The Military Law Conference

, aimed at the most heinous criminals or important events that can affect the masses and the royal family

, is a meeting organized by the gendarmerie regiment, the garrison corps, The three regiments of the Investigation Corps witnessed the meeting, and the president Darís, who commanded the three corps, decided in public.

"Haaa~!" Daris

moved a slightly obese step and swayed down the avenue.

He pulled the scarf at the neckline and wiped the sweat from the top of his head.

Alan Yeager is a giant's thing, and the little fox in Ayakoji actually concealed him for three years!

"Ayakoji, you little fox, have you put me in your eyes?" "

Obviously he

is the president! Does the president know that

under one person and above ten thousand people!

Apart from the king, there is no one in this world who dares not to give him face.

Nair of the Gendarmerie Regiment, Erwin of the Survey Corps, and what other miscellaneous Marquis of Barut or something, which one is not respectful to him?

Without him, because Alan Yeager was a giant, or was it reported to him by the subordinate of the old puppy.

Doesn't this prove one thing: that

the old fox of Pisis is even earlier than he knows

! He's the president! He's the president! Isn't

there something wrong with Ayakoji that shouldn't have been reported to him first?"

Three years ago, the recruit of the 104th issue sent all the blonde children in the southern part of Tros District to his presidential palace without even notifying.

At that time, in the face of the masses of the presidential palace, he explained for a long time to convince everyone that he was not the kind of pedophile pervert.

"By the way, the bread money I reimbursed to those little bastards three years ago, this time I definitely want to come back with Ayakoji!" "I

really think that his President Darris's money is blown by the wind?

When did the money spent on training soldiers to do tasks and eat actually need to be reimbursed by the president himself?"

Aya Xiaolu looked up expressionlessly, staring lightly into Daris's slightly unhappy eyes

: "This time, you know what to do, right?"

"You little fox!" Daris

gritted his teeth and stared at Ayakoji, glanced at the crowd gathered not far from his side, and whispered:

"What else can I do?"


more!" listening to the passionate shouts of the surrounding people "Free Alan Yeager and take back the Wall of Maria!" Daris said

sullenly: "What's more, you guy, you actually incited the public opinion of the masses

?" "What else should I do

?" "Didn't you make it clear that you want me to keep Alan Yeyeger?"

Ayakoji raised his eyebrows slightly, couldn't help shaking his head, and replied softly:

"Less, Darith, are all thousand-year-old foxes, what kind of harmless cats are they pretending to be?"

"Even without me, you'll definitely keep Alan."

"After all, the power of the giant in his body is currently the only means that can be used against the giant in the wall."

Daris's eyes suddenly flashed a trace of essence, he stared closely into Ayakoji's eyes, and asked in a forced voice:

"You just said that there is still inside the wall, right?"

Ayakoji glanced at Darris, and then said leisurely,

"But it depends on what price you can pay." "

Cut!" Daris rolled his eyes and hummed

, "

Little fox!!

" "I'm the president!"

"As a soldier who gave his heart for the royal family, shouldn't you obediently report what you know?"

I never said I was going to give my heart for the royal family or something.


Darris's mind suddenly thundered, and he couldn't help but grin and threatened in a low voice:

"Hey, Ayakoji, you have committed the crime of treason by saying this!" "

Dare to say this in front of me, the president, don't you want to live?"

Ayakoji pouted and glanced at Daris in disgust,

"It wasn't you who asked me for that group of nobles a few years ago."

"Don't tell me that you want that group of nobles to entertain them well." "

When Gina didn't have the ability to spread throughout the wall, all the information of the nobles was collected by Darris.

Without that information, Ayakoji would probably have to work hard to find the nobles who did evil.

"What are you talking about

!" Daris stared at Ayakoji unpleasantly, straightened his chest, and said confidently:

"As president, of course, I have to entertain them well!" "Let them

admire my art! But what a dream of my life!"

Ayakoji shook her head involuntarily as she listened to this, remembering the so-called artwork of Ridaris, who knew the future.


Daris wants to do more seems to be to make them that "work of art".

"Without further ado,"

Ayakoji said coldly, questioning

Darris, "Are you sure to keep Alan Yeager

from you?" "What are you talking about?" Daris

frowned, and then spread his hands out, extremely confident:

"Not to mention that you, the rebel, have colluded with Pisis and Erwin.

"Even if you don't do anything, I can keep Alan Yeager ."

Then he suddenly sank his face, stared at Ayakoji tightly, and whispered,

"The only thing I need to confirm is one thing."

"Kiyotaka Ayakoji, can you guarantee that Alan Yeager will be on the side of humanity?"

Ayakoji nodded slightly, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled

, "After all, despite reading some books, Eren is still a real hot-blooded idiot in essence." "

Hot-blooded idiot?" Daris seemed to have thought of something, and involuntarily pursed his lips

, "A hot-blooded idiot

has mastered the power of giants, and in the future, we will be annoyed." "

When strength is incompatible with reason, there is often a terrible consequence.

When their group of old foxes were there, they were good to say that they could help Eren use this power in the right place.

The fear is that if they are gone that day, can Eren really succeed in using this power in the right place

, if the fate of mankind is put in the hands of an irrational person, the devil knows what he will do



Don't think about the useless ones.

His current health is very good, and he can definitely live for another eighty or ninety years.

During this period, it is enough to train a new batch of people.

"Ayakoji, don't worry, Alan, it's okay.

"In the final analysis, this military law conference is just for the masses and the royal family."

"That's good.

Ayakoji nodded, turned and walked towards the hall.

Then, thinking that he had remembered something, he turned around and chuckled:

"Then, President Darris, in a moment, the group of nobles and even royalty will be left to you." "

No problem, nobles and royalty..."

Daris nodded subconsciously, and then his voice became smaller and smaller.

He was stunned suddenly, tilting his head, puzzled.


? Why is it still involved in aristocracy and royalty?

Is there any mistake

! He's a president! He's

just a president

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