"Huh?" Fritz

glared in surprise, turned to look at Ayakoji, and frowned:

"What did you say just now...

..."With a pop——!

blade came out.

Fritz looked behind him incredulously.

There, a black-robed soldier stabbed a dagger into his chest!


Blood gushed up from the lungs, flowed through the throat, overflowed the mouth, and slowly dripped along the corners of the mouth.

He looked behind him and shouted lowly

, "How dare you?!" All

the black-robed soldiers present

, their relatives, and even themselves, were under the control of their own poison!

Under the terrified gazes of Erwin and the others,

the soldiers who had originally pointed their guns at them turned their back and killed the others.

What's more, among the masses, many people drew knives from unknown places, led by the big man, and killed the remaining people.

In the blink of an eye, the originally white and solemn military law conference hall was stained with blood red!

The people who attacked the black-robed soldiers drew their knives and stood quietly in place.

All the soldiers, without exception, rushed towards Ayakoji, who seemed to be standing in the center of the world.

"Sir! Mission accomplished!" Click


Aya Koji gently pressed, and the nylon rope under his body was all broken.

He helped Eren and Karula and healed their injuries.

Then, he gently bowed his head and quietly looked at Fritz, without the slightest emotion in his eyes.

"What..... When was it switched?" Fritz

understood the scene at this moment.

It turned out that before you knew it, his subordinates had been replaced by half a less!"

Ayakoji ignored Fritz, who was constantly vomiting blood on the ground, and replied softly.

He had long expected that this fish in hiding would not appear casually.

So he had long ago sent his men to set up an ambush wherever he could start.

In this big drama, no one that Ayakoji cares about will die.

Even the old Arnold, at this moment, is happily waiting at home for the return of his grandson.

To put it bluntly, Ayakoji just wants to use Fritz's exposure to show the world the evil of nobility

! Presumably, soon, the deep-rooted impression of obedience of some nobles by the masses inside the wall will be completely reversed

! "Ahem——!

" Fritz coughed a few times with difficulty, and muttered:


"They found out.

Ayakoji glanced at the corpses present and said softly

, "But if they can see you dead, why should they tell you?"

Obedience through threats will not last, in the final analysis.

Ayakoji half-squinted and said coldly

, "What's more, your level of threat is simply insufficient!" "

Boy, are you happy too early?" Fritz

glared at Ayakoji with tears, breaking a bottle of liquid with difficulty.

The liquid evaporated in an instant and was inhaled into the mouth and nose by everyone present.

Don't think that the pills you take are just poison.

Fritz smiled and looked crazy:

"Do you know what the poison plus these liquids are?"

"It's the greatest work of art

in the world!" "Enough, destroy this hall, even the Wall of Rosse, the Wall of Hina, the mighty power!" The

air became extremely gloomy in the blink of an eye!

Instinctive fear spread from everyone's heart.

The sticky air pressed on everyone's shoulders, combined with the pungent smell of blood in the military law conference, interpreting panic and panic to the extreme.

Arnie subconsciously clenched his hand, aimed at the familiar golden light spreading around, gulped and spat, and couldn't help muttering:

"This is, the potion of the dirt giant

?" "Damn, how can the people inside the wall also master the method of making this thing?" Armin

and the others, who had seen Allen's transformed state, couldn't help but look around, and their hearts were desperate.

Such a huge number of giants, not to mention that it is enough to slaughter all the humans present.

The aftermath of their transformation alone was enough to destroy the entire hall of the Military Law Council.

And the human beings present, let alone there is no three-dimensional mobile device, even if there is, everyone may have only one end.

That is death

! Crushed into meat by huge giants, there are no bones!

Levi's brows furrowed, his eyes scanned the room, and all the abnormalities in the field were in his eyes.

He who had never seen Allen transform into a giant and did not know what was happening.

But the shocked eyes of Armin, Mikasa and the others and the strange appearance from his heart made him faintly notice that something was wrong.

"Hey, Erwin.

Levi exclaimed

, "Do you know what the hell is going on in front of you?" Erwin

frowned, then shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

Then, he gently looked ahead and said softly

, "However, Ayakoji is here, there should be no problem."

"After all, everything that happened from just now and even now seems to be under Ayakoji's control." "

I saw the blood-stained hall of the Military Justice Conference, and the soldiers of the Sanctions Blade were still indifferent in the face of such a dangerous situation.

It is like, if there is no order from the commander, even if they have to face death or even fall into the abyss, they will not have the slightest hesitation.

"Hahahaha!" Fritz

looked at the sanction blade that did not do anything at all, and couldn't help laughing:

"It's late!


Just now, whether it was quickly killing the black-robed soldiers who still had their breath, or even leaving the military law conference hall immediately, Ayakoji and the others had a chance to survive.

But now it was too late!

The mist that drifted away and the pills in the black-robed soldiers' bodies had completely fused.

Fritz smiled wickedly, staring straight at the calm Ayakoji and roaring in his heart.

In his basement, he used countless people to experiment with this method.

After countless failures, he finally completely improved his originally backward injection technology.

The current grand carnival is his masterpiece for nearly five years.

In a moment, the roar of the giant, accompanied by the blood and flesh of everyone present, will resound and roar in the wall!

And if he remembers correctly, this person also took poison just now.

The man in front of him also inhaled the mist just now.

What's more, he is closest to the source of the mist

, that is, Ayakoji will be the first masterpiece born because of himself!

The leader of the Sanctions Blade who opposes them will transform into a giant under the public.

The refugee who once hindered the wall of Maria, the hero who killed the giant, is about to open his blood basin to mankind at this moment.

At the right time, Eren woke up slowly, he was first stunned, then looked around at the familiar golden light, and whimpered.


! Aya

Koji coldly cut the palm of his hand, blood splashed, dripping to the ground!

Under Fritz's excited shouts and everyone's shocked and puzzled expressions.

A blinding black light spread rapidly around Ayakoji.

Fritz looked at the black lightning in front of him and couldn't help but be stunned.

"For..... Why is it black?" The

speed of the black light spreading ——!

the blink of an eye exceeded the scattered golden light.

A black lightning bolt fell from the sky, emitting a deafening roar.

The crowds and soldiers inside the Wall of Rosse and even the Wall of Hina looked into the distance in bewilderment, staring directly at the black lightning that streaked through the sky, and couldn't help but mutter:

"That..... What is that?" Inside

the military court hall

, around Ayakoji, the wind was raging.

In the crackling sound of black lightning, Senbai's bones and bright red muscles were intertwined and combined.

Finally, slowly put on a layer of dark skin.

After five years,

the soul giant has appeared again in this life!

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