On the silent street, there was the sound of hurried footsteps.

The two figures of one big and one small shuttled continuously, and the prey they were pursuing was the group of black shadows that were quickly fleeing in front of them.

The residents who came and went immediately panicked when they saw these two sword-wielding people.

“It’s a pity that such a beautiful girl…”

“How about we report to the officials?”

“Let’s go home quickly, I don’t want to encounter man-eating monsters…”

Passers-by talked a lot, obviously not optimistic about these two people.

These days, the disappearance of young girls has occurred one after another, and the shadow has not weakened, but has become more and more intense.

Gradually, people’s emotions also become restless and fearful.

At the moment, when I see Beidou and Butterfly Shinobu, most of them have the attitude of watching a good show.

Shinobi, who was galloping, suddenly stopped at a certain moment.

At the same time, a trace of panic flashed in her beautiful eyes.

“Mr. Hokuto, that ghost has disappeared!”

That’s right, just around the corner, the black shadow disappeared out of thin air.

Beidou didn’t think so, shook his head and said, “Don’t panic, he’s nearby.” ”

Through the information transmitted by the wind, Hokuto concluded that the ghost did not go too far.

Just like in the village under the mountain of the Ghost Killer, the ghost who can only drill the ground.

However, compared to that ghost, this prey seems to be trickier at the moment, and Hokuto has also recognized his identity…

That is the triangular ghost of the original plot, Tanjiro Ox Knife Test!

Feeding on fresh women’s flesh and blood, he brazenly said that eating 16-year-old girls was to free them.

This kind of sinful thinking is a little similar to Tong Mo.

And there are two kinds of blood ghost arts, namely doppelganger and stealth, which is indeed a difficult opponent.

However, under Beidou’s super sense of smell, he has no place to hide.

In particular, the smell of blood, in the dark, constitutes a murder hunting route.

“Mr. Hokuto, what should I do now?”


“What?” Shinobu’s small hand holding the rapier loosened and raised his head suspiciously.

It’s a pity that on Beidou, she can’t see even a trace of nervousness, as if she is invulnerable.

Butterfly Shinobu taps her head and is always on her guard.


At the other end of the northwest town, in a hot and humid shed.

A hideous head emerged.

Blood-colored eyes, pale face, and strange horns protruding from the forehead…

There is no doubt that he is the ghost who just attacked the girl.

“How’s it going, did you catch it?”

Sensing the return of the unicorn ghost, two more heads drilled out, namely the double-horned and triangular ghost.

“Don’t mention it.”

Who knew that seeing the two of them, the unicorn ghost snorted irritably.

“Damn, I don’t know where a ghost-slaying swordsman came, ruining Lao Tzu’s good deeds.”

“Ghost Slashing Swordsman?”

The two ghosts were stunned, their expressions filled with doubt and wonder.

As if in their opinion, slaying a ghost swordsman meant a plate of fish to be slaughtered, just the difference between eating and not eating.

“You guy, you can’t have swallowed that beauty already, right?”

“It’s just, you still want to lie to us!”

In the face of the accusations of the two ghosts, the unicorn ghost was so angry that its teeth chattered and made a shocking sound that made the scalp numb.

For a while, the two ghosts obediently closed their mouths.

As if to prove the truth, the unicorn slowly crawled out of the ground and revealed his injuries to them.

“This, how is this possible?”

“Why… No recovery! ”

In the field of vision, under the right shoulder of the unicorn, there is a smooth cross-section.

An arm was left in the house forever.

It stands to reason that with the amazing resilience of the cannibal, as long as it is not fatal injury, it can recover immediately, but…

“Damn, do you think I don’t want to?”

The unicorn ghost was indignant, both afraid and helpless to explain: “This guy’s knife seems to be different from those idiots, it seems to …”

Just as the unicorn complained, there was a conversation outside the shed.

“Shinobu, now do you know why you waited?”

“I see, Hokuto-san.”

Hearing this familiar voice, the unicorn shivered.

He couldn’t help but raise his head, and under the moonlight, there was a beautiful and indifferent face.

And the Nikkawa knife that flashed with blood.

“Not good!”

“Flower Breath, Riku no Type, Swirl Peach!”

As the butterfly shouted softly, she had already drawn her rapier and swung a horizontal slash!

I saw where the sword light flickered, and the fall was beautiful.

Unfortunately, after such a beautiful scenery, it is an irresistible attack!

And Butterfly Shinobu finally understood Beidou’s intention.

The reason why he didn’t immediately pursue the unicorn was that he guessed that there were two accomplices hiding in the shadows, wanting to put a long line to catch big fish.

In the end, it was all covered.

Outside the shed, looking at the swift figure of the butterfly, Beidou bowed his head slightly.

At the same time, the system’s tone followed.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully arriving at the check-in location and officially starting the check-in!”

“The check-in time is ten seconds, and exiting in the middle is considered as a sign-in failure!”

A cold light flashed in Beidou’s eyes, those three ghosts who were fighting…

Suddenly snorted.

Invisibly, it seems that there is an existence more terrifying than butterfly ninja, and it is watching.

PS: Today’s fourth change, try to make up! Thank you Zihuan for your continued support, from old books to new books!

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