"Will he die?"

Fangcun At looked at Kaneki Ken who was carried on a stretcher and asked Lingchuan. After all, Kaneki Ken was also a member of the Bronze Tree. If possible, she didn't want to lose any of her friends.

"I don't think so, but he might take your place."

Ling Chuan concentrated and said with a smile

"Do you mean that Arima Takashi will train him as the next generation?"

Fangcun Atte understood what Lingchuan meant.

"Let's go, it's over."

Ling Chuan pulled Fangcun Aite away from here


Knock, knock, knock...

Renshi Shiho brought the sad-looking Touka Kirishima back to their safe house. He knocked on the door.

"Uncle Sifang, Sister Dongxiang, you are finally back."

Fueguchi Hinami opened the door and saw the two of them, and said happily

"The store manager and others are waiting for you."

"What! Is the store manager back?"

Kirishima Touka rushed in and saw Yoshimura Kousen sitting on the sofa drinking coffee.

Shifang Renshi also walked in at this time, also with a puzzled look on his face.

"I'm back. Come and sit down."

Fangcun Gongshan looked at the shocked expressions of the two people and asked them to sit down first with a kind face.


Kirishima Touka walked to the sofa and sat down, then suddenly stood up

"We were supposed to die in the battle, but Lingchuan pulled us back."

Yoshimura Kousen said slowly.

"Where are Mr. Furuma and Miss Irimi?"

Kirishima Touka looked around, trying to find the other two relatives.

"They were all slightly injured and were resting upstairs.

Yoshimura Kousen pointed upstairs.

Hearing Yoshimura Kousen's words, the sad expression on Kirishima Touka's face gradually disappeared, replaced by a complex emotion of loss and recovery.

"Store manager, Kaneki………"

Boom boom boom………

Kirishima Touka was about to talk to Yoshimura Kozen about Kaneki Ken, but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Why did you bring me here? Is this your home?

Fangcun Aite asked in confusion.

"It's not my house, it's your father's safe house."

Ling Chuan knocked on the door and looked at Fangcun Ate with ill intent.

"What are you doing here? Are you here to comfort me? Get lost!

Fangcun Ate was about to turn around and leave, but Lingchuan grabbed her.

"Of course I'm here to meet my parents, Ate"

"Let go!……"

Just as they were struggling, the door was opened by Fueguchi Hinami.

"Big brother! Miss Takatsuki Izumi! You are here!"

"Well, Mr. Yoshimura and the others are back, right?"

"They are all inside, come in quickly."

Ling Chuan pulled Fangcun Ate, who looked reluctant, into the room.

"Lingchuan, Aite, why are you here?"

Fangcun Gongshan asked in confusion. He thought they should go back to the Bronze Tree now.

"I said I came to meet my parents...ah!"

Ling Chuan covered his waist and looked at Fangcun Ate angrily.

"Why are you pinching me!"

"If you keep talking nonsense, I won't pinch you!"

Fangcun Ai Te looked at Ling Chuan fiercely, and the two seemed to be fighting with their eyes.

"Humph! A great man should not bear grudges against a small man."

Ling Chuan turned around and looked at Fangcun Gongshan and Kirishima Dongxiang.

"I have a few things I want to discuss with you."

"Kaneki was not rescued, but he should be fine."

Looking at the puzzled expressions of several people, Lingchuan explained,"He ran to fight Arima Takasho and was unilaterally crushed, but in the end Arima Takasho did not kill him, but took him back with him who was unconscious."

When Kirishima Touka heard Lingchuan say that Kaneki Ken and Arima Takasho had fought, her expression became nervous, but after hearing Lingchuan's next words, her expression eased a little, and then she hurriedly asked

"When are we going to rescue him?"

Ling Chuan looked at her with a clever look.

Looking at Ling Chuan's eyes, Kirishima Touka also reacted immediately, then lowered her head and said nothing.

"He should be fine. I guess the CCG people may have taken him back because they saw that he was a one-eyed ghoul and that he was worth studying."

Ling Chuan continued.

Yoshimura Ate looked at Ling Chuan unkindly, as if saying,"Who are you implying?"

Ling Chuan smiled at Yoshimura Ate, then asked Yoshimura Kousen

"Mr. Fangcun, what are your plans now?

Fangcun Gongshan was stumped by this question and did not speak for a long time.

"Why don't you join us? I'm going to tidy up the bronze tree and change its name."

Fangcun Gongshan hadn't said anything yet, and Fangcun At, who was next to Lingchuan, mocked him.

"Wow, you really don't consider yourself an outsider. The bronze tree is yours, and you want to change its name! Shameless!"

"Isn't there still Mr. Ate? Isn't yours mine?"

Ling Chuan replied with a smile.

"Humph! Shame on you!"

Fangcun Aite turned his head away

"Why do I need face? I just want At"


Fangcun Aite felt that he had never been so speechless before.

"I'll join, but Furuma and Iruma need to ask them."

Yoshimura Kousen looked at the two bickering and couldn't help but smile. He just wanted to see his daughter happy, and it seemed that only Lingchuan could do this.

"Okay, Mr. Fangcun, then it is a happy decision."

Ling Chuan was very happy to hear Fangcun Gongshan agreed, and then suggested

"Let's open another cafe"

"A cafe?"

Yoshimura Kozen thought for a while, then slowly said,"I have been exposed to the CCG's vision, it is not suitable for me to show up again. If I open a cafe in District 20, it will definitely attract the attention of CCG."

"Well, that's true, but CCG is now seriously injured and there won't be any major actions. Opening a coffee shop shouldn't be a problem. The main thing is that I miss the lively feeling of the antique coffee shop."

Ling Chuan said to himself


A few months later, a coffee shop called"Street Corner" quietly opened on a street far away from the Antique Coffee Shop in District 20.

The furnishings inside are not much different from the original Antique Coffee Shop. The baristas are still Furuma Enji and Irimi Xuan, and the waiters are still Kirishima Touka and Nishio Nishiki. Tsukiyama Shuu has never been here since he heard that Kaneki Ken was arrested by CCG. Lingchuan guessed that he should be a fake.

As for the store manager, since Yoshimura Kozen has been exposed, he was demoted to deputy store manager and usually does not appear in person, so the current store manager is Lingchuan.

Originally Lingchuan wanted to name it"Kawaizumi", but it was vetoed by Yoshimura. In the end,"Street Corner" chosen by Yoshimura was adopted.

During this period, the Bronze Tree also stopped its invasion and there was no movement. The CCG also became quiet because of the heavy losses in the Antique Battle.


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