Who knows Rong Qi said this again.


The kang mat bamboo knuckle that I squeezed in my hand was squeezed by me with a snap.

I glanced at Rong Qi angrily, "Don't pant when you speak, finish it all at once."

Rong Qi gave me training, and then bowed his head again, and the wronged looked like something, "I didn't think about this problem carefully, but I just thought that after I let go, I will never see you again, and my heart is uncomfortable. At the thought of, after you leave me, you may soon forget me, and I will feel more distressed. At the thought of a few years, you will have a new favorite person, marry a child, I would like to pinch Die, the person you like, and then kill myself."

Rong Qi said so.

My tears went down uncontrollably.

"Miao Miao, when your uncle asked you to choose your life, I was so scared. I was afraid that you would give up on me to survive."

Rong Qi looked at me.

The zombie won't cry, but I can feel big, the deep sadness and sadness on him.

"So, you won't let me say a word?"

"Yes, whoever else is with us, I will go and tell them personally..."

At this moment, I realized that Rong Qi finally came to the point. I looked at him and asked, "Who did you go to?"

"Your uncle is your uncle, and someone sent from your uncle's father, I naturally went to find them." Rong Qi said indifferently.

I raised my head slightly and asked anxiously: "Then then, you found them, what did you say..."

Whatever they said, did they agree?

"I told them that you chose me. In this life, you will not leave me with life and death." Rong Qi said lightly.

I glared.

"I didn't say that."

Although I like Rong Qi and love Rong Qi deeply, I have never made such a bold statement.

Rong Qi took a peek at me and suggested something serious: "Then you can make it up now, too."

It is the same?

"You continue."

I know the point is coming.

Just listen to Rong Qi, faintly hidden in the dark side of the house, and said lowly: "In fact, to put it plainly, I want Su Jiaan to give you peace of mind and let me take you away. All I need is a compromise, a promise. ."

compromise? committed to!

"What do you mean?"

I looked at Rong Qi more and more puzzled.

I heard Rong Qi continue to murmur: "They did it for you, they changed their lives against the sky, but did you still meet me? It means that this life change is not complete. Since it is not thorough, what is the use of the change... …"

"They can't change it, let me come..."

In the last sentence, Rong Qi said very low, very low, like what was brewing, so that I seriously ignored his last sentence because I thought about his words seriously.

"What about the result?"

Rong Qi raised his head, his pale and handsome face suddenly smiled at me.

He doesn't smile, sometimes he thinks about an unpredictable ice jade, but when he smiles, it instantly gives me the feeling of March poplar blooming.


"What are you laughing at, don't talk?"

But in my heart, there is a vague answer.

Rong Qi leaned over and kissed my eyebrows weakly, sighing, "Silly Miaomiao, of course, it makes sense. You love me and I love you too. Your elders are not unreasonable people, naturally they make sense. accepted."


But I remember when my uncle came, his expressions and attitudes were very serious, it didn't seem so easy to make sense.

What Rong Qi must have done.

"You didn't tell me all."

I frowned at Rong Qi.

Rong Qi touched my face and said with a smile: "In short, it is not a bad thing, Miao Miao, as long as you remember, you and I are not private life, your elders have agreed today, agreed to us together, agreed to take you Go, really, you are not happy."

I stared at Rong Qi's smile for a while.

His laughter felt more and more calm.

Then in my head, I started the alarm bell masterpiece, things would not be so simple, it would never be so simple... Rong Qi must have done something else.

Only then persuaded everyone to let me be with him.

"Rong Qi, you make it clear."

I shook Rong Qi.

But Rong Qi slowly fell on my body and stopped moving.

"Miao Miao, I'm so tired, I will sleep for a while."

How did the zombie sleep? Rong Qi's performance made me more sure of the thought in his heart. He must have made a compromise.

what exactly is it?

"Rong Qi, Rong Qi..."

I summoned him a few words, but Rong Qi was asleep, and he fell deeply in my arms, corners of his mouth, even with a smile of open arms.

But his brow was locked.

I looked at him like this, Rong Qi was asleep, without breathing or heartbeat, so quiet, like eternity.

Leaned over and kissed his brow lightly.

Although I knew the zombie wouldn't be cold, I still pulled the quilt, carefully changed it to Rong Qi's body, and then turned him over the pillow.

It really felt like asleep.

After I finished, I couldn't wait any longer. I turned around and ran out of the house and ran to Uncle Zizi's house.

Sujiatun is not big. The old house and Uncle Gentleman's house, just after the front room, I ran to their door in one breath, but unexpectedly saw Uncle Gentleman.

Standing at the door.

"Uncle Gentleman."

"Miao'er girl is here." Uncle Genzi seemed to know that I would come and glanced at me.

I calmed my breath a little and asked, "Uncle Elaine, I want to know, for my sake, Rong Qi, what exactly have you compromised with you?"

Uncle Lingzi glanced at me and said, "This matter is not bad for him. Go back. If he wants to tell you, he will tell you."

After that, Uncle Gentleman left.

From small to big, Uncle Gentleman never said anything. Since he didn't say it, I would definitely not be able to ask.

I just want to go back.

After going back, I began to guard Rong Qi.

Keeping guarding, I was drowsy and sleepy, and when I was about to sleep, my left eye suddenly felt a little pain.

This is a pain, I am too familiar.

I can't help but secretly feel happy, Rong Qi never sleeps, is this time, I have a chance to enter Rong Qi's dream?

Thinking this way, I have fallen asleep.

However, in my dream, it was a dark paint, as if there was no end to a long road, and there was a constant sound of panting running.

"You stop..."

Finally, I saw the person in front.

An ancient man buried in the gray smoke, holding a wobbly lantern in his hand, dressed in a robe and a long braid.

Straight blow on the lower back.

Hearing the words, he asked faintly: "Who is catching up, don't you know that it is already in the dark world? Go ahead and you are going to be reborn."

The man stood still and appeared elegant and casual.

"Stop, you make it clear, what the **** is going on?"

The sound of chasing behind rang again, and I followed my head slightly, but when I saw someone coming, I was shocked.

Because this is Rong Qi.

It's just that the Rong Qi I knew, Rong Qi at the moment, seemed out of spirit, bloodied on his body, and quickly chased up.

But seeing the man carrying the lantern, he always stood behind his back, sneering.

"I’ve seen those who ask for justice, but I haven’t seen those who chase the Yin and Nether world to ask for justice, let me tell you, this thing is done very secretly, and even the underworld is concealed from the past, so I love it and can’t help you. Go back, you are seriously injured, and if you don’t get back to the soul soon, you might get a ghost who finds you immediately."

But Rong Qi smiled coldly: "I still heard the name of Yin Guan Su Huo. You didn't get anything. You won't leave easily. Tell me why I would be destroyed."

The man carrying the lantern finally turned around faintly.

It really is my ancestor, Suho.

Yin Huo.

It's just that this ancestor who took me away from the ghost gate and was a little kind, but now seems to be aloof and alienated a lot.

No, it's a sense of supremacy.

It seemed as if Yun Yun was leaning on his body, and there were thousands of injustices in his eyes, but this is the style of Yin Guan.

"What if I don't tell you?"

Su Huo raised an eyebrow gently.

I am also anxious to know that the development of the next thing, but this dream is actually gone, or the kind that suddenly disappeared.

When I see my prospects clearly.

I found that Rong Qi had become the present costume, standing in front of my Su's ancestral hall, inside the ancestral hall, Uncle Tai, Uncle Erzi, my uncle and others were there.

Is this what happened today.

I wanted to hear what they were going to say, but I soon realized that I could only see their mouths moving, but could not hear what they said.

In the end, it seemed that Uncle Tai said something.

Rong Qi nodded and went into the back room with Uncle Gong.

And my eyes also followed into the back room.

There was no third person in the house except for Uncle Tai and Rong Qi.

At this time, Uncle Gong seemed to say something again, and seemed to be persuading Rong Qi, but Rong Qi was determined. Finally, he took a sharp dagger from Uncle Gong.

What does he do with a dagger?

I suddenly had a bad hunch.

The hunch is almost the same as the fact.

Because the next scene almost made me sleep, tears also fell.

Seeing Rong Qi, he daggered his dagger in his mouth, and then lifted his hand to take off his coat, exposing his white, strong upper body.

Then he took down the dagger, just like that, in front of his uncle.

A hole was slowly opened in his chest, and he pulled out his own heart.

The zombies will no longer bleed, and I don’t know if Rong Qi will take his heart like that, will it hurt, but I am already in tears.

Completely blurred his sight.

Then I saw that Rong Qi put his heart in a tray and covered it with a layer of red cloth.

Uncle Tai turned around and took out another thing, dark.

The uncle and grandpa squeezed the thing into the shape of a heart with his hands, and it was stuffed into Rong Qi's heart.

Ghost flashed on Rong Qi's body, and the painful wound he opened on his chest and wrist healed away.

"Do you regret it?"

"My heart stays in Sujiatun, Miao Miaosheng, I am born, Miao Miao is dead, and I will die."

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