"Is that so?" "

Is Yumir also a giant?" Hanji

glanced at Yumir imperceptibly, listening to Miko's report, he couldn't help nodding, his expression serious:"

And more importantly, the Wall of Rosse, wasn't it destroyed?" "

Ah——!" Miko half-squinted and pursed his mouth

, "You also saw the matter of Yumir with your own eyes, so I won't explain too much."

"As for the matter of the wall, it is true, last night we sent people to patrol along the wall of Rosse, and did not find any holes. Hu


Mi couldn't help but sigh, looked up at the sky, very sad

, "I don't know, how did that group of giants come about."

"It can't be thrown from heaven." "


Hanji put on his glasses, reflecting a blinding white light

, "Maybe..."

Hanji gently glanced at Connie not far away, and muttered,

"It has something to do with Conny's hometown." Dong


Mike poured saliva and then poured all the remaining water on his head.

He shook his head ——! a crystal splash in the air, trying to dispel the exhaustion of his body and doing his best to forcibly lift his spirits.

"Perhaps, when the time comes, you will take Connie over there to investigate."

"However, compared to the intelligence on my side.

Mi Ke pursed his lips, obviously he had already drunk water just now, but he still felt that his lips and teeth were dry.

"The intelligence over there is really scary."

He subconsciously rubbed his nose, looked at the wall under his feet, and stomped his foot gently, only feeling a little numb in his heart.


city wall, there are giants inside!" "Huh?" Han Ji blinked, and couldn't help but show a mocking smile

, "Why, Mike, can't it be that you didn't smell it?" "Shouldn't it, don't you claim to be able to smell the sweat of giants from thousands of meters away

?" Han Ji jumped up and down on the city wall, and raised his eyebrows:

"Why, could it be that you never smelled


Miko rolled her eyes

, "Hehe, how can you smell it from such a thick wall!"

Miko waved his hand,

"I'm not tired enough to need you to lift my spirits up."

Miko took a deep breath and looked at Hrista who was beside Yumir:

"Real royalty?"


Hanji touched the carrier pigeon on his shoulder,

"The real queen."

"It's an honor, Miko, this news..."

Hanji closed one eye, raised the scroll in his hand, and said softly,

"I didn't even have time to inform Erwin."

"That is, this time you know before Erwin knows."

"Okay, Hanji, don't be funny.

Miko shook his head wryly,

"Didn't I say that I don't need you to help me lift my spirits."

He looked in a certain direction and touched his hands uncontrollably to the knives on the sides.

"But I really have to say something.


, it's a giant, it's a giant!! "Alan, it's a giant

! Arni, it's a giant!! Ahrista

, a real royal family, most likely a future queen!

Even! Just now, Hanji actually told him that

Reiner and Bertot are

Kai's giants and oversized giants, respectively.

The lineup of 104 recruits, dare to be more luxurious?"

"You say so..."

Han Ji stuffed the letter into the small wooden pipe tied to the leg of the carrier pigeon, and said softly:

"It's true."


Hanji followed Miko's gaze and squinted at Reiner, "Miko, don't

be impulsive.

"After all, we who are present are helpless to the super giant and the armored giant.

"Just leave everything to Alan, and they'll be fine."

Hanji pursed his lips and lowered his voice:

"The best solution is to stabilize Reiner and Bertot and bring them back to the wall." "


Miko gently withdrew his gaze and let go of the hand touching the hilt:

"I see." "


"Reiner..." Eren

took a deep breath, then turned around

, "Let's go, we have to hurry back to Hina's Wall to investigate the matter of the giants inside the wall."

"Arnie..." Alan

pursed his lips and said in a deep voice,

"Arnie is still waiting for you."

Eren said this, but couldn't help but clench his fists.

Mikasa stood quietly in front of Eren, hanging his head without saying a word.

No one could see her expression at this moment.

Bertot and Reiner looked at each other.

"Hey——! Reiner,"

Bertol said in a low voice

, "It should be time, right?"

he turned to look at the vast expanse beyond Rosse's wall, his eyes blank.

Reiner touched his chin in bewilderment and turned to look at Bertot's side face,

"What's the time?

"You guy, you won't get psychosis, will


?" Snapped——!

Bertot slammed his forehead, speechless

: "You're enough

, Reiner!" "Don't get sick at this time!"

He spread out his hand, couldn't help but bend down, and explained to Reiner:

"Have you forgotten?"

"Forgot Marseille

!" "No kidding!"

Bertot waved his hand sharply, then slowly calmed down.

He looked at Reiner with an ugly expression

, "Even if you forget the instructions that the warrior commander gave us just now, you should read it lightly."

"Don't worry Arnie.

Bertolt shook his head slightly:

"If she sincerely wants to leave, it is impossible to really stop her inside the wall."

Mikasa heard the conversation between Bertot and Reiner and looked up sharply.

In those eyes is a compromise of the reality that you have to believe in in the end.

"Reiner... Bertot..."

Alan turned around, looked at the two in a complicated way, and pulled out a smile:

"What are you talking about?


" Reiner let out a long sigh, his expression gradually softening:

"yes, what am I talking about?"

"What have I forgotten!" "What have I

been doing all this time!"


, Reiner looked at Allen and said solemnly

, "Alan, listen up."

"What I said next was incredible, but believe me, I was telling the truth.

Under Bertot's horrified gaze, Reiner pointed his thumb at him.


Reiner patted his chest and explained to Eren seriously

, "Alan, I am the Giant of Armor, he is a super-large giant.

"You come with us.

Reiner pursed his lips and looked at Allen in complexity:

"Go to our hometown."

"Only in this way can everyone have a greater probability of being safe and sound." Only there can you learn the truth.


Mikasa subconsciously drew the sharp knife at his side.

Mikasa's eyes couldn't help but flash a hint of confusion,

why did she draw a knife?


"Armin, Jean?"

Ellie frowned, looking at the two whose faces suddenly turned gloomy

, "You two, your faces suddenly became so ugly."

"Hrista. Yumir

, who was resting on one side, got up sharply and pushed Hrista behind him.

She herself walked over to Alan,

"Stay away."

Yumir looked sideways at the dazed looking Christa, and his words were full of tenderness:

"How far, how far to hide." "

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