Get Lost, You Witch! Don’t Even Think About Letting Me Have A Baby With You Again!

Chapter 26 Watching The Excitement Is Not As Good As Eating Chicken Legs

For a moment, Li Qingming broke out in a cold sweat behind his back.

They had been living together in harmony for a few days, but he had forgotten that this witch was the most trouble-making woman, and enjoyed playing tricks on others to make them look ugly.

Isn't this banquet, led by Zhang Xiuming and inviting a group of core disciples from Jiuzhou Palace, her favorite occasion?

"Why are you sweating, Master? I'll wipe it for you," Pei Zhinan said softly, holding a silk scarf in one hand to help Li Qingming wipe a few beads of sweat from his forehead. His movements were so gentle that those who didn't know thought he was a The maid with a charming voice and soft body wants to climb up the branch and become a phoenix.

The rest of the people present didn't feel anything was wrong. Isn't this what these maids should do?

But Jiang Yunqing, who was opposite him, couldn't stand it any longer, so he ducked and snatched the silk scarf from Pei Zhinan's hand. How could he get another woman to do something like this?

"Brother, let me wipe your sweat for you."

How dare Li Qingming?

Didn’t you see the enchantress watching with a smile?

"Ahem, I can do it myself."

Li Qingming tried to take the silk scarf, but didn't pull it. When he looked up, he saw Jiang Yunqing's brows were slightly puzzled. She said, "Why didn't you come by yourself just now? Why do you have to do it by yourself now? Senior brother, you are the one again?" Do you dislike junior sister?"

Okay, okay, you are so capable, right?

If you are so capable, why don't you ask the demon girl next to you if you can embarrass your senior brother and me every day?!

Li Qingming felt like sitting on pins and needles when he had trouble talking about it.

He had no doubt that the next second, the two women around him would open it.

Oh no, it should be him, Junior Sister Jiang, who was unilaterally educated by Pei Zhinan.

Once you fall in love with a brain fairy, how can you fight against a demonic witch?

Taking advantage of his silence, Jiang Yunqing took back the silk scarf and said with a serious face: "Senior brother, you need to be more careful now. Be careful of those who come close to senior brother. They may be spies of the Demon Sect."

Jiang Yunqing was naturally not a "maid" on the inner side, and she didn't care much about the latter at all.

I am a noble daughter of the Jiang family, why would I make things difficult for a maid?

A love brain like her has her own set of rules for doing things, and the top one among them is what she just said.

——Except for her, all the others who tried to get close to Li Qingming were all bad women with evil intentions!

Jiang Yunqing also takes care of due etiquette. She does things according to her heart, but she will consider right and wrong first. If it weren't for this maid, she really couldn't find any suitable reason to stay with Li Qingming.


Thinking about this at this time, she nodded to Pei Zhinan's disguise as a maid.

"Thank you, I will take care of my senior brother."

Junior Sister Jiang, don’t be so brave~

Li Qingming said he was not worried but it was a lie. He glanced at Pei Zhinan and found that the witch was actually standing beside him obediently, watching Jiang Yunqing wipe the sweat from his forehead.

But the slightly narrow smile at the corner of her mouth was particularly obvious in Li Qingming's eyes, and even had some extra interesting meaning.


"Why do you have the illusion that Junior Sister Jiang has become a part of this witch's play?"

"Awesome, what kind of ntr meaty manga? I'm not the protagonist or the heroine, but the heroine, right?"

Li Qingming felt extremely weird in his heart. He always felt that this enchantress was having enough fun.

The little guy who had been staring at the delicacies on the table for a long time had no idea that her father had just experienced a sweaty little dilemma. He turned around and said like a baby to Jiang Yunqing:

"Sister Pian Nian, sister Pian Nian, I want to rub it too, I want it too!"

The kid just wants to hang out with his pretty sister, so there's nothing wrong with that.

But Li Qingming took the silk scarf and wiped Pei Zhulu's mouth himself.

"Dad, I also want Sister Piao Niang to wipe my forehead."

"Baby, I really feel sorry for you when you get spanked by that witch again," Li Qingming sighed inwardly, but turned around with a smile and picked up a piece of ribs from some spiritual beast for her and said, "Sister, I want to eat too. , Dad, come on, just take care of yourself."

"Okay, daddy will eat it too!" Although Pei Zhulu was young, he had always been well-behaved and listened to her daddy's words the most.

Li Qingming nodded and kept holding dishes for the little guy. He was sure that the demon girl had done something, and he knew that it would not affect their little guy.

The witch is a witch, but A Niang’s identity is not bad.

At the same time, Zhang Xiuming, who was watching this scene from the main seat, twitched his eyes and the luminous cup in his hand turned into powder without realizing it.

He held the banquet to show off for himself, not to see you, Li Qingming, show off in front of my eyes!

This scene really looks like a happy family of three!


It hurts so much!

Wang Hongyuan, who was guiding the atmosphere in the venue, noticed this scene and quietly took out an identical wine glass and refilled Zhang Xiuming's glass.

After drinking the wine in the glass in one gulp, Zhang Xiuming was suddenly stunned, and then there was a thunder in his stomach.

The whole face also turned the color of pig liver, red and purple, as if he was trying his best to endure some unspeakable pain.

"Hong, Hongyuan..."

Seeing him like this, Wang Hongyuan's heart jumped directly into his throat, and he lost the slightest bit of stability he used to have, "Senior Brother Xiu Ming, what's wrong with you?"

"I, I, I..." Zhang Xiuming struggled to hold back a few words, as if he wanted to say something, and then his body suddenly stopped...



Puff puff!!!

After a burst of ups and downs, the screen behind Zhang Xiuming was shattered to pieces!

"Senior Brother Xiu Ming?" Someone in the room stood up and expressed concern, but halfway through the words, his neck and entire face turned red.




Then there was an explosion-like sound in the whole place, which was mixed with various shouts of panic or shame.

"Yes, someone poisoned me!"


"The Demon Gate is attacking and attacking Jiuzhou Palace!"


"Zhang Xiuming! I'll fuck your mother!"

All kinds of chaotic sounds and popping sounds came and went, and it was so lively.

The smell of incense suddenly filled the place.

"Dad, what's going on outside?"

As early as the moment he heard some abnormal noises, Jiang Yunqing activated a certain magic weapon, forming a fluorescent film to protect several people inside, blocking out most of the sounds and smells outside.

He also didn't forget Pei Zhinan pretending to be a maid next to him.

The little guy was enjoying his meal. When he saw the chaotic scene outside, he didn't care about the half-bitten bird leg in his hand and looked left and right curiously.

"Huh? They might have had a quarrel, well, they just had a quarrel."

"But it sounds a bit noisy."

"Oh, they are setting off firecrackers, it's so noisy."


When the little guy heard this, he suddenly lost interest and started chewing on the chicken legs in his hand.

Li Qingming looked at this smelly scene, and while his eyes twitched, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise crazily.

Those who were able to come to this banquet were all somewhat unhappy with him. At this moment, they looked at them who were still pretending to be affectionate just now, and each of them became more embarrassed than the other from their fairy-like appearance.


He feels so good!

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