Getting rich starts with entering the game

Chapter 49 What's wrong with a local dog? The owner determines the value of the dog!

The weather was nice today, so I gave the two dogs a bath. Chu Lin took them for a walk around, and their fur was almost dry.

Liu Fa had already packed up the room on the first floor of the Caigang House for Gouzi to live in.

Chu Lin put the dog bowl left by his uncle in that room.

The two dogs understood and immediately peed at the door of the room, one on the left and the other on the right.

It’s not that they defecate anywhere. In this regard, they are very smart and know how to go to the toilet to solve the problem of defecation and defecation.

They are enclosing a new territory, indicating that this room will belong to them from now on.

There are dogs watching the farm, which at least increases the safety of the farm.

For the sake of confidentiality, and for him to move things in and out of the game without being discovered, he was temporarily hesitant about recruiting security guards, unless there was someone like Liu Fa who was down-to-earth, willing to work, honest, careless, and easily deceived.

However, compared to the entire breeding farm, two dogs are a bit too few, but we can keep a few more.

Thinking about it, he also ordered Liu Fa: "Master Liu, go find the surveillance company and ask them to install surveillance cameras all around the farm, but not in the breeding area. After all, there are special breedings inside. Please ask for it in the future." The security guards can’t even look at it.”

Installing surveillance outside can avoid some troubles and ensure safety. If it is installed in the breeding area, doesn't he have to move things in and out of the game under surveillance?

"Okay, I'll take care of it right away." Liu Fa didn't think much about his boss's words, and hurried out after receiving the order.

Chu Lin then walked to Paramela and greeted Dahuang and Erhuang.

When the rear door was opened, two dogs rushed up.

Since you want to keep two dogs in a breeding farm, whether it is to avoid trouble for yourself or to prevent the dogs from being caught, you still need to get the vaccines and dog certificates.

In fact, he doesn't understand what's wrong with many people who like to keep dogs but don't apply for dog licenses.

This thing is not difficult to handle.

After taking the dog for vaccination, he took the vaccine certificate, his ID card, the dog's photo, and the two dogs directly to the Fujian City Dog Management Center to apply for the certificate.

In just one hour, Dahuang and Erhuang were both certified dogs.

It's that simple!

So, people who like to keep dogs but don’t apply for dog certificates, and then are caught by urban management and cry about moral kidnapping, are they very speechless?

After Chu Lin got the dog license for Dahuang Erhuang, he also took them to the largest and most luxurious pet store in Fujian City, planning to buy them some daily necessities.

For example, if you want to take the dog out of the breeding farm for a walk, a dog leash is a must.

In addition, he wanted to buy some puppies of large dogs and put them in a breeding farm to watch in the future.

As for why you choose a puppy, it’s because it’s easier to develop loyalty than an adult dog.

Some people may say that buying pet dogs from a breeding farm to watch is not a fool's errand?

But he just wanted to say, look at the dead people that German shepherds, border collies, and Afghan hounds can’t bite.

As soon as they entered the pet shop, two dogs, Dahuang and Erhuang, suddenly started barking at a beautiful white dog.

That's a Maltese dog.

Judging from the looks of the two dogs, the Maltese should be a female.

Because Dahuang and Erhuang are both male, his master naturally knows all about his virtue.

The Maltese dog seemed to be frightened, and immediately whimpered and shrank behind a plump and beautiful young woman.

This young woman has a very good figure and good looks, and is obviously the focus of the store. The male compatriots inside glance at her from time to time.

"Watch your dog." The beautiful young woman seemed a little angry.

"Sorry, sorry." Chu Lin apologized awkwardly and immediately hit Dahuang and Erhuang on the head.

The two dogs knew that being knocked on the head meant that they had done something wrong, so they immediately squatted down obediently and became quiet.

But Dahuang and Erhuang were quiet, and the Malquis dog barked at Dahuang and Erhuang aggressively. The momentum was still very fierce, and it was quite like those dogs on the Internet who compete with others.

Chu Lin couldn't help but smile when he looked at the little bitch.

Originally, this matter was over, but who knew that the beautiful young woman squatted down angrily, picked up the dog, and comforted her: "Baby, don't be angry, don't be angry!"

At the same time, she actually looked at Chu Lin in annoyance: "Look, it's those two local dogs that made my baby angry. It's really unlucky. Two local dogs also come to such a high-end pet store, you know How much does it cost for my baby? What should I do if your native dog scares it?”

"???" Chu Lin was so confused.

This young woman is quite beautiful and has a good figure. Why does she feel like her brain is a little abnormal?

Who said native dogs can't come to pet stores?

The key point is that he apologized. What does this mean?

What made Chu Lin even more dumbfounded was that other pet owners actually looked over, and most importantly, they all agreed with the young woman's words.

"Yeah, aren't these two pure native dogs? What are you doing in this pet shop?"

"A pack of beef jerky in my Coney's is more expensive than theirs."

"I'm afraid that this kind of local dog will be sick and infect my dog. My dog ​​costs more than 30,000 yuan."


"???" Chu Lin was completely confused.

I just feel like this world is a bit absurd.

Has he encountered the dog-raising chain that is said on the Internet?

Are people who raise purebred local dogs really despised by all dog owners?

Why are these aristocratic dog owners now feeling superior when they see Rhubarb and Erhuang?

Chu Lin smiled.

These people don't seem to understand the truth that whether a dog is noble or not does not depend on the dog, but on its owner.

Some dogs are obviously just adopted abandoned dogs, but they can fly on luxury charter flights, live in luxury villas, and have full-time nannies. The nanny's monthly salary is even higher than that of ordinary people in a year.

Because its owner adopted a cow, it is the most noble dog in the world, and no one is as good as this dog.

At least if it is lost, the owner is willing to spend 1 million to find it.

See if someone is willing to spend 1 million to find you if you lose it.

Chu Lin naturally won't care about these people, there is no need.

He directly recruited a pet shop staff member.

"Sir, what are your orders?" The staff member didn't know what he was looking for. He actually saw what happened here just now.

But as a staff member, it's best for him to pretend he doesn't know what to do.

Chu Lin pointed directly at the beautiful young woman's Maltese dog and said, "Do you have that kind of Maltese dog in your store?"

The staff member nodded and said: "There are two puppies now, but the bloodlines of these two puppies are more noble than this customer's. They are rare products, and they are female dogs. We need 100,000 for one."

"I want both of these." Chu Lin didn't hesitate when he heard the price of 100,000 each, and said impolitely: "The more distinguished the bloodline, the better. She is suitable to be the daughter-in-law of my Rhubarb and Erhuang!"

"???" When the beautiful young woman heard this, she was immediately stunned. She looked at the baby in her arms and had a feeling that her baby had been insulted?

The staff member was confused and quickly reminded: "Sir, those are two noble dogs!"

I have never heard of anyone buying an aristocratic dog worth 100,000 yuan to match a local dog.

Chu Lin asked back: "What? Because they are native dogs? Then you have to see if their owners treat them as native dogs. In addition to the two just now, find me some puppies of large dogs, such as Border Collies." , German shepherds, and Afghan hounds, prepare 5 of them for me, and the ones with the best bloodlines will be used as my bodyguards in the future!”

"???" The staff member felt that his brain was completely shut down.

I just feel like the person in front of me has a brain circuit problem?

A dog with 100,000 yuan becomes the wife of two native dogs?

Buy a dozen more dogs costing more than 10,000 yuan to serve as bodyguards for these two local dogs?

Are you kidding?

"Sir, we have to pay this first." That's all the staff could say.

"Swipe your card!" Chu Lin directly took out his bank card and ordered: "Give me Dahuang, Erhuang, their wives, and bodyguards with the best equipment, and the best dogs. Food and snacks!”

Originally, he didn't want to do such a nasty thing, but some people made him feel uncomfortable. He always wanted to disgust these people to make himself feel better.

Otherwise, what are you doing to make money?

The staff looked at Naka, then at Chu Lin, then at the two local dogs, and finally confirmed that it was not a joke.

Then, he took out the walkie-talkie with a happy face: "Boss, boss, two poodles, prepare two sets of the most expensive equipment, as well as dog food and snacks for 13 dogs, also want the most expensive ones, the other party also wants I want the two aristocratic Maltese dogs, and 5 high-blooded Border Collies, German Shepherds, and Afghan Hounds.”

The boss inside was also obviously stunned for a moment.

VIP... native dog?

But it wasn't important. He immediately replied happily on the intercom: "If you don't go prepare anything yet, hurry up and send snacks to those two poodles."

Just kidding, can you be unhappy?

Two Maquis dogs cost 200,000 yuan, and five high-blooded Border Collies, German Shepherds, and Afghan Hounds each cost more than 200,000 yuan.

Add in the equipment, dog food, and food, and you've got a big order of 500,000 yuan.

In this case, does it still matter whether the native dog is a native dog or not? ?

Those are respectable poodles.

When the sound of swiping the card sounded, all the dog owners around were embarrassed, especially the ones who had spoken louder just now, and they all secretly walked out of the pet store.

What a psycho, spending so much money on a local dog.

But this makes them feel even more embarrassed.

They look down on people raising local dogs, but in the blink of an eye they throw money at them and laugh at them for being poor!

The most embarrassing one was naturally the beautiful young woman. Especially when she saw the two more beautiful Maltese puppies that the staff carried out and placed them next to the two native dogs, she inexplicably thought of those who were controlled by money. Own.

So beautiful and with such a good figure, so what?

Especially when she saw the two local dogs happily licking the fur of the two Maltese puppies, she thought that her ugly husband, who was more than ten years older than her, also liked licking.

This touched her even more, and she hugged the dog and left with shame.

Things became simple after that. Chu Lin reported the address of his breeding farm to the pet store, and then left the pet store with Rhubarb and Erhuang.

As for the two Maltese puppies, he didn't need to do anything. Dahuang and Erhuang just held them in their mouths and followed him. When he opened the door, they got into the back seat of the Panamera.

As for other things and dogs, the pet store will send them to the breeding farm.

Chu Lin started the car directly and drove out of the city. He looked in the rearview mirror and found that Dahuang and Erhuang were licking the fur of two Maltese puppies all the way.

He smiled and said, "You are so lucky to be able to play the game of development. If you weren't afraid of the police, I would want to play this game, master."

After returning to the breeding farm, Chu Lin continued to wait for the upgrade of the Atlantis map.

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