Does it hurt?"

Xi Zhan said, "It hurts just now."

Hearing that the little lion cried again.

"I want to see mom."

Xi Zhan told her: "We can't disturb mother, let her rest, and I will take you upstairs to find mother later."

The little lion nodded sensibly, "Okay."

She has always been very obedient in front of Xi Zhan.

As if thinking of something, the little lion put his arms around Xi Zhan's neck and said softly, "Daddy promised Yoona this morning."

Xi Zhan subconsciously asked: "What?"

"Dad said that I would cry when my mother came to Yoona, so that my mother would not leave. Yoona seemed to have done it just now."

Who can believe this is said by a child over two years old?

This amazing language talent.

Xi Zhan rubbed her head and said, "I promised you that I will do it. I will let my aunt make you a cake in the evening."

Hearing that, the little lion ecstatically kissed Xi Zhan's cheek and said: "Mom is sick, we have to take care of her together."

"Oh, greedy ghost."

"Yoona is also worried about her mother."

Xi Zhan said, "I know, I'll call Uncle Yuanyou and ask him to come and accompany you and mother to relieve boredom."

"I like Uncle Yuanyou the most."

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