The next time

!! poof!!

Armin, Ellie, Allen, and Mikasa were silent, flying in the dense forest.

"But I really didn't expect it. Ellie said this, looking behind her

, "I didn't expect that guy to use a three-dimensional mobile device?" Almin sighed

, "What a monster, I remember the first dozens of times when we fought him in the dense forest, he didn't mean to use the three-dimensional mobile device

at all." "

Bastard!!!bastard!!" Eren gritted his teeth and was furious

, "What's wrong with you, Alan?" Mikasa was a little worried, after all, Eren's expression of heartfelt anger was extraordinary.

"I'm angry, Mikasa

!" Eren jerked past the three, his face darkened behind his back

, "That guy! That guy! Obviously has such great power?"

"Why? Why did you attack us!"Why! With such great power, you should obediently kill the giant's head!!

" "

Alan!" Suddenly, Armin shouted,

For the sake of a momentary battle, you must calm down. Moreover, you must be clear that not all strong people have the courage to face giants.

Besides, even he, in the face of giants, is in danger of death!" "

Are you saying that the bastard in the back is a coward who only dares to attack the weak and humans

?" said Eren disdainfully, gritting his teeth

, "If this is the case, what qualifications does this kind of person have to teach me !!?"

And," suddenly, Ellie lowered her head and spoke, as if thinking of something, meaningfully, "and there are many people who are scarier than giants!"

Eren glanced back at Ayakoji in the mask, obviously not understanding Ellie,

"Just like the guy in the back." "

In that case, Armin," Mikasa asked, suddenly, "will Hrista, Arnie, and Sasha


"The only ones chasing them are probably the shorter soldier commander and Instructor Keith, and the probability of survival will always be higher." The


revealed that they had other intentions to escape.

"But Armin, sure enough, wouldn't tell Hrista anything about them, it would be too much. Ellie chased after Armin.

"If you tell them, they will definitely support us." That way, the plan can't be carried out at all, Ellie, trust me, this time, we will win.

Armin smiled calmly, and the sunshine said what was in his heart.

He sensed that the purpose of the bishopric was related to the four of them, so that they would surely be able to attract the bishop.

As for the others, it will definitely be easier to survive.

Those who can't give up anything, can't change anything.

This time, Armin gave up themselves.

Ellie's pink eyes were suddenly stunned, and a faint halo flowed, "Sure enough, Armin, you have changed too." "

It's not that cowardly boy anymore.

"Yes, of course the plan will be carried out successfully!" Alan did not hear Ellie's murmur, but gritted his teeth and picked up Armin's words, "After all, didn't Armin say it, this seems to be the purpose of the bastard in the back!"

This feeling, this feeling, Alan roared in his heart

, it was simply using people as tools to build!

Ellie also detected this feeling

, but there was no nasty feeling,

which faintly made her miss a little. She lowered her head thoughtfully, and at the same time, a conjecture came to her mind uncontrollably.

Could it be....

Ayakoji silently stared at the four people in front of him, his black pupils pure and cold, like a piece of pure black solid ice.

It has to be said that Armin guessed Ayakoji's thoughts correctly, but not all of them, or rather, he underestimated Ayakoji's true thoughts.

After all, no one knows that what Ayakoji really wants to eliminate is actually their fate!

In the past two years, Ayakoji has really experienced a lot, among which he felt the most obvious on the battlefield of the Marian War.


Humans, giants, soldiers, commoners

, merchants, nobles

, regimes, royal powers, Malais, Isla Pa.

Everything cannot escape

fate, because fate, royal power drives the nobility, the nobles control the merchants, the merchants enslave the slaves, and then create tragedy, there is no such thing as silence. It's like Koh Pa now.

Because of fate, the royal power controls the soldiers, the soldiers are dependent on politics, politics starts wars, and wars destroy peace and bring benefits. For example, Malai was hostile to the island of Pa and the government launched the Mary War.

Because of fate, the Eldian people could only shrink in three walls, turned into caged birds, and indulged in peace and contentment, but in fact lost their freedom forever and became domestic animals without knowing it.

Fate will break the silence, fate will destroy peace, fate will imprison freedom.

With a sharp pull on the hook lock of the three-dimensional motorized device, Ayakoji's eyes flashed with a trace of disgust.

Therefore, after that miserable war, Ayakoji sincerely began to hate the word destiny, because fate could not give him the quiet, peaceful and free life he wanted.

But man cannot resist fate, but fate is determined by man.

Therefore, when he came to the 104th training barracks and saw the countless white words in his sight, and saw so many children in the world and learned about their sad past through prompts, Ayakoji suddenly had an idea.

Yes, now he can trace some fragments of Alan and their past, but he cannot see their established destiny future.

However, he is not unable to influence and even distort people's fate by changing the way they are "people", right?


the 13 people selected, there are humans, there are scaleless giants, and there are intelligent giants.

Among these 13 people, there were commoners, merchants, nobles, and slaves.

Even among these 13 people, there are Marais, there are Pa Islanders.

These 13 people contain all the factors in this world that can cause war and destroy quiet peace and freedom.

Ayakoji's expressionless face was still calm, but his eyes slowly lit up with a faint light, and he knew that this feeling was called anticipation.

As for what to expect? Who knows....

"Alan, Mikasa, Armin, Ellie, Christa, Yumir, Sasha, Arnie, Reiner, Bertot, Jean, Conny, Marko.

Ayakoji expressionlessly read out the names of the 13 people one by one, and said to herself, "How far can you go on this road to change your destiny?" The

corners of his mouth lifted a little inexplicably, but disappeared in an instant

, "Let me see..." At

the same time, the four of Mikasa stopped their fleeing figures, stood on the thick branches, and turned around to look at Ayakoji.

Ayakoji jerked the three-dimensional mobile device in front of him, pulled out the knife at his side with a sonorous sound, and looked at the pupils of his former family members surprisingly cold

, "After all, if you fail, I won't be able to live the life I want." In that case...

..," Ayakoji coldly said in her heart the thoughts that came from her heart

, "Even if I want to become the greatest tyrant, I will put this disgusting world right!" In

Ayakoji's opinion, there is only one easiest way to quickly unite disunited people: that is, to create an existence that can only barely resist in a huddle.

The 13 squad that was successfully built in just ten days just proved the correctness of his idea

! Then there will be no exception for everyone in this world, as long as you shape an enemy of the whole world!

Because he never really felt that he belonged completely to this world....

Snowflakes were still falling, covering the earth and branches, gently covering the shoulders and heads of the five Ayakoji.

Alan, Ellie, and Armin shook the snow on their bodies and stared closely at the person opposite.

Mikasa drew his knife expressionlessly, ignoring the snow on his body.

Ayakoji was also motionless, feeling the coldness of the snowflakes falling on the top of her head, neck, and shoulders, without the slightest intention of knocking them off.

Inside, inexplicably feel warm.

"Actually, now it seems that white is really not so annoying?" The

sound of breaking the air vented the anger in his heart, the blades clashed, the sparks stirred, and the smell of rust and burnt mixed with faintly came out, showing killing intent.

Ayakoji looked at the familiar red scarf in front of him, and the image of his birthday a few years ago flashed in his mind.

He remembered that Mikasa and Eren were tiptoeing to look at the snow outside, and Eren was indeed looking at the snow, watching the snow of freedom. But Mikasa wasn't looking at the snow, she was looking at Alan, she was looking at Ayakoji, she was looking at her family.

As for Ayakoji, what was he looking at?

"Is it red?"

muttered, muffled in the crisp sound of blades clashing.


But why do you look red?

Sure enough,

it's because it's so eye-catching....

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