
——! Jean's eyes widened sharply, and he couldn't help but gasp, and then he kept shaking his head and muttering:

"No! No! Absolutely not!"

"If the giantess is Arnie, if it is Arnie who killed Marko!"

"Then why did she use the power of the giant when dealing with Gold and Andre in the first place?"

"If you want to save us, why do you want to harm us!"

"No, it's not right!" Jean pressed his eyebrows a little painfully, and his words were confused:

"If she just wants to protect herself, she may also use the power of giants."

"I don't know...," Armin held his head and kept shaking his head:

"I've been thinking about it for a long time.

"I've been thinking about it for a long time ever since I found out that Arnie was Marko's three-dimensional mobile device.

"Can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out.

He raised his head, looked at Erwin, Levi, and Hanji, and said softly:

"Commander Elvin, Captain Levi, and Captain Hanji, that's why I invited you here."

"My reasoning, is there something wrong?"

Armin didn't want to expose Arnie,

he wanted to do more than hope that the three seniors in front of him would point out the loopholes in his speculation.

Erwin and Hanji were speechless, not knowing what to say.

Levi's expression was cold, silent, but in his eyes, there was a murderous intent!

Obviously, there was no loophole in what Armin said!

"Yes or no, you already know in your hearts, don't you?"

Erwin shook his head and stopped talking.

"Actually, we also don't understand..." Han Ji smiled bitterly, glanced at Levi, and said

, "This time outside the wall investigation, that giantess seems to be deliberately avoiding harming us, and there are no casualties along the way.

She stared at the unwilling Armin and said softly:

"Armin also said, the giantess let Mina and Franz go at the beginning.

After a moment of silence, Han Ji looked at Allen

, "Alan, you also said in your intelligence."

"When she first faced Petra and the others, the giantess did not let go of her hands and feet, but deliberately took it, and even Petra seemed to recognize her?"

"So she is very likely to be someone you know, and it is very likely that she is Arnie

!" "But after this, why did she run away and kill people again, all this is still a mystery!" "

Whatever the reason..."

You'll know when you catch Arnie tomorrow. When

Allen and the others heard this, they couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Erwin noticed everyone's reaction and said calmly:

"Don't be surprised, there is a follow-up to this operation, and the target of our mission was originally locked on Arnie in the gendarmerie regiment.

"It's just the intelligence provided by Armin that makes us more sure of this." Over

there, there was a crisp sound of gritting teeth.

Erwin glanced at Levi and pursed his lips

, "Levi, tomorrow's action, you won't be on it."

He looked at Levi's feet and said softly,

"Heal your wounds." "


Levi's eyes widened subconsciously, his chest rose and fell, and he slowly regained his calm.

"I see..."

Why didn't Erwin let him make a move?

How could it be just because of his injury

, more importantly, a living giantess is more valuable than a dead giantess!"

Levi whispered, clenching his fists and adding in his heart.

Before she could lose her worth!


Erwin got up gently, lifted the curtain, and left with Hanji and Levi.

Before leaving, Erwin glanced at the few people behind him and said softly:

"Armin, the information you provided is very valuable.

"I'll go arrange some things, you guys take it slow down first, and come to me later."

"Tomorrow's capture of Arnie may require your assistance to minimize casualties."

"If we can, we can still sit down and talk." "


After Erwin left, an eerie silence fell between the four.

Get up and open the curtain until you're sure there's no one around.

He turned to Armin and asked in a tentative whisper:

"Armin, you still concealed something from Captain Erwin, right?" Like

what Reiner, who was in the Tros District that had fallen not long ago, faced the giants, and resolutely stood in front of them, relying on something?


example, in the beginning, why did Ayakoji target Arnie, Reiner and Bertot?

"Except for a few pieces of information, most of what I kept from them was Ayakoji's affairs.

He spread his limbs and looked at the carriage in amazement.

Through the fine holes, Armin faintly saw the dark night sky outside.

"But they also hide a lot from us.

"Like why they were placed somewhere else."

"No, that's not the reason, maybe it's just that Captain Erwin was on guard against Ayakoji."

"That's not the main reason I'm hiding from them. Almin


jerked up and looked at Eren with his eyes downcast, Mikasa who closed his eyes, and Jean who clenched his fists.

"Why hide from them?"

"I think, probably because I haven't figured out a lot of things yet."

I guess you're thinking the same now.

He licked his dry lips and suggested,

"Wait a little longer!"


else is there to ask...," Eren couldn't help but let out a wry laugh and murmured in a low voice.

"Yes, there are many..." Mikasa opened his eyes, his eyes full of complexity.

She spoke softly, her voice trembling a little:

"For example, ask Arnie why he hurt you."

"For example, ask Arnie why she killed Petra!""

For example, ask her, why did she kill Marko or where she hid Marko

?" "For example, ask her, why did she break the wall with Reiner and Bertot!! "For example

, ask them, can Carlula's mother's house still be built?"

For example, ask them if the promise made by the 13 of us together was a big joke in their eyes!?"

Mikasa pursed her lips, staring at the swaying flames in the kerosene lamp, and muttered in a hoarse voice,

"What role does Kiyotaka, who stopped them in Maria five years ago, play now?"

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