Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 542: You killed Xiao Wu?

"I never thought that I would be so greedy for a woman now, so greedy and unwilling to be separated, I want to stay with her every moment, even if I just read a book together or talk a few words. , Or it’s okay to listen to her babbling in my ears, as long as I stay with her, I’m happy! Yoona, thank you for your fulfillment. Today Xi Zhan is happy and naturally scared. , Because I am very afraid of any mistakes you may make, so I will do my best to protect you in the future. I promise you that I will taste every bit of pain you suffer in the future and will not make you feel wronged."

The man's sudden confession shocked me. I stared at him with a look of surprise and surprise and said, "Second brother, I..."

He interrupted me gently, "I'm leaving."

"I want to say sweet things to you." I said.

"Hey, wait for me to go home and speak slowly."

Xi Zhan left neatly, and I blushed and patted my cheek, and touched my beating heart.

How do I feel like I just fell in love?

What is going on with this sudden heartbeat?

The man is so sultry! !

Xi Zhan has been away for a long time, and I still remember the words he just said and the look he said. It's really gentle and terribly soft. I really want to press him on the bed and hug him tightly to prevent him from leaving. In my heart Suddenly I began to look forward to the arrival of tomorrow morning. Thinking of this, I felt more and more hopeless.

How can I be full of men like a little girl, but Xi Zhan is not an ordinary man, I think of LG said, the man you touch at will, in fact, is out of reach for me, but Xi Zhan For me, no matter how close or touched, my heart will always long for him.

I never wanted him to leave.

Even one minute, even one second.

I thought about it sweetly for a long time before I picked up the phone. Yuan You and the others blasted the pot in the group. I looked through the chat records and saw that He Ming of Yuan You Aite was the first one, "What are you so... He Ming, It’s boring for you to be a brother! A salary of three thousand yuan! You only have three thousand yuan a month! I worked hard for you, but in the end you only gave me three thousand yuan?! Are you begging for food? You quickly give me a perfect solution for this, or I will make you regret it!!"

He Ming replied fearlessly: "You didn't ask me how much a month's salary was before. Besides, it was Xi Zhan who paid me. You go to your second brother! Anyway, I have no money to compensate you. If you If you really saw it, you sold my sports cars and two villas. That's all of my belongings."

Yuan You: "..."

Yuan You was not reconciled. He slapped his mouth and scolded He Ming in the air. There were more than a hundred pieces of news. In the end, Mu Li couldn't stand it and cursed: "How much money will I supply you? A big man babbles all day long. Crooked, like a woman with long tongue, no measure!"

Yuan You dare not speak in the group anymore.

But He Ming sent me a message in private, "Yuan You is going back to China in the past two days. I have to hide for a while. Qi Ruan will go back to town tomorrow. I plan to stay with her for a while and don't reveal my whereabouts."

In fact, he didn't need to tell me at all.

Alas, I have another secret.

I remember Xi Zhan said that their group of people always confided to him, so he knew something that others didn't know.

I finally started to understand Xi Zhan's feelings!

I replied to him and asked: "I plan to not marry her?"

After a long time, He Ming replied to me: "She is really bad, she is still stubborn and unable to listen, but it is strange that I can't let her go. This feeling is different from when I liked Tan Yang. I like Tan. Yang, because she is full of youth and enthusiasm, I am attracted by her temperament, but Ruan Qi...I feel sorry for her when I think of her, and can't help feeling sorry for her."

Ruan Qi is a really poor woman.

Because she is pitiful, she doesn't need pity.

And Heming's mercy is fatal.

I suddenly understood why she avoided Heming.

Because He Ming has always placed himself on a high place, he has always felt that he is a superior, even a giver.

The last thing Ruan Qi needs is mercy and charity.

I reminded Heming, "She needs to be empathetic, she needs someone who can truly understand her loneliness, and she must not be the kind of person who comes and leaves in her world. The sense of security...mainly because she is too humble, she can't catch you. Heming, you are excellent, you belong to the kind who want to leave in her world, maybe she is afraid that the warmth you give her will be short-lived. "

Heming asked me, "Why do you know so much?"

"Women's minds are all the same."

Most women in love are humble.

Especially the kind that yearns for love.

He Ming didn't come back to me again. I guess he was thinking about this problem seriously. When I was bored in the ward, there was a knock on the door, and I was shocked when I looked up.

Thinking of all the things before, I looked at the person who came and asked him with a little embarrassment, "Why do you think about coming to see me at so late?"

Mo Yuanlian asked gently, "Can I come in?"

I nodded and said, "Well, don't be so polite."

I can only treat Mo Yuanlian with courtesy.

He came and sat beside me and asked, "How is the injury?"

Mo Yuanlian's eyes are big and round, with a little bit of phoenix eyes but deep eyelids. They are of a particularly beautiful type anyway.

"It's okay, I heard that LG is dead?"

"Well, she knows she cannot escape to death."

Mo Yuanlian's expression was faint, he had nothing to do with me except being polite. It seemed that everything before was my fantasy, and the man Mo Yuanlian really made me wonder.

But it's normal again.

After all, he is a psychologist.

Such people can hide their minds.

I hesitated and asked: "Do you really like me?"

Suddenly he asked, "What does the young lady think?"

I hesitated and said: "I forgot about the bell that I gave you back then. At that time, I was young and couldn't remember clearly! But Xiaowu remembers you, and she has always remembered you deeply."

Before Xiao Wu, what did he ask me to do...

I can't remember exactly what she said, she seemed to be referring to... I suddenly remembered the dog I had before.

and many more!

Xiao Wu, the dog, and Mo Yuanlian who appeared in my childhood memories, suddenly felt a little uneasy in my heart.

I can hardly think: "You killed Xiao Wu?"

The man did not answer me, but still looked at me with a faint expression, as if looking at something. I held my mind and asked him again, "You killed her? You killed my dog?"

He suddenly raised his lips and smiled: "Miss did not prove that I did it with real evidence, but Miss's instinct has always been accurate. I promised not to lie to Miss, and I will naturally not lie to you now."

"You really killed people?!"

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