The originally dim street was illuminated by the lights of armored vehicles, and helicopters were hovering above the antique coffee shop.

Rows of armed forces were staring seriously at this ordinary antique coffee shop.

On a tall building not far away, Ling Chuan was looking at the front intently.

Fangcun Aite on the side also looked solemnly at the antique coffee shop.

"CCG is really going to spend a lot of money to expel Mr. Yoshimura this time!"Looking at Kazuo Shuji on the tank in front of him and several special investigators next to him, Lingchuan couldn't help but sigh, and then looked at the sharp-tongued but soft-hearted Yoshimura Ate next to him with a speechless face.

Originally, Lingchuan and Yoshimura Ate were wandering aimlessly in Area 20, thinking that they would come to the checkpoint to rescue people after the war started, but they were brought here by Yoshimura Ate in the middle of the afternoon to wait, and they said stubbornly:"I'm just here to collect his body for him."

"How will we attack later?" Ling Chuan thought for a moment and then asked

"Attack? What? I'm just here to watch the show."Fangcun Att said indifferently.

"Really...?"Ling Chuan looked at the worry in Fangcun Et's eyes, then smiled and said in a long voice

"Humph." Fangcun Atte no longer paid attention to Lingchuan and continued to stare at the antique coffee shop in front of him.

"Launch an attack!"

With He Xiujishi raising his attack gesture, the front group of armed men picked up their weapons and launched an attack on the Antique Coffee Shop.

When they arrived at the door of the Antique Coffee Shop, two people walked out, one wearing a white combat uniform with a red monkey mask on his face, and the other wearing a black combat uniform with a long dog head black mask on his face.


As the two voices rang out, the two sides began to fight.

A fierce burst of gunfire and screams rang out. The armed men with guns were no match for the SS-level ghouls Furuma Madoka and Irimi Xuan.

The two relied on their strong strength and agility to shuttle through the crowd and quickly knocked down a group of armed men.

Looking at their companions who kept falling around them, the captain of the armed men shouted hurriedly:"Don't panic, there are only two people on the other side!""

"Only two people?"

""Your perception ability is really poor!"

Hearing the other party's shouting, Gu Jianyuan and Ru Jianxuan also stopped and sneered, then the two jumped high and landed on the roof.

Then the armed personnel looked up, and saw that behind each of them there was a large group of companions wearing the same masks and uniform clothes.

They looked up in shock, and one of the captains said hurriedly:"The enemy is not only Xiao, it is... the Demon Ape Organization and the Black Doberman Organization. Aren't they hostile to each other? How could it be………!"

"Let's have a big fight!"

As the voice of the Demon Ape Organization's leader Gu Jianyuan sounded, in the shocked eyes of the armed personnel below, all the people above jumped down from the tall building and attacked them.

""Shoot!" the captain of the armed forces shouted in panic.

Another round of screams rang out, and the armed personnel fell one by one. Soon they were killed by the Demon Ape Organization and the Black Doberman Organization.

"The first team is fighting, the target is the magic ape and the black doberman………Ah!"

A scream sounded at the CCG headquarters, and He Xiuji immediately ordered the second and third squads to go over for support, and at the same time handed the command to Marutesai.

"I am Tadashi Hachikawa from the third squad."

Marutesai looked at Tadashi Hachikawa on the screen and asked,"What's going on?"

"Mr. Marute, please let me go, Black Doberman."

Hatakawa Tadashi pulled down his coat that covered his face, revealing his disfigured face.

Marute Sai saw Hatakawa Tadashi's movements and knew the reason, then shouted to the channel of the second team,"Can you hear me, Wang Yuan, you go deal with the Demon Ape Organization"

"Got it, boy."

A very gentlemanly voice came from the speaker.

Then Marute Sai shouted to Hatakawa Tadashi:"Hatchakawa, be careful, do you hear me?"



The armed personnel of the first team were quickly dealt with by the Demon Ape and the Black Doberman.

Gu Jianyuan held the body of an armed personnel in his hand and challenged the frightened armed personnel in front of him:"Next!"

""Higher... spiritual dimension!"

Just then a voice came, and then a huge light wave attacked the Demon Ape Organization. Furuma Yuan'er dodged it easily, but his companions behind him were hit by the light wave and fell to the ground before they could react.

Furuma Yuan'er looked at the tall man in front of him holding a double-mouthed Gatling gun, and said to himself:"It's so dangerous!"

Tanaka Maru Motomoto held the SS-level Yuhe Quinque 'Angel Wings' in his hand, took a deep breath through his nose and said contemptuously:"Go back to your monkey mountain... Monkey"

"Unfortunately, this is my Monkey Mountain."Furuma Yuaner said with murderous intent.

Then the two started a fierce battle.

Furuma Yuaner relied on his agile skills and dark red tail to crawl on the wall to avoid the energy impact from the Quinque in Tanaka Maru Motomoto's hand.

On the other side, Irimi Xuan led the Black Doberman Organization to travel around on the rooftop, hunting down the armed personnel of CCG.

"whoosh whoosh whoosh……"

A burst of hidden arrows came and shot down the members of the Black Doberman Organization. Xuan Irami also had her mask scratched by them. Then she turned over and lay on the ground, looking at the CCG Third Team led by Hokkawa Tadashi.

Hokkawa Tadashi had a golden Quinque weapon wrapped around his right hand, and standing next to him were Ayumu Sumu whose face was completely covered by his hair and Hirako Jō in an armed combat uniform.

Hokkawa Tadashi looked at Xuan Irami in front of him and said angrily,"Long time no see... Black Doberman"

""Woof woof," Rujianxuan, who was wearing a black dog-head mask, replied disdainfully.

Then the three of them attacked Rujianxuan.

At the same time, a cloaked figure appeared in front of the CCG's large army.

"The big shot has arrived!"

He Xiuji said solemnly, looking at the figure in front of him.

As He Xiuji finished speaking, the figure turned his head, and then dark red kagune spread all over his body, forming a white mask on his face, two dark red kagune extended from his arms, and a few slightly shorter spikes extended from his back, and red blood steam emanated from the surrounding area.


Looking at the"Owl" in front of him, Kazuki Shuu immediately gave the order, and then the large army immediately launched an attack on Yoshimura Kousen.

Rows of soldiers kept shooting at the"Owl", but unfortunately ordinary bullets could not even break the"Owl's" defense. The"Owl" turned around and shot out countless feather arrows formed by kagune from its body, instantly clearing out all the soldiers.

Then, wearing armor [New Proto] and holding a broadsword [Oniyamada No. 1], Shinohara Yukinori and holding [Kuroiwa Special] entered the battlefield and attacked the"Owl".

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