"I'm so envious... I can choose any Quinque before I graduate"

"Yes, yes, the rank of the investigator just now is definitely not low. I estimate that he is at least first-class!"

"A first-class investigator... he must have a lot of Quinques.……"

There were voices of envy from the crowd, and all the envious eyes were focused on one person.

"He's not first-class.……"

Mado Akira looked at everyone with a smug look on his face, flipping the dagger with one hand.

"Not first class? Could it be?"

Takizawa Masamichi asked excitedly,

"Not telling you"


The 10th District was severely damaged and the branch was attacked by the Bronze Tree. Now, two special officers, Shinohara and Huiqi, have been sent to lead the counterattack.

Special officers: Shinohara, Huiqi

Commander: Marute

Members: Senior Investigator, First Investigator

The battle plan for the 10th District is shown on the internal TV of CCG

"It should be no problem to send two special agents. The bronze tree has been so rampant recently that it even attacked the CCG branch."

"There is no way. According to rumors, more and more ghouls have joined the One-Eyed King Ghoul Organization. The society is not safe at all recently."

"Well, luckily I work at the headquarters of the first district. Let's find time to get accommodation so we don't have to walk home at night."

Most of the people who were discussing this were CCG civilian staff. The rest of the people who had combat capabilities were also worried. A large part of them participated in the work of killing ghouls, and they were very likely to be retaliated by the ghouls' relatives.

"Hope you guys come back safely.……"

"CCG has started to counterattack the ghoul attacks in District 10. Recently, we hope that everyone will try to reduce the time they spend outside. At the same time, CCG will strengthen patrols and searches in each district."It was playing on every household's TV. Sighs and excitement were mixed. There was helplessness and sadness from humans, and excitement and excitement from ghouls.

"Things have been really turbulent lately. Business is starting to get hard.……"

"There is nothing we can do. I hope the disaster will not spread to District 20."Ru Jianxuan now only hopes that District 20 will be safe. She has lived here for many years and has already developed feelings for it.

"Yes, Kaneki-kun, do you have anything to say? You are watching so seriously."Yuuji Furuma asked the absorbed Kaneki-kun while wiping the cup.

"Me? Me? Senior Furuma... I hope for social peace..."

Kaneki Ken's voice gradually lowered in the second half of the sentence, until no one could hear what he was saying in the last few words.

Kaneki Ken was exhausted by all the events that had happened since he left the hospital. Most importantly, he had not been to Kamii University for a long time and could not eat human food. All these factors made him come to the coffee shop.

At this moment, Kaneki Ken, as an artificial ghoul, was exhausted. He had many years of experience in human society and at a key university, which made him understand the conflict between humans and ghouls.

A few minutes later, all of Kaneki Ken's worries and confusion turned into this sentence.

‘Am I a human or a ghoul? Where do I fit in in this society?……’


"I am Shinohara Tokutsu, and I have arrived at the tenth district to fight against the ghouls."

"I am Special Officer Hui Qi. The helicopter has arrived at the 10th District. It is expected that the fight with the ghouls will begin in three seconds."

"Bronze tree ghouls appeared in area C2, and the team is destroying them……"

"A group of ghouls appeared in area C1 and are fighting."

"Progress is going well, I hope everyone returns safely."

Marute, who was in the command room, looked at the computer screen, which showed that many green dots had intertwined with red dots.

The city was in a state of tragedy, with wailing and roaring echoing everywhere.

Residential buildings, shopping malls, office buildings, every corner was covered with blood, especially the CCG headquarters in the 10th district, which was even more miserable. The surrounding casualties were extremely serious.

Various corpses could be seen everywhere, with white and black coats representing combat personnel and logistics personnel respectively, all of whom were dead and wounded.

Every few corpses were mixed with bronze tree ghouls.

"More ghouls have appeared in area C2, requesting support!"

"Received! Special Officer Hui Qi has arrived."

Marute was in control of the situation, issuing instructions through the headset.

"Damn, we can't kill all these beasts.…"

"Be careful! There are more and more bronze tree ghouls."

The team in C2 area was ready to face the enemy. Everyone was alerting the surroundings. The corpses under their feet were enough to prove the tragic situation of C2.

"Hey, let me kill all these bastards, they are so annoying!"

In the tall building, a blue-haired boy looked down

"It's up to you."

The white-haired, red-masked man beside him answered indifferently, looking into the distance as if he didn't care about the battle below at all.

"Got it."

The blue-haired boy's eyes turned into red eyes in an instant, and a pair of feathered red eyes appeared behind him.

The bronze tree ghoul launched a fearless charge like a surging torrent, instantly breaking up the formation of the investigators who were originally on high alert.

You should know that the lowest level of the participants in this operation are first-class investigators. They have extremely rich experience in expelling ghouls, and it can be said that each of them is quite powerful.

More importantly, these investigators are CCG If there are heavy casualties in this battle, it will undoubtedly have a huge impact on CCG This caused a heavy blow, greatly weakening its overall strength.

As a result, for a long time to come, CCG will probably be unable to carry out various search missions, which will greatly reduce the supervision and crackdown on ghouls.

"Damn it, what's going on?! Aren't you afraid of death?"

The investigators who came to support complained one after another. They had hardly seen such a fighting style before. A crazy ghoul used his body to hold up the Quinque and then used his kagune to save his life.

"All retreat, I will guard this part, all of you support C2 position."

Hui Qi walked to the front of the team with heavy steps, took out his own Hezhe-level Quinque in one hand and was ready for battle.

Hui Qi had seen this kind of fighting style before, and would remember it forever, this was the unique fighting style of the ghouls in Area 24!

"But Huiqi is special.……"

"Go quickly, I can handle it alone, and you guys staying here will only hinder us."

Hui Qi frowned and drove the people behind him away. It was a serious problem that the Investigator was here, because the ghouls in District 24 only cared about what was edible and what was not, and every corpse that appeared was a supply for the other side.

Suddenly, bursts of low roars broke the brief peace, and a new group of ghouls gathered from all directions. They were stained with red blood, their faces were hideous, and they kept chewing flesh and blood in their mouths, making creepy sounds. The ghouls' eyes flashed with a creepy red light as if burning with endless greed and malice. Some of the ghouls had bright red blood at the corners of their mouths, and they were holding incomplete limbs in their hands and gnawing on them with relish.

The whole scene was filled with blood and violence, which made people shudder.

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood, as if this was the entrance to hell, but these ghouls turned a blind eye to all this and continued to enjoy their cruel feast.

"The flesh and blood of a special investigator must be delicious..."


"Now that I'm full, I'll kill people for fun..."

"Don't make a fuss... Keep them in captivity and let them have babies. I heard that babies' flesh and blood are the most tender."

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