After removing this note again, the crow keenly sensed the faint murderous aura on Ning Xingchen’s face, flew up instantly, and then disappeared into the night sky.

Ning Xingchen shook his head and slowly lifted the note.

There are two lines on the note.

The first line, in order, are several addresses, and the time is also marked.

The second line is simpler, which is the signature.

– Zhu Shi.

Yes, that’s right, it’s Zhushi.

She had contacted Yaoya Shiki, and what Ning Xingchen was waiting for was Zhu Shi’s envelope.

It is also strange to say that the two ghosts actually use the information network of the ghost killing team to contact each other, and saying it can surprise people to death.

But it seems strange, but it’s actually just like that.

Zhu Shi originally has an intermittent connection with the Ghost Killing Team, and to say it, Isayashiki will not be afraid, and the mind to find Ning Xingchen will also be there, which is also the reason why Zhu Shi is there.

As for the letter….

They will be here on the first day of the message.

The day after the message came, it came here.

Day three, here.

Because of the peculiarities of the pearl world, they are not destined to stay in one place for a long time, basically walking every day.

The time above and the place behind it are marked with Ning Xingchen from the moment he took the note, which day and two days will go, it is estimated that Ning Xingchen should be allowed to calculate the time by himself, how long he can catch up with them, and then go to that place according to that time.

Ning Xingchen touched the meaning of this letter.

It’s almost time to make peace.

He touched his chin.

I haven’t seen the third little sister of the Ning family and Zhu Shi for a while.

As for Yushiro… Excuse me, but who is he?

Ning Xingchen was now curious about the strength of the three younger sisters of the Ning family who had imperial tools and courtiers.

No matter how weak it is, it should still be no problem to join forces and play a winding, right?

It was also because of this that Ning Xingchen felt that he could make peace.

The previous words were because the third little sister of the Ning family had not experienced experience, so she looked like a ghost.

And what is the concept of the next string ghost? It’s rubbish! Garbage in garbage! Each column can be wound in seconds, and each winding can basically hit 3 columns.

The lower string level seems to be very awesome in the early stage, but in fact, in the later Armageddon, it is the miscellaneous fish level in Infinite City, and Tanjiro can slash one by one.

Being able to play the strings can be regarded as having basic combat power—at least in Ning Xingchen’s opinion.

“Let’s go.”

It’s late at night.

Ning Xingchen looked left and right, there was darkness everywhere, it was impossible for normal people to see anything in this situation.

So simply open the bamboo box.

Let Your beans come out and breathe.

The two ghosts rush together, and the mood will be much more comfortable.

Of course, the daytime is another matter.

While asking for directions, hurry.

Occasionally if he encounters ghosts on the road, Ning Xingchen will choose to avoid them, and will only kill them when he can’t avoid them.

And the consequence of killing them is to be discovered by Ghost Mai Tsuji without misery, and then spare far, far away….

In this way, the two ghosts hurried for three days and were about to reach a larger small town, which seemed to be called the lotus area by everyone.

The night is bright and the stars are rare.

In the Lotus District, however, there were still many people holding some seemingly inexplicable ceremonies on the road – if Ning Xingchen was present, he would feel so.

Lotus District, Ning Xingchen hadn’t heard much of this name, and he read the Ghost Slayer Blade manga and wrote down a Yoshiwara flower street….

However, he heard many rumors about the Lotus District in the nearby villages.

“Eh, have you heard that there are many missing girls in the lotus area?”

“Really? I kind of don’t understand those girls. ”

“Hey, how many times is this month?”

“Who knows? Anyway, let’s just talk, people’s parents don’t care. ”


This was a conversation that Ning Xingchen had heard, in a small village not far from the Lotus District.

Coupled with some rumors that he had heard one after another during this time, he could probably guess something.

This is called the lotus zone.

There must be a ghost inside, right?

Which is it?

Ning Xingchen thought of the ghosts in the comics who only ate women.

The first is the first ghost that Tanjiro encounters after becoming a member of the Ghost Killer Team, which specializes in eating women.


According to what those villagers said, it should not count.

After all, that ghost can’t even be counted as a lower string, how can it be possible to make parents not care whether their daughter is missing, dead or alive?

Ning Xingchen felt that parents who didn’t care about their daughter’s life and death, except that they didn’t like them, were brainwashed…

That’s right!!

Ning Xingchen’s spirit flashed.

He thought of some winding ghost.

That guy only eats women, even if it is only a superficial taste of children, men basically do not touch.

The main thing is that the guy has a teach.

And he is the leader.

To talk about brainwashing the believers, let the believers personally send their daughters to his mouth, in the ghost, who else is there to remove him?

And the next few conversations among the villagers also made Ning Xingchen more sure of this possibility.

“The number of missing girls this time has reached 30, and the parents of those girls have not reacted.”

“I always feel that what kind of religion it is, it seems to be a cult, brainwashing people!”

“Shh! Be quiet! You will be beaten when others hear this! Be careful, don’t say anything, no matter how people are, there are two or three hundred believers, we can’t afford to mess with them. ”

“Why, I just said! I’ll be loud! They advertise what bliss all day, and I haven’t seen where their bliss goes! A bunch of fools, this can make them hooked! ”

Originally hearing half of it, Ning Xingchen was still lamenting that the latter’s thinking was ahead, and he also knew how to fight the shoe religion.

But as soon as I heard the back.


Ning Xingchen reacted, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the vertical pupils hidden under the mask narrowed slightly, radiating a cold glow like a snake.

It seems to be true.

It doesn’t take any effort to get it, it doesn’t take any effort to get it….

(PS: I need to say, everyone should know which ghost I want to write about, as for this lotus area, it is made up blindly, and the comics do not indicate where this guy’s teaching is, so I just made one up casually, I hope you don’t spray it…) )

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