The door of the ward was slowly pushed open by a figure. Hui Qi looked up and saw that the person coming was Hei Panyan and Suzuya Juzo who was sitting in a wheelchair.

"Did you have a good rest?"

"I can barely get out of bed, so I came to see Shinohara." Kuroiwa's tone was complicated, and his eyes revealed sadness. Suzuya Juzo sat in a wheelchair and looked straight at the unconscious Shinohara Yukinori, with another man behind him.

The third man was named Ito Fujishige, one of the few special investigators in CCG who could live to retirement, but his arm was cut off in the early battle against Owl.

"You are Huiqi Special, right? I have heard of your name for a long time. I am really happy that Shinohara Yukinori can meet you."

"I am also very happy. Shinohara Yukinori once comforted me after Kawashima's death, but now I can't comfort him."Hui Qi replied with a wry smile, his eyes were very lonely.

"Alas, Mado and Shinohara, you two are really unfilial to your superiors! I'm still waiting to drink with you."

The atmosphere of grief in the ward gradually became thicker, and everyone present felt sorry for Shinohara.���The investigator is now in a half-dead state.

"Here, this is what Mado Wuxu asked me to give you. Are you confused as to why he didn't give you the suicide note? He just didn't want his daughter to see it."

Ito Fujishige took out the suicide note from his pocket and handed it to Huiqi. According to convention, suicide notes in this district must be handed over to the special investigator for management, and Huiqi only didn't receive Mado Wuxu's.

Opening the suicide note, Huiqi read the contents word by word. Although the handwriting was very ugly, she could still feel that he wrote it with his heart.

When you see this suicide note, I will be dead, and my death must have been very miserable, right? I wonder if you helped me put the body back together.

First of all, thank you very much for your company. Although there were some frictions when we first met, I miss the time we spent together later. You helped me reduce the grudges with my daughter, but I can't help you at all, and I may even be a burden, right? Hahahaha.

I will never hear you blame me for using inferior Quinque again. Please bury me next to Mado Wei after I die. , finally I can stop letting her be alone.

But I am still worried about Mado Akira, but I know that my health is getting worse and worse, and there is a high possibility that I will die in a battle, maybe not this time, maybe the next battle.

It’s hard to imagine that Shinohara Yukinori and I are from the same period, right? But everything is over, this is my last request, please help me take good care of Mado Akira, I am an unqualified father, and I feel so guilty towards her.

There are still many things I want to say, and the rest is on the back of the paper, which I left for Mado Akira.

Seeing this, Huiqi put the suicide note on the bedside table and turned the paper over.

Downstairs, a female investigator was making a fuss in the CCG lobby.

Gori Misato grabbed an assistant with both hands and shouted."Amon Kotaro will never die! He is a battle-hardened investigator!"

"Can...Official...This result given"

"Stop arguing, it's affecting other people's work." Hui Qi came out of the elevator and advised

"What are you talking about?! Yamen is also your team member!"

"I know that I also lost a teammate of three years, and I understand your feelings, but what I want to say is that you should accept it after venting."

At this point, Huiqi left CCG, and there were two children waiting for her at home.

In District 17, Huiqi bought some vegetables and clothes on the way home.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw the two sisters sitting on the sofa, looking at her nervously.

After seeing that the two had changed their clothes, Huiqi threw the bag in her hand over."Don't get your new clothes dirty."

The scolding that the sisters expected did not come, but Huiqi's calm instructions.

"Dad? You won't scold us?" Xiao Hei asked cautiously and tentatively.

"Want to be scolded? Is there something wrong with your brain? Didn’t I tell you already, don’t do this next time." Huiqi washed the vegetables in her hands and started to cook.

Hearing Huiqi's answer, Xiaobai's eyes were filled with inexplicable suspicion. His strict father didn't even say a word of blame. Did he already dislike him in his heart?

Thinking of this, Xiaobai's eyes were nervous, and his body quietly moved closer to Huiqi and put his arms around his waist."Dad, I was wrong....Don't abandon us!"

Hei Nai immediately imitated Nai Bai's actions when he saw this scene, and came to Hui Qi and looked at Hui Qi with tears in his eyes.

"Hiss." Hui Qi took a breath of cold air. Why was he still yelling for him to beat him up?

"You two really are." Hui Qi pretended to be angry, wiped his hands with a towel, and then grabbed Heinai and Naibai's faces with both hands and twisted them

"Woohoo! Tong! Tong!"

"" Tingxia!"

The two sisters cried out, and blue marks appeared on their faces.

Seeing An Jiuheina and An Jiunaibai screaming in pain, Huiqi did not stop, turned around and kicked them out of the kitchen."Go and stand there in the corner! Until I come back in the evening"

"Howl!" ×2

This time, the two sisters felt more at ease. After being beaten, they were no longer afraid of Huiqi leaving.

Seeing the two of them standing in the corner with a smile on their faces, Huiqi shook her head and said that she really didn't understand. The two of them took a great risk to find her, so they really deserved to be beaten up. But the other party was kind and just did something wrong. Considering their previous living environment, Huiqi didn't want to reprimand them.

But the two children came up to her and begged her, which really made Huiqi feel embarrassed. After thinking about it, she had to impose this punishment.

An hour later...

The Chinese food came out of the pot.

Hui Qi smelled it and nodded with satisfaction. His cooking skills had not deteriorated over the years. Although he had to eat out every day because of Takatsuki Izumi's torture, he could still cook basic meals.

‘Send it to Mado Akira.'

Putting the food in the lunch box, Huiqi took off her apron and left home, not forgetting to kick the two men's buttocks before leaving.

"If you do it again, I will hang you up and beat you! Stay at home obediently."

After that, Hui Qi drove back to the CCG hospital.

When he returned, he did not see the noisy Wulimei Township, but only the staff who were busy with logistics work. At the same time, as expected, many family members of the investigators lined up to claim the bodies.


Bronze tree.

An old man sleeping in a glass container

"Are these ghoul investigators enough?"Yoshimura Et observed his father in the container.

"I don't know, but at least my body will be stronger." Kano Akihiro looked at the experimental subject thoughtfully.

"I want an experimental subject like Kaneki Ken, create one for me"

"Try your best. Kaneki Ken was just a clinical trial of mine. I never thought he would be my most outstanding work."

"It doesn't matter....Create another...Isn't that enough?"

However, Kano Akihiro shook his head slightly. Without the mother body,...It's just luck.

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