Girl, I’ll Teach You Cultivation

Chapter 28 Meeting and not knowing each other

The old and young policemen were stunned by this arrogance. This is the eldest lady of someone's family. Commanding the police officer is like commanding the servants of the family. The police station is opened by your family, and whoever is arrested arrests whoever is arrested.

Jiang Xiu said, Let your brain be kicked by a donkey.

If it hadn't been for the deity to stop the car, sooner or later your speed would be out of control, and you would rush to the side of the road, not to mention killing people, and you might lose your life if you don't do it yourself.

Really speaking, this deity is still your savior.

Nangong Kouer gritted her teeth and looked at him, her eyes were not looking at her benefactor, but her sworn enemy. You rushed directly into the middle of the road to stop the car. If this lady hadn't been highly skilled in driving, reacted quickly, and stepped on the brakes in time, you would have been knocked into the air and died.

Speaking of which, I am your savior.

When she said this, Ms. Kouer's face was neither red nor out of breath, and she didn't remember the fact that she was so frightened just now.

Jiang Xiu smiled coldly: You thought you were the one who stopped the car?

Ignorant, stupid!

You... who are you talking about? Nangong Kouer's pale face turned red with anger, how dare someone call her Nangong Kouer ignorant and stupid? However, her pretty face, which was pink and blood-colored, was really as beautiful as summer flowers, and Jiang Xiu felt a little familiar with this face.

Two, two...

It's a big deal. Now, nothing has happened, and everyone is fine. Let's just forget about it. Come back to the police station with me, write a record, and the matter will be over.


This time, Jiang Xiu had a tacit understanding with Nangong Kouer.

The old policeman said, Is it enough that I am a policeman?

Originally, the old policeman had to deal with Nangong Kouer heavily, but he was driving a four to five million Ferrari sports car, which was nothing. There were many rich people, but he always called the big boss of the provincial department by his name as soon as he opened his mouth.

Nangong Kouer said: Do you know who I am, and you dare to arrest me?

The old policeman asked: I haven't asked for advice yet!

Nangong Kouer said: You stand still, don't be scared.

The surname is Nangong, and the boudoir name is Kouer!

Nangong Kouer!

The old police officer didn't know who Nangong Kouer was, and there was no surprise on his face, let alone trembling hands and feet. Nangong Kouer was very disappointed. She forgot that these two police officers were not from the imperial capital. The name can make the director fall off his chair in fright.

The old police officer was not frightened, but Jiang Xiu was stunned for a moment, not only looking at her, but it was her, Nangong Kouer, no wonder he looked familiar, one of his three fiancees.

Why is she completely different from what I remember, but it's no wonder that when Jiang Xiu saw her in the last life, it was almost ten years later, so they are no longer teenagers. The son is not a young girl of cardamom age, but a gentle and charming mature woman.

How could we meet here!

Jiang Xiu remembered it. According to their conversations in later generations, Nangong Kouer did come to Jiangcheng to have a look at him, but Jiang Xiu didn't know it at the time, it should be today. However, Jiang Xiu's life trajectory has changed in this life. her.

Back then, he hurriedly signed a contract to dissolve the engagement, and they were separated from each other from then on. In this life, Jiang Xiu had no reason to have too much entanglement with her.

stop here!

While speaking, Cultivator had already slipped away without a trace.

Hey, what about others?

Nangong Kouer was furious: Bastard, I told you to arrest him, but if you don't, it's fine now, let him run away.

The old policeman was taught by him like a subordinate.

What's the police number, I'll definitely go to Yan Tianxiong to complain about you, you guys just pack up and leave.

The old policeman was dumbfounded.

She never forgot what she said just now that she wanted to educate Nangong Kouer, and watched her swagger open the Ferrari door and get in. She started the car, then rolled down the window and asked, How do I get to Jiangcheng No. 2 Middle School?

The old policeman mechanically pointed in the direction of No. 2 Middle School.

Boom, boom... Ferrari roared away, but this time, the speed had dropped to normal driving speed.

The old policeman kept watching Ferrari go away.

Captain, what is the origin of this young lady, she is so awesome.

She won't really complain about us.

The old policeman said: Before she left, she just glanced at our police number, so she probably couldn't remember it.

After finishing speaking, he walked into the middle of the road, because the Ferrari braked suddenly just now, and the tires had five-meter-long tire ink marks. The tire marks were very deep, but they disappeared suddenly.

According to his many years of criminal investigation experience, the ink marks on the tires should have gradually weakened. This kind of marks that stopped abruptly was more like being forced to stop after hitting a hard object.


The old policeman said, Who is that kid? Did you notice just now? What was he doing when he was standing in the middle of the road?

The little policeman said: It seems to be chanting a spell with a piece of RMB in between.


The old policeman looked at the direction where Jiang Xiu was leaving, and pondered: Is that kid a mage?

Aren't mages all liars?

With two hundred dollars easily in hand, Jiang Xiu went to the convenience store and bought a bottle of Coke extravagantly, which was still iced for free, and then walked to school while drinking, the roar of Ferrari rang again in his ears With a whistling sound, he passed by him and drove directly into the campus.

Nangong Kouer saw Jiang Xiu as soon as he got out of the car, and his beautiful eyes widened in surprise: Why is it you again!


Jiang Xiu smiled lightly, as if he saw a puff of air, completely treating him as transparent.

Soul light!

Nangong Kouer was very angry: Stop!

If you let the deity stand still, the deity will stop, what face does the deity have.

I already know that you are studying in this school. If you don't stop, I will call the police to arrest you.

Jiang Xiu paused, but villains and women are difficult to raise, so let me let you go, What's the matter?

Are you a senior in high school too?

Jiang Xiuai ignored the answer: That's right!

Then do you know a man named Jiang Xiu?

Sure enough, Jiang Xiu's guess was correct, Nangong Kouer came here to look for him, but she should have glanced at him from a distance, and then left.

I know it!

Nangong Kouer said: Then you take me there, but don't let him find out.

Heh, heh heh...

Jiang Xiu has already calculated in his heart, this girl is so annoying, he also wants to disgust her, is this deity so easy to bully?

Ever since, the two walked to the campus.

The sun on Sunday afternoon was very bright, very comfortable, and very pleasant. The branches on both sides were blown by the majestic wind and rustled, and there were students running around.

There are classmates who have puppy love, two by two shoulder to shoulder, occasionally Euler's fingers, that is very out of line, the girl hangs her head in embarrassment.

Nangong Kouer suddenly realized that he and Jiang Xiu were walking together, like a couple passing by, his pretty face couldn't help but get hot, and he was studying in this school?

Your school has a good environment!

Nangong Kouer finally started to speak human words, is it true what Ms. Kouer said before?

Jiang Xiu is there!

Jiang Xiu shamelessly pointed out to her a fat man who weighed more than two hundred catties and had a big black mole on his face. He had a grin and a mouthful of black teeth.

This classmate is called Yu Daguang, the young owner of Daguang Group, and his family has a lot of assets.

According to Jiang Xiu's experience, Nangong Kouer will never confirm Yu Daguang's identity again.

He noticed that Nangong Kouer's eyes flashed with distressing despair, her pretty face gradually turned pale, her fists were clenched and trembling slightly, and her last hope was shattered. She expected that Jiang Xiu would be like her fantasy Like the Prince Charming in the movie, but the reality severely shattered her dream.

He, he is Jiang Xiu!

Jiang Xiu didn't even blink: Yes, he is Jiang Xiu!

Nangong Kouer said: You won't lie to me!

What did I lie to you for... Jiang Xiu made a surprised expression and said, Why, so you don't know him? Then you came to him?

Nangong Kouer's eyes turned red, almost crying.

Why are you crying, don't cry, others don't know and think that this deity has done something to you?

You want to...

Nangong Kouer stubbornly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, she did not want to be weak in front of anyone: Miss Ben was accidentally blown into her eyes by wind and sand.

By the way, how can you be a real deity, can you speak human words well, are you a mage?

Jiang Xiu couldn't bear it, and said, Yes, I can still read faces, right Nangong Kouer, you are rich.

Tch, you can tell by looking at me, and I'm still driving a Ferrari.

Jiang Xiu said: Then tell me about your marriage. You have been engaged since childhood, and your husband's family name is Jiang.

Nangong Kouer's beautiful eyes widened in shock, thinking, this is too amazing.

However, in the end you did not complete this marriage, but married a financial talent.

Nangong Kouer said excitedly: Really?

This deity counts as a plan.

Nangong Kouer, who had a sad face before, was as happy as a bird at this moment: I can't tell, you are really a mage, by the way, strange things happened one after another at my uncle's construction site, since you are a mage, go to Take a look, you should be able to earn a small fortune.

Nangong Kouer has sharp eyes, and Jiang Xiu's outfit can be seen as someone who is short of money.

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