Get Black Technology From Marvel

Chapter 384: Appreciation of Grim Reaper!

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Tianhe City.

Above a river.

The battleship of the gluttonous legion is slowly sinking.

This battleship, like a hill, suddenly exploded.


It turned into a ball of fire and slowly fell into the bottom of the river.

No one knows what happened.

However, it is not important anymore!

This capital ship regarded as a nightmare by the military, the command center and supply center of this gluttonous army, was finally destroyed!

For a time.

The high-level command of the Huaxia military, looking at the projected picture, rejoiced!

As long as this capital ship is destroyed and repulses the gluttonous army, it will be a matter of time.

Inside a dilapidated building.

"Really destroyed."

Lena looked at the distant scene and exhaled softly.

She glanced at Lu Cheng who was still floating in the air, with a smile on her mouth.

This kid really has two tricks.

at the same time.

She became more and more curious about Lu Cheng's abilities.

She had stayed by Lu Cheng's side just now, but she still didn't realize how Lu Cheng destroyed a capital ship over such a long distance!

In the known universe, there is no such means of attack!


As the strongest in the known universe, Keisha can destroy this capital ship in an instant.

However, it is absolutely impossible to be as silent as Lu Cheng.

"Zhanyun..." Lena whispered.

She remembered that Lu Cheng mentioned to her the name of his abilities.

And also explained it a little bit.


For her, these contents are too raw and difficult to understand.

not far away.

The gluttonous fighters that had been shooting interference around the two of Lena seemed to have also received the signal and quickly evacuated.

I saw the entire Tianhe City.

Those gluttonous fighters turned into a ball of light, and in a flash, they disappeared into the clouds and disappeared.


There is also a fleet of gluttonous legions parked outside the earth.

As long as these fleets are not destroyed, the gluttonous army will continue to march toward the earth with energy.

The Battle of Tianhe was just the beginning.

The war that follows will become more and more fierce!

the other side.

Ge Xiaolun and others were also caught in a fierce battle.

One by one, powerful gluttonous warriors drove a fighter plane and fought fierce battles with them.

These gluttonous soldiers are different from ordinary gluttonous soldiers.

They are a strengthened race, and they can be regarded as possessing the same divine body as Ge Xiaolun and others.


They are armed with various powerful weapons, even if they face Ge Xiaolun and others, they are not weak at all.

He even crushed and beat Ge Xiaolun and others!

It is estimated that soon, Ge Xiaolun and others will be completely defeated!


Xin Zhao was kicked and hit a tall building.

A big hole was knocked out on the wall of the tall building.

Xin Zhao clutched his chest and couldn't get up for a long time!

Boom boom boom!

There was dull footsteps.

A gluttonous warrior two meters tall and covered in armor walked up to Xin Zhao.

He raised his hand and was about to pull the trigger in his hand.


at this time.

A gloomy voice came from the communicator.

"All gluttonous fighters, immediately take gluttonous fighters to evacuate, without error."

"Repeat, all the gluttonous fighters, immediately take the gluttonous fighter to evacuate!"

The gluttonous warrior frowned slightly, wondering what had happened.


Now that the superior had issued the order, he naturally had to obey it.

"Lucky for you kid."

He glanced at Xin Zhao, didn't pay much attention to it, turned and left.

He knew that to solve this guy in front of him, he had to spend a lot of work, and time was too late.

In an instant.

The gluttonous army around the air-raid shelter drove the gluttonous fighter away quickly.

It only took five minutes.

In Tianhe City, there was no more gluttonous soldier in sight.

Of course.

All I saw was the corpse!

"what happened?"

Xin Zhao clutched his chest and staggered out of the building.


All the members of the male company have joined together.

Everyone was injured.

Especially Liu Chuang, there was a deep bone wound on his arm, and he was still bleeding out.

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Had it not been for his strong physique, I am afraid that he would have lost too much blood and died.

"Brother Chuang, it's okay, I'll help you bandage it." Rui Mengmeng hurried forward.

"It doesn't get in the way, the blood will stop after a while!" Although Liu Chuang grinned in pain, he waved his hand and said he didn't care.

Qilin said: "Don't be aggressive, I have ointment and bandages here, please wrap them up first."

With a flick of her finger, waves of water ripples swept across the void.

A bandage and hemostatic ointment flew out of the void.

It is their newly learned wormhole transportation technique.

Rui Mengmeng took it quickly and quickly bandaged Liu Chuang's wound.

During this time, emergency medical treatment is also one of their indispensable courses.

After applying the ointment and bandaging the wound, Liu Chuang's complexion became more ruddy.

He asked directly: "What's the matter, why these guys one by one, all of them ran away?"

Cheng Yaowen pointed to the river in the distance, and said: "The enemy's capital ship no longer exists. The withdrawal should be related to this."


Liu Chuang looked up, only to realize that the warship, which was still floating in the distance, like a hill, had disappeared.

"It must be done by the Marines." Qilin said.

Xin Zhao rubbed his arms: "My brother Lu is really reliable. I'm afraid I will be knocked out by the armored soldier after a while!"

"Me and I are the same. They are different from ordinary soldiers. When my sword is cut up, there is no response at all." Ge Xiaolun also swallowed, "Also, they seem to have advanced attack modes, so you can stay still. Attack us sensually."

When the others heard this, they were silent.

Just now.

They have suffered more or less the losses of those gluttonous fighters!

"It's not an attack mode, but an advanced algorithm. To a certain extent, their algorithm is much more advanced than the black armor!" A female voice came.

Du Qiangwei shook her wings and fell from high in the sky.

She is much better than Ge Xiaolun and others for various advanced algorithms.

"Qiang, Qiangwei, are you okay?" Ge Xiaolun hurriedly moved up.

"It's okay." Du Qiangwei glanced at Ge Xiaolun, hesitated for a while, and then said, "You performed well in this battle!"

Ge Xiaolun received Du Qiangwei's praise, scratched his head, and smiled naively: "I, I didn't do anything."

"It's the first time on the battlefield to have the courage to fight with gluttonous soldiers. It deserves encouragement."

Lena's voice came.

She wore a black armor with flying skirts, making her look very heroic.

Lu Cheng stood beside him, his expression very calm.

"Leena, Marines!"

Everyone greeted with surprise.

Lena smiled and said, "How does it feel to fight an alien force for the first time?"

Xin Zhao stuck in his waist and said with a carefree grin: "Hey, that's not bad, but it's a pity that the battle ended too soon. I haven't gotten too much fun with Lord Xin."

"Will you die if you don't show up?" Qilin blanked Xin Zhao, "If you are late, I'm afraid you will die."

As a Kamikaze sniper, her vision is naturally excellent, and she can observe the overall position.

Naturally, I also know that Xin Zhao was chased and beaten by a gluttonous warrior just now!

The others are actually not much better.

Except for Liu Chuang, they were all crushed and beaten!

Xin Zhao scratched his head: "I'm not doing this to boost morale."

Rena looked as usual: "It's normal to not be able to fight. After all, the technology of these gluttonous legions is far more advanced than that of the earth. After this battle, the gluttonous army should stop for a while. During this time, I will upgrade you. Some of the core technologies of China, so that your equipment can keep up with them, and when you meet again, it should not be so difficult!"

Lu Cheng also opened his mouth and said: "The Battle of Tianhe is just the beginning. Next, is the time for a head-on decisive battle. This time the gluttonous legion suffered a big loss. The next attack will definitely come fiercely. , You have to work harder."

Xin Zhao came over and smiled and said, "Of course I know this, but the Marines, how did you destroy such a large capital ship in such a short period of time, tell us?"

From their entry into Tianhe City, to participating in the battle.

After removing the cover, the time for the people to retreat has been counted, and only ten minutes have passed.


They all knew that if Lu Cheng hadn't destroyed the capital ship, this time would be extended indefinitely.


China is likely to fail miserably!

Lu Cheng smiled: "Want to learn?"

"Of course I think about it, as long as Brother Lu is willing to teach!" Xin Zhao smiled.

He learned a little bit of thunder from Lu Cheng before, and it was quite easy to use.

Can make him faster and stronger.

Lena curled her lips: "Xin Zhao, don't think about this ability. Even I can't see the way. Even if you really learn it, it will take hundreds of years!"

"Huh?" Xin Zhao scratched his head. "This Marine team looks like us a few years old. Why can the Marine team use this ability?"

Lena shook her head: "You are not the same as Lu Cheng. To say something you might not like to hear, the genes in Lu Cheng are, to some extent, more advanced than you, and there is infinite in his body. Possible!"

"Don't flatter me like that." Lu Cheng waved his hand.

Lena spread her hands: "If you correctly recognize your own shortcomings, you can make progress. The innate advantages can also be made up for by the day after tomorrow."

Lu Cheng looked at the people and said: "I did use some means just now to destroy the battleship of the Gourmet Legion. You really won't be able to learn this means in a short time, because you need to practice many kinds of techniques, one. It takes at least thirty to forty years to cultivate the method to great success, and this method of slashing luck requires the cultivation of eight techniques."

Back then.

He is in the world of "Under One Man", if he has no ability to replicate.

It is impossible to realize the destiny in a short time.

Moreover, there are all kinds of coincidences, and there is no way to copy it.

Therefore, this ability can basically be said to be exclusive to Lu Cheng!

Even if others know the techniques of the Eight Wonders, they can't realize it.

When Xin Zhao heard this, he instantly dismissed the idea of ​​studying: "Yes, it seems that there is no need to count on it."

Di Lena said, "Instead of learning Lu Cheng's ability, it is better to study the course I will teach you next. But if you work harder, you won't be beaten so badly today."


She continued: "Okay, let's close the team, Du Kao will take full responsibility for the aftermath."

"Don't wait for Brother Monkey?" Liu Chuang asked.

This time, he originally wanted to perform well in front of Monkey King.


As soon as they entered Tianhe City, they were ambushed, and then covered the retreat of the people and guarded the air-raid shelter.

There is no time to rendezvous with Monkey King!

Lena said lightly: "Don't worry about him, he will come back if he wants to."

When everyone heard this, they were silent.

Everyone knows that Brother Monkey and Lieyang Xing have a grudge.

So where there is Lena, there can be no Monkey King.

Not long.

A plane landed in front of everyone.

Everyone boarded the plane and left Tianhe City.

Through the window, you can see Tianhe City below, filled with gunpowder smoke everywhere.

One by one, the people walked over from the ruins, following the troops in confusion, their eyes were very hollow.

Some were even carried out directly.

Xin Zhao looked back for a while, then looked back, somewhat sentimentally: "For the first time, I felt that having good eyesight is not a good thing."

Lena looked cold, and she said: "If you fall behind, you will be beaten. This is an immutable truth. If you want today’s things to stop happening, just practice hard. You all have the potential to become gods. Wait for the day when the earth is truly right. There is a **** like Karl, naturally no one dares to bully you!"

"We have Brother Monkey and the Marines, isn't that enough?" Xin Zhao said.

Lena said: "Those high-level gods are not as simple as you think. At least they are immortal. Even if they are blown to ashes, they can recover after a few hundred years. Can Monkey King and Lu Cheng do it?"

Everyone was silent.

They only understood the concept of God for the first time at this time!


Styx galaxy.

The **** of death Karl was wearing a black robe, his head covered by a hood.

Under the hood, there is a delicate face.

He looked like a high school student, and he looked so good that he couldn't see the appearance of a **** of death at all.


His eyes were incredibly deep, as if hiding the entire universe.


A bright light rose from the ground, and an orc appeared.

This orc is wearing armor, looks majestic, is the number one general under the command of Death, Howl!

Of course.

This is just a virtual projection.

Bit Howl looked at Karl, folded his chest with one hand, and said, "My **** Karl, I want to report something to you."

Carl closed the book in his hand, his voice was lonely and crisp: "Go ahead."

Bit Howl was a little embarrassed: "Ashamed to say, our first frontal attack on the earth failed!"

"Oh?" Carl Gujing Wubo's eyes finally showed a look of curiosity, "Your technology should be much ahead of the earth. Even those from the Super Seminary should not be your opponents. Why did they fail?"

Bit Howl said: "Please take a look at these two videos."


Bit Howl released two videos about Lu Cheng.

One is a video of his vanguard smashing the airport road.

The other section is a video of his performance during the Battle of Tianhe.

It only took Carl a second to watch all the video.

The way he watched the video was not to watch the image, but to read the data information inside.

"Very unusual." Karl commented.

Bit Howl opened the mouth and said: "Yes, we haven't cracked his attack method so far, so we are here to ask you for advice."

A black light burst into Carl's eyes, as if to penetrate the void.

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