"School is over, school is over……"

The chattering of classmates around him seemed to remind Ling Chuan that his busy and fulfilling college life was about to come to an end. While packing his schoolbag, he secretly thought:"Should I find a chance to chat with Kaneki Ken more? So that I can understand how the plot has developed.……"Thinking of this, Lingchuan turned around to see if Kaneki Ken was still in the classroom.

However, when he swept his eyes across the classroom, he did not see the familiar figure. Kaneki Ken had left without knowing when, leaving only an empty seat and silence.

Then he gave up, packed up his things and rushed home, going back to study the Hebao in the system.

After Lingchuan stepped out of the school gate, he strolled on the street relying on the memory in his mind. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of two familiar figures in front of him, so he quickened his pace and said hello.

"Good afternoon, Kaneki-san and Eira-san."

"Good afternoon, Lingchuan-san." Kaneki Ken and Nagachika Eira said in unison.��

"Ding"The system detects that the host has made friends with the protagonist's friend, Nagachika Eira, and rewards the kagune proficiency +10 (full proficiency is 1000, 500 proficiency evolves to half-kagune, full proficiency evolves to kagune)"

Hearing the system prompt sound, Ling Chuan also understood how the kagune was upgraded.

"Are Kaneki and Eiryoshi going home?" Lingchuan asked

"Lingchuan, we are going to sit in the antique coffee shop in front for a while~ Oh, by the way, I'll tell you a little secret! Actually, Kaneki... likes a clerk in the antique coffee shop~ Hehehe……"Yingliang said to Lingchuan with a smirk on his face, and glanced at Kaneki Ken who was already blushing.

"Ah? No, no! Lingchuan, you must not listen to Yingliang's nonsense!"Kaneki Ken panicked when he heard it, and reached out to cover Yingliang's mouth in a hurry, trying to stop him from continuing.

Looking at the two people's flustered and funny reactions, Lingchuan couldn't help laughing out loud:"Hahahahahaha, okay, okay, I get it, then I won't disturb you two, I'll go home first!" After that, he turned and left, leaving Yingliang and Kaneki Ken who were still fighting.

"OK, see you next time, Saiki-san." Kaneki Ken and Nagachika Eira also said goodbye.

After saying goodbye, Lingchuan continued to rush to his residence. After arriving home, he closed the door and called the system in his mind.

"System, receive the novice gift pack, use the SSS-level

He Bao. As soon as the He Bao was used, Ling Chuan felt a sharp pain on his back.

If anyone could see Ling Chuan's current state, they would find that there was a constant stream of red and purple light on his back covered by his clothes.

It was as if something wanted to rush out from his back.

"Fuck! It hurts so much……!"

The pain of absorbing the kagune is like tearing the skin on the back. When the pain ends, Lingchuan is already sweating.

After the intense pain ends, Lingchuan also obtains his own kagune, a pair of purple-red feather kagune extending from the back and four dark red scale kagune growing from the spine.

Lingchuan hurriedly tried to control the kagune, raised his hand and touched it, feeling the hard texture and familiarity of the kagune in his hand. After a short period of exploration, Lingchuan can already skillfully use the scale-feather kagune.

During this period, Lingchuan also discovered that his kagune is different from the kagune of the original anime heroine Kirishima Touka and her brother Kirishima Ayado. Their kagune can only be used as a long-range attack, while his kagune can be wrapped around his arms for close combat in addition to long-range shooting of feather thorns.

Under Lingchuan's continuous exploration, he found that the kagune can also be enlarged to form a shield. When the kagune and scale kag are fused, the kag can be transformed into a scale kagune covered with thorns like the"gecko" Ohmori Yakumo for attack. During this period, the defense, damage and hardness of the kagune will be greatly improved.

Finally, Ling Chuan ended his exploration of the kagune due to exhaustion, went to the refrigerator to get some food, sat on the sofa and ate while watching the news on TV. (ps: The use time of the kagune is linked to the user's physical strength, and the self-healing ability of the ghouls in the original book is based on the division of Rc cells to produce self-healing, which is a bit difficult to understand, so this book will link it with physical strength)

"In the early morning of today, several unidentified male bodies were found in the Akawa Building, a commercial facility in Tokyo 20th Ward. The bodies were left with saliva that looked like that of a ghoul. The police believed that the suspect was a ghoul and have launched an investigation.………"

Listening to the news on TV, Lingchuan thought to himself that the plot was finally about to begin. If nothing unexpected happened, Kaneki Ken and Nagachika Hideyoshi would run into"Glutton" Miss Kamishiro Rize while drinking coffee at an antique coffee shop, and Kaneki Ken fell in love with Kamishiro Rize at first sight, and then agreed to go to the library for a date on Sunday.

At this time, Lingchuan was also weighing the pros and cons in his mind. With his current strength, he would have a chance to rescue Kaneki Ken from Kamishiro Rize (although the protagonist has an SSS-level kagune, and"Glutton" Kamishiro Rize is only an SS-level ghoul, but the protagonist has just obtained a kagune and has no combat experience, so there is a chance, just a little criticism), but it would also interfere with the direction of the entire anime plot.

After thinking about it, Lingchuan decided to let it go and let the plot unfold according to the original plot. If he interfered with the plot, he would fall into an unknown direction of the plot, and would also put himself in a passive position.

"Ding, because the host decided not to interfere with the direction of the anime plot, the reward of physical strength +5 (full physical strength is 100, the host's current physical strength is 45, the physical strength of a normal person is 20, and the physical strength of a ghoul is 40. The higher the physical strength, the longer the host can use the kagune. At the same time, the host's self-healing ability as a ghoul will also be strengthened.)"

Listening to the prompt sound of the system in his mind, Ling Chuan felt that his body, which was tired from using the kagune just now, suddenly surged into a warm current, dispelling the fatigue.

""I can add 5 points of physical strength by making a decision. It's worthy of being called a system. I love it," Lingchuan thought.

At the same time, Lingchuan was full of curiosity about the amazing self-healing ability of the ghouls. You know, in the original anime, after Kaneki Ken suffered the cruel torture of"Gecko", he was able to miraculously recover to his original state. This powerful self-healing ability made"Gecko" ecstatic.

Then, Lingchuan controlled the kagune without hesitation and gently scratched his arm. Suddenly a cut opened and blood gushed out. However, in the next second, he witnessed with his own eyes that the wound on his arm healed at an astonishing speed, as if time was flowing backwards.

This magical scene made him dumbfounded.

Then Lingchuan thought about the plot of the anime.

After their date, Kamishiro Rize suggested that Kaneki Ken sent her home, and when passing by a construction site, Kamishiro Rize revealed her ghoul face, and then wanted to eat Kaneki, and was finally"smashed to death" by a falling steel bar designed by Furuta Nifuku.


Kano transplanted Kamishiro Rize's internal organs with kagune to Kaneki Ken for experiments, creating the"one-eyed half-ghoul" Kaneki Ken.

Later, Kamishiro Rize only appeared once until the end of the series, so Lingchuan decided to go to brush up on Kamishiro Rize's experience points on Sunday, and by the way, take a look at the plot check-in place that changed Kaneki Ken's life.

In the following time, Lingchuan has never slackened in improving and honing his own abilities. He knows that only by continuous efforts and training can he become stronger.

As time goes by, Lingchuan becomes more and more proficient in the use of the two kagune.

Soon the time came to Sunday...

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