Girl, I’ll Teach You Cultivation

Chapter 697: The Dormant Girl

Speaking of the fact that Shui Wuyao took in the orphan back then, Jiang Xiu knew about it. At that time, there were still a few people present who held their own identities. After all, they were all fairy kings. The exception is Misty Shake, who ends up taking in orphan babies.

Sow good causes, reap good fruits.

Although Su Ying hadn't been able to find one of the three great immortal doctors for him, but in order to heal her master, she could condescend to the sixty other sects. This kind of filial piety and kindness was not in vain for Shui Wuyao to adopt her back then.

Jiang Xiu immediately got up and was about to leave, but Lao Bao said, Why, I won't stay overnight.

There's nothing to stay.

Speaking of this, Jiang Xiu stopped suddenly and said, Is there anyone else in Su Xiaowan's family?

Lao Bao said: Sixty years have passed, even if there is now, they are all gone.

Jiang Xiu nodded and walked out of the brothel.

Let's just leave, and I haven't paid any money yet!

Jiang Xiu kept on stepping, Lao Bao scolded angrily: Hey, you still want to give me money after visiting the brothel, you stop for me... But Jiang Xiu didn't pay attention to her, watching the disappearing figure disappear into the drizzle in a flash , there was a smile on Lao Bao's face: Jiang Luoxia is really back, Xianwu Continent really can't miss you.

Su Ying stayed in Mingdu Sect for 60 years but failed to succeed. It should be that a very important person in the sect fell ill. Jiang Xiu came to the door openly. Minghai Sect would never admit that the immortal doctor was banned by them.

It would be a good idea to find Su Ying first, as long as she knows where the fairy doctor is, she can just rescue him.

However, it seems to be a bit troublesome to find her.

Because Mingdu Sect was crowned with the hat of demons, the place where it is located is also considered to be a place where demons gather. Most people are unwilling to go there. Only some aboriginal people are very xenophobic to a certain extent. Like North Korea on Earth, it is relatively closed, but not absolutely closed.

Like the last time, Su Ying went to Qingling Mountain, but she didn't stay long. She won one of the top ten beauties of the new generation, and the ranking seems to be sixth, which can be regarded as a little honor for Mingdu Sect.

The Ming Du religion is under the sea and the sky. There is a strange sea area in Fengzhou. The world calls it the Ming Sea. Of course, mortals dare not go there. Only immortals can go forward, but it is not easy to enter. To open the door of the apocalypse before entering. The location of Mingdu Sect is the world below the sea of ​​darkness, and because of this layer of isolation, it is also one of the main reasons why it is closed and labeled as a demon.

When Jiang Xiu's flying boat arrived, he looked around and saw a sea of ​​darkness, endless. The sea of ​​darkness was not as dark and rough as the real sea, but silent, with black smoke rising from the dark sea, and it was faintly visible like It is precisely because of this scene that the skull image condensed by the spell has the name of the sea of ​​darkness.


Jiang Xiu pointed forward a little, and a vortex appeared in the sea area in front of him. The vortex opened, and there was a faint light shining from below, and there was a world under the sea of ​​darkness.

If you want to open the sea of ​​darkness, you have to be at least at the level of a fairy. Ordinary fairy is still very difficult, but for a god king like Jiang Xiu, it's just a trick.

He drove the flying boat through the opened vortex.

There is a feeling of being too illusory to pass through the world. It only took a while, and the world in front of him brightened up. He was above a sky, and the sky was clear and white clouds were floating.

But the world below that Jiang Xiu saw was completely different from what was rumored outside. Not only was it not full of monsters, but it was peaceful. The scenery is still like this, and it appears again in a flash. In the city, the people here live and work in peace and contentment, no different from the outside.

Sure enough, the rumors were never credible.

The people walking around are ordinary people, there are very few cultivators, and the structure of the houses, the streets, and the shops and stalls beside the streets are all the same as the outside, of course, this is also unique.

It seems that there are far more intersections with the outside world than imagined. Although Mingdu Sect established the sect here, although the aura is not as strong as outside, it is also a peaceful place for the immortal martial arts, which is quite wise.

Jiang Xiu noticed that practitioners wearing pure white robes and who had been ordered to kill by Yintang came and went from time to time, and passers-by on the side of the road would respectfully give way.

He is a disciple of Mingdu Sect.

Seeing a tavern in front of him, after Jiang Xiu went in, a waiter came to receive him. There were quite a few people inside, all of them were tourists. Jiang Xiu stopped the waiter and asked, I heard that we have a top ten beauties here.

Talking about the girl, the waiter showed an expression that men can understand, No, but you are not from Mingdu, but it's okay, now it's not as strict as it was hundreds of years ago, and it's much more relaxed for outsiders. Why, you also came to see Miss Su's beauty?

Jiang Xiu took out a golden bead: If you tell me where to meet Miss Su, this golden bead is yours.

The waiter's eyes lit up: It's in Su Mansion.

Miss Su is Mrs. Su's daughter. If you want to see her, you can go to the Su residence to see her. However, there are too many people squatting in front of Su Fu, so you have to be patient.

Jiang Xiu frowned: You're not mistaken, I'm talking about Su Ying.

The waiter kept staring at the golden bead in Jiang Xiu's hand, and said with a smile, It's Miss Su Ying, one of the top ten beauties on the new list, how can this little one get it wrong.

Jiang Xiu said: As far as I know, Su Ying is... At this point, he stopped talking abruptly. He didn't understand the situation, and it would be bad if Su Ying's background was exposed and she would be harmed.

Orphan girl?

The waiter laughed and said, What a coincidence, Mr. Su discovered at a party that the birthmark on Miss Su's body was definitely the daughter he abandoned when he was a child. At that time, Mr. Su was being chased and killed. The abandoned Cangzhou Bianyunling has now recognized its ancestors and returned to its ancestors. It is true that Miss Su is Lord Su's daughter. If you want to see her, you can go to Su's residence, but Miss Su is not everyone who can see her.

Jiang Xiu was stunned. He vaguely remembered that it was the orphaned baby he met in Bianyunling in Cangzhou.

There is such a coincidence in the world.

Su Ying unexpectedly found her family.

Immediately, Jiang Xiu frowned. If Su Ying's family members were in Mingdu, then she stayed here, but she might not be looking for a fairy doctor for Shui Wuyao, and Jiang Xiu's seeking her would be an accident.

Jiang Xiu asked, How long ago?

The waiter said, Sixty years ago.

Sixty years ago! The corner of Jiang Xiu's mouth lifted into a smile, just as Shui Mist was going crazy, she wanted to go to Mingdu to look for an immortal doctor, but in the end she met her relatives, how could it be such a coincidence in the world.

One may be a coincidence, two are not.

If Su Ying wanted to work in Mingdu, she really needed an identity.

Thank you sir, thank you sir...

After receiving Jiang Xiu's golden bead, the waiter could not close his mouth from ear to ear with joy, this is a golden bead, he could not earn one in ten years, if he is not happy.

If you have anything else to do, just ask.

Jiang Xiu said, I'll call you again if I need something.

In the tavern, he heard the chatter of some drinkers. Immediately, he found out the seat of the Su family with the waiter, and left the tavern. The tavernkeeper said, Who is this?

The waiter smiled all over his face: A son, I think he wants to pursue Miss Su Ying!

It's really lucky, please give me another dozen of such young masters.

This Mr. Su is said to be a first-rank member of the Mingdu Sect and a follower. Although he is not very important in the Mingdu Sect, he is also a powerful minister.

With such a person in the background, Su Ying's life in Mingdu Sect will be much easier, and she will grow up smoothly after entering Mingdu Sect and becoming a disciple.

However, Su Ying was really patient, she actually hibernated for sixty years.

When he arrived at the Su Mansion, Jiang Xiu really gained his knowledge. He used to think that a certain suitor lined up from a certain street to a certain street was a metaphor, but what he saw in front of him was real. Across two streets, even the traffic on this street was directly paralyzed.

How powerful is the influence of the top ten beauties on the new list?

Many of them are young talents, and some of them are servants, all holding gifts in their hands, it seems that they are going to give gifts to Su Ying, but the name of Su Mansion is tightly closed, and the outsiders are not Urge.

Could it be that this Su Mansion still opens regularly to receive gifts?

A servant finally opened the door and said, Everyone, please go back, Miss Su is going to the Dengque Tower.


There was an uproar in the field.

Dengque Tower, why, why did Miss Su go to Dengque Tower?

How can she go to Dengque Tower?

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