Get Black Technology From Marvel

Chapter 52: Preliminary ideas about Transformers!

   Callahan was a little surprised when he heard Lu Cheng's words:

   "From this point of view, you seem to be prepared a long time ago. Let's talk about what kind of robot you are planning to do."

   Cheng Lu knows that there are also many types of robots.

   such as industrial robots, agricultural robots, household robots, service robots, military robots, etc.

   Like the Dabai invented by Masa Hamada, it is even one of the service robots.

   Lu Cheng thought carefully, what kind of robot is his Transformers?

   "Uh, probably a household robot!"

   Although Transformers’ combat effectiveness is on the table, its first positioning in the human world is still a vehicle!

   It is not wrong to say that it is a household robot.

   Callahan is not surprising.

   For a newcomer in robotics, the difficulty of household robots can be regarded as the smallest.

   such as dishwasher robots, mopping robots, etc...

   Just set up the relevant program and let it operate according to a fixed flow.

   almost no interaction with humans!

  Interaction is the biggest difficulty of robots.

   First, a huge database needs to be established to set up various problems.

   Even some advanced robots need to set up a set of self-learning programs.


   Robots can easily become dull, and I don’t know how to work around.

   Then it is not an intelligent robot, but a mentally retarded robot.

  If you want to do this well, you need a combination of software and hardware.

   It is necessary to understand not only mechanical technology, but also programming and information technology!

  Secondly, there is the problem of movement accuracy.

   Just letting the robot avoid obstacles on its own is a difficult point.

  Household robots, most of them don’t need to consider these issues, it is very suitable for novices to get started.

   "What kind of household robot do you plan to be?" Callahan asked.

   "Probably a deformable car!" Lu Cheng coughed dryly.

   "..." Callahan.

   Do you call this a household robot?

   Hamada heard Lu Cheng’s creativity and his eyes lit up:

   "The car is deformed, cool idea!"

   "If you can make cars fly, maybe you can solve the problem of traffic congestion."

   Lu Cheng smiled and said:

   "I haven't thought about it yet, but you have a good idea. Maybe I will consider adding it to my Transformers."

   Hamada was curious and said:

   "Transformers, is this the name of your robot?"

   Lu Cheng nodded:

   "That's right."

   Hamada scratched his head and said:

   "I also thought of a name for the robot, called Dabai, but it is still in the experimental stage, I am afraid it will take a while to make it."

   Lu Cheng smiled:

   "I believe that once Dabai is released, it will definitely become the best medical robot in the world!"

   Masa Hamada's eyes gleamed slightly:

"thanks for your encouragement."

   Callahan spoke on the side:

   "Fred, your idea is very creative, but it will be very difficult to make this robot!"

   "It involves complex issues such as machinery, physics, energy, procedures, etc., which is not suitable for you, a novice who has not yet started to try."

   "Perhaps, you can try to do simple topic selection first."

   He was worried that Lu Cheng's choice of the topic was too difficult. In the end, after working for a long time, he failed. This would undermine Lu Cheng's self-confidence.

after all--

   The motivation to support a person's learning, in addition to interest, is the sense of accomplishment.

   is like going to bed. If you don’t get the sense of accomplishment of conquering your partner for a long time, you will eventually become lack of sexual interest.

   Callahan has seen too many examples of this kind of lofty height.

   So, he doesn't want Lu Cheng to repeat the same mistakes.

   Lu Cheng said:

   "Professor, haven't you always advocated exploring the limits of robots?"

   "Our goal is to create the future. How can we back down before choosing a topic?"

   Callahan was startled slightly, and then he smiled comfortingly:

   "Fred, it's really great that you can think like this. Perhaps, this is one of the reasons why you can study cold nuclear fusion."

   "I sincerely hope that you will succeed in your research."

   "However, because this topic is extremely difficult, I must give you a deadline."

   "Before the deadline, you must design a complete production process, even a general model of Transformers."

   "Otherwise, this topic will be terminated!"

   Lu Cheng nodded:

   "Yes, I don't know when is the deadline?"

   Callahan thought for a while, and said:

   "It's scheduled for the student science and technology exhibition in three months."

   "Okay." Lu Cheng agreed directly.

   He probably knows about the student science and technology exhibition.

   This is a technology exhibition for geek university students.

  Students can demonstrate their own production techniques in this exhibition.


   Many business tycoons will come to participate!

   Cheng Lu also took this opportunity to see if Transformers can be welcomed by the market.

   However, Lu Cheng remembered that it seemed that an explosion occurred during this science and technology exhibition, which caused the death of Hamada Masao.

   Maybe, I can change the fate of Masa Hamada by then.

   Callahan looked at Lu Cheng and said:

   "Well, if there is anything you don't understand during this time, you can ask me."

   "I will." Lu Cheng nodded.

   For Transformers, he actually has a preliminary idea now, only waiting for his technology to become a little mature, he can start making it.

   First of all, there is the problem of deformation.

  After solving this problem, other things will be much easier.

  To achieve perfect deformation, the first thing to consider is the material of production.

  In this world, there is no Saixing Steel in Cybertron, so it must be replaced with other materials.

  As far as the current situation is concerned, it is necessary to meet the requirements of high strength, high hardness, and have these characteristics, it must be an alloy.

  Aluminum, magnesium, and carbon composite metals can almost meet Lu Cheng's needs.

  He knows that airplanes and F1 cars are made of these three metals as their main materials.

  Secondly, there needs to be a reasonable way of deformation.

   This will prevent the person sitting in the car from being thrown out by the deformed car.

   In this way, artificial intelligence is needed for auxiliary calculation!

   Finally, there is the driver problem.

   This is also the most complicated, including energy conversion, parts configuration and so on.

  I need to wait for his robotics knowledge to mature before conducting research.

   Callahan nodded:

   "Well, now you can follow Ah Zheng to visit the laboratory, choose an office location that you are satisfied with, and conduct the next research."

   "I have something to do, so I won't chat with you anymore."

   Hamada is looking at Cheng Lu:

   "Fred, there are some partners in the laboratory who are doing research, I will take you there."

   The two bid farewell to Callahan and walked downstairs.


   The two came to a laboratory on the far left of the second floor.

   This is similar to a warehouse, which is the size of a basketball court.

   Various instruments are placed in it.

   People of all kinds are doing their own research carefully.

   "Borrowed, borrowed."

   just when Lu Cheng visited.

   A figure riding a bicycle quickly passed by him.

   The figure riding a bicycle took off his helmet, revealing the face of an imperial sister.

  Ps: I want tickets and rewards, ohhh~

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