
"Alas——!," Mina

also noticed the situation on Franz and Hannah's side, and looked around, taking in the expressions of the many recruits.

Obviously, many recruits in issue 104 have the same idea as Hannah and Franz

! Gently gritting her teeth, Mina involuntarily aggravated the movement in her hand!

hissing——! a painful hiss came, Sabel resisted the urge to kick over, and whispered:


Mina was startled and subconsciously looked at her hands with bandages.

There, Sabel's pierced ankle was bleeding from her rude movements.

"Hug..... Sorry!"

Mina stuck out her tongue, scratched the back of her head, and then gently bandaged Sabel.

She stared at the horrible wound on Sabel's body, pursed her lips, and forced to hold back the sourness in her heart.

It was her companion, but in just a few days, he became a cripple.

Three years of hard work, in one fell swoop, came to naught.

Not to mention, those partners who just graduated and sacrificed.

It turns out that this is this cruel



Holding back the swelling of her throat, Mina spoke with a hoarse voice

, "Don't blame Sasha, she did it to save you."


smiled heartily and said softly

, "What are you talking about, Mina, how can I blame Sasha, I can't thank her too late."

"Later, I must invite her to my house and serve her a few meats!" After

all, his family is engaged in animal husbandry, and a few meals of meat can still be afforded.

Taking a deep breath and looking into Mina's surprised eyes, Sabel said softly

, "Yes, Mina, I have decided, I am going home."

"Go home and help my parents take care of their little farm."

"I should live there from now on." "

It's time to let go.

He originally joined the 104th training army with lofty ideals.

He wanted to join the gendarmerie regiment and put the damn moth in order.

He also wanted to join the garrison corps and wake up the group of seniors who were eating and waiting to die.

In the end, he discovers that his favorite is indeed the Investigation Corps, and

freedom and truth are what a boy really pursues.


, gently turning his ankle and feeling the unbearable pain, Sabel smiled freely:

"But it's time for me to go home too."

Then he lowered his head slightly, pursed his lips, and chuckled:

"Mina, would you like to go home with me

?" "I remember that your original intention for joining the 104th Corps was to join the Gendarmerie Regiment or the Garrison Corps, receive a salary, and eat enough?"

Mina pursed her lips, making it clear what Sabel meant.

She shook her head lightly and pursed her lips in reply:

"I'm sorry, Sabel, I really want to join the Survey Corps."

Sabel opened his mouth slightly, then slowly closed it, and said softly:

"I was really rejected." "

It's because..... Alan?" "

How..... How could it be !!

" "It's not because of him!" Mina's

pretty face turned red sharply, and the movements in her hands involuntarily aggravated again.

"Sabel, hug..."

"No need to say sorry!"

Sabel's voice sounded softly beside Mina, as if he didn't feel the slightest pain.

When Mina heard this, she subconsciously raised her head and looked at the chuckling Sabel.


Sabel took a deep breath and exhaled slowly

, "Go ahead, do what you want." "

Be safe.

"And then?" tilting his head, Sabel chuckled

, "and remember, Mina, Sabel has a little farm waiting for you forever."

"If you are tired, afraid, and want to rest one day, come to me."

"After all," Sabel closed his eyes softly and said slowly, "what you want to pursue is a monster that will never stop." "



! Monsters! Monsters

named Alan Jaeger! Mental and physical monsters

! The day Tros was recaptured

! Everyone knew that humans had the power to fight back against giants

! A boy named Alan Jaeger had the power to turn into a giant

! On that day, Allen became a monster in the crowd!

Not because of his monster-like spirit of never giving in,

but also because he mastered the power of monsters!

"Ahem!" a

light cough sounded again.

A trace of sadness flashed in Pisis's eyes, and he whispered:

"Then next, there is one more thing that needs to be done." "

Look around and sweep over the faces of soldiers who are young or mature.

Pisis said slowly:

"Final mission."

"The hero who helped us leave, go home." "

Going home is actually never going home again.

The so-called departing heroes are, in fact, sacrificed soldiers.

The dead have passed away, and those who undertake the task of burying and seeing off will always be only the living who are still alive.


In the corner of a dilapidated hut, the bloody leader is not blind, but also with a smile.

Because before he died, he smoked a cigarette as he wished.

Mina gritted her teeth lightly, slowly squatted down, and gently broke off the corpse's hand.

Holding it in his hand was a lighter.

She slowly closed the corpse's eyes and whispered

, "Don't worry, senior, your relic." I will definitely help you get into the hands of your family. "

As for the remains,

that can only be...

Mina's eyes jerked.


night falls, Tros

District ignites a fierce flame.

Many soldiers gathered together, either with tears in their eyes, or biting their lips, or closing their eyes.

Step ——!



left hand behind his back.

Bang ——!

above the heart is a clenched right fist.

The living, the one who sent away, left! .


"Hey! everyone.

Jean and the squad huddled together, and a far-fetched smile was raised ugly:

"Have you seen Marko?" When

Arnie, Bertot, and Reiner heard this, a complicated light flashed in their eyes, and they opened their mouths slightly, and then slowly closed them, not knowing how to answer.

At the same time, they touched the back of their necks uncontrollably.

Not long ago, they were forced by the bishop to inject something that they did not know what it was, and they had once again lost their giant power.


Hrista barely managed to smile, his voice trembling

, "Will he be called to accompany Eren like Mikasa, Ellie, and Armin." "


Jean subconsciously spoke, followed by a self-deprecating smile.

He shook his head and choked,

"No need to guess. Forced

to resist the sourness of his heart, let him look up at the night sky, and said abruptly:

"The corpse that can't see the face is another story!"

"This time, there are many soldiers who don't even have their bodies left." "

Nails, pierced deep into the flesh!

Let the vicious stare at the burning bonfire in the middle, and secretly say in his heart.

Ordinary people, let's not be an ordinary person! Want to be an ordinary person?

Then, let's talk about it in the next life!


Everyone!" Jean looked around at his sad-looking partner and said softly: "

I, ah, the last thing is to join the investigation corps." "

There has to be somebody, standing at the front!


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