Get Black Technology From Marvel

Chapter 279: Meet Wolverine again!

Lu Cheng looked at Professor X and the others, and said: "The contradiction between mutants and ordinary people has a long history. Simply relying on compromise or confrontation cannot solve this problem."

"Therefore, a two-pronged approach must be taken. While creating trouble for ordinary people, it must also highlight the role of mutants. In this way, ordinary people's hostility towards mutants will not be so great."

"Making mutants the only hope that can fight against God can greatly eliminate the hostility and fear of humans towards mutants."

"Of course, before that, we must give humans a little deterrent to let them know that'God' is real!"

Professor X opened his mouth and said: "You can do it, I still said that. As long as the mutant's safety is not endangered, I will support you."

In his whole life, he has devoted himself to reconciliation between mutants and ordinary people.

I hope that one day ordinary people can truly accept mutants.

Unfortunately, as time went on, he became more and more aware of what an unrealistic idea this was.

As Lu Cheng said, the contradiction between mutants and ordinary people lies in the fundamental difference between the two.

As long as this difference persists, ordinary people will never be able to accept mutants.

What's more, there are governments on the sidelines to add to the flames.

If you want to be president now, you have to put forward a series of restrictive policies against mutants to convince the people.

Professor X also knew that to resolve the contradiction between ordinary people and mutants, negotiation alone is far from enough!

Magneto said nonchalantly: "I have waited for ten years, and I don’t care about waiting for a few more years. However, if your plan fails, I will lead mutants and revolt against ordinary people. If the government is allowed to continue persecuting mutants, So before long, we will become fewer and fewer mutants."

In the past ten years, he has not done nothing.

At least.

Met a lot of mutants hiding in the dark.

These mutants do not want to come to X Academy, but want to be lone rangers.

However, if he really intends to rebel against the government at that time, these mutants will fully support him.

Lu Cheng nodded, with a confident tone: "Don't worry, my plan can't fail!"

In his mind, he has a huge amount of knowledge, and his own strength is already at the pinnacle of this world.

With this knowledge, if you still can't control the overall situation, then these years are really nothing!

The fairy girl smiled: "Lu, Hanke, you are a rare visit, stay and have a meal together."

Darwin also opened his mouth and said: "Yes, Lu, we will have fun in Fighting Landlords later. In the past ten years, my skills in Fighting Landlords have been getting better and better. X Academy is a gambler. It's me. "

The shock wave cut: "You guy, every time you use your ability to secretly look at the cards, who will play with you."

Darwin's ability to survive for the fittest.

After these years of improvement, the capabilities have become more and more comprehensive.


When fighting a landlord, you can make your eyes mutate and see the cards in other people's hands.

Lu Cheng glanced at Hank and saw that the latter also wanted to stay, so he said: "Okay, I haven't been free for a long time, and it's good to have fun."


Professor X took Phoenix girl upstairs and arranged a room for her.

Magneto went to the yard and took a group of mutant children to play on the grass.

The witch, angel and others, prepared the ingredients, and started to make lunch.

Darwin took out a deck of cards and played Landlord with Lu Cheng Shockwave.


In front of Lu Cheng, Darwin's ability directly failed.


The slain piece is not left.

"You can beat me with seventeen cards, I'm not convinced!" Darwin shouted aggrievedly.

Lu Cheng played all the cards in his hand, and said with a smile: "It seems that your gambler's name is going to make people."

Fighting for several hours against the landlords.

The magic girl came over and called everyone to eat.

A group of people gathered at the table, talking and laughing.

Not seen in ten years.

Everyone toasted and swigged!

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Lu Cheng glanced at Hanke and said, "I have something to do, so I'll leave first, Hanke, you can stay here for a while, just as you are on vacation, and I will come to pick you up again when I'm done. "

Hank glanced at the witch-shaped girl, secretly happy.

However, he still pretended to tweak: "Is this good, will it affect the progress of the work?"

Lu Cheng patted Hanke on the shoulder: "Don't worry, it's not bad these days."

He looked at Professor X, Magneto and others, and said: "Okay, I will leave for a while, and then meet again."

No longer staying.

Lu Cheng's figure exploded into a cloud of smoke and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

after an hour.

Lu Cheng once again appeared on the top floor of Chengxi Technology Building.

He took out his cell phone and made a call: "Col. Stryker, how are you looking for? I should have given you enough time. Ten years, if you haven’t got any news yet, you haven’t lived in this world. It's necessary!"

Over the past ten years.

In addition to developing the power of Sata's Light, Lu Cheng also develops Chengxi technology.

Naturally, he would occasionally stare at Stryker, looking for the raw materials of Edman alloy.

after all--

This is the most basic material for making the skeleton of the ‘God’.

The various new materials developed by Chengxi Technology are all served by Edelman Alloy.

On the other side of the phone.

Stryker swallowed, and said, "There are clues. I'm now leading people over."

"Are you still in Vietnam?" Lu Cheng asked.

Since the US military lost in the Vietnam War, it has successively begun to withdraw its troops.

Stryker's troops, naturally, must follow the instructions above and evacuate!

Stryker opened the mouth and said: "I am in a small country on the edge of Vietnam. I got news about Edelman alloy here. It is said that a drug lord in Nigeria has raw materials for Edelman alloy in the hands of me. I am going to take a look."

"Well, wait over there, I'll accompany you over there." Lu Cheng nodded.

He passed this time, but it was not to confirm whether Stryker's words were true.

Instead, go to meet someone.


This guy has the ability to break the dimensional wall.

But he can take him to other worlds to see if he can find some rare materials.

For example, Zhenjin in the Marvel universe!

In this way, the skeleton of the ‘god’ may be more perfect.

Such a tool man still needs to be used a lot.


Stryker did not refuse, and quickly sent Lu Cheng a position.

As technology has become more advanced, communication has become easier and faster.

He couldn't hide his position.

Lu Cheng didn't stay too much. He went directly to the exclusive airport of Chengxi Technology and took a special plane to the country where Stryker was located.

after one day.

The special plane arrived at a parking lot.

Lu Cheng saw Stryker who had come to greet him.

Next to Stryker was the sharpshooter, David.

This guy is considered Stryker's diehard.

"Let's go." Lu Cheng said lightly.

Followed Stryker to change planes.

Lu Cheng quickly saw relevant members of X-team including Deadpool on the plane.

To his surprise, in addition to Deadpool, there are two new members.

One of them was Lu Cheng's old acquaintance.


Next to Wolverine, there was a rough-looking man sitting.

Lu Cheng could tell at a glance that this man was Victor the saber-toothed tiger, the elder brother of Wolverine in name.

In the "Wolverine" movie, Logan was found by Stryker after the Vietnam War and recruited into the X-team team.

Counting time, it's almost the same.

Lu Cheng just wanted to say hello to Wolverine.

Deadpool rushed up and said, "Hey, buddy, where have you been in the past ten years? Do you know how hard it is for me to find you?!"

This guy looks like a victim of misery.

She looks like a resentful woman abandoned by Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng raised his eyebrows: "You can do this disgusting look again, believe it or not, I will throw you off the plane."

"Um..." Thinking of Lu Cheng's powerful strength, Deadpool suddenly fell silent.

He didn't want to go back a few kilometers on foot.

However, holding back for a while.

Deadpool couldn't help but said, "Hey, man, whether you are here, staying in the same plane with five guys who live on cholesterol is not a good thing."

"Can you shut up for me!" Stryker snapped.


He couldn't stand the irritating mouths of Deadpool either.

Wolverine said to the side: "Man, can you stop for a while?"

"No, it won't work when you're awake," Deadpool said.

Lu Cheng opened the mouth and said: "Wade, after finishing with Stryker, I will walk with me. I need to trouble you if I have something to do."

Deadpool said happily: "Hey, hey, I'm not such a casual person. If you say I'll follow you, I'll follow you... at least you have to pay."

Lu Cheng said indifferently: "I will give you five million after it's done."

A hint of astonishment appeared in Deadpool's eyes: "My God, from now on, I am yours. You can have any posture you want."

Lu Cheng didn't bother to pay attention to Deadpool anymore, turned his eyes to Wolverine and said, "Hey, Logan, I haven't seen him in ten years, I didn't expect to meet him here."

Logan frowned and looked at Lu Cheng.


He showed a dazed look: "You are the mutant from the bar before."

He still has some impressions of Lu Cheng.

At that time the opponent claimed to be his comrade-in-arms during World War II.

Then, he left with two strange mutants.

Lu Cheng opened his mouth and said, "Yes, we are also destined, so we can see you again."

Wolverine nodded: "Indeed."

Over the years, the government has kept arresting mutants.

Mutants who can survive in this world have some strength and luck.

"Let's go." Lu Cheng exchanged a few words with Wolverine, and said nothing more.

Stryker immediately contacted the pilot and set sail directly.

The goal is Lagos, Nigeria.

The raw material of that piece of Edman alloy flows out from this place.

A few hours later.

In the boring chatter of Deadpool, everyone soon came to a factory on the outskirts of Lagos.

There is a dilapidated building here.

In front of the building, there is an open space on which there are guards with guns patrolling back and forth.

Inside, there are even powerful weapons such as tanks and cannons.

Stryker looked at Lu Cheng and said, "According to the intelligence, the leader here has news about Edman Alloy."

Lu Cheng nodded slightly: "Well, I hope you don't let me down again this time, otherwise you know the consequences!"

Stryker nodded solemnly.

Wolverine and Sabretooth looked at Lu Cheng curiously.

They thought that Lu Cheng was also a mercenary that Stryker had hired.

But never thought, it seems that Stryker needs to listen to Lu Cheng's orders.

"Should I send someone to clean up these?" Stryker asked.

Lu Cheng said lightly: "Don't waste time, let's go together."


He calmly walked towards the building in front.

A bunch of bright lights hit him immediately.

In front of the building, sirens sounded.

Soldiers, holding submachine guns behind the bunkers, pointed directly at Lu Cheng.

Da Da Da Da Da Da!

next moment.

The dense bullets suddenly poured out.

These soldiers are desperadoes, and the order they received is to kill anyone who is close to the building!

So, when they saw Lu Cheng coming, they didn't even ask, so they shot directly.


These dense bullets were strangely still in the air when they were only a few meters away from Lu Cheng.


Lu Cheng waved his hand, and these bullets flew out, killing all the soldiers hidden in every corner!

These soldiers, helping the drug lord to do things, are naturally more than guilty.

Boom boom boom!

Not far away, the muzzle of a tank also slammed at Lu Cheng.

However, it hasn't waited for the tank to fire.

Lu Cheng's arm lifted slightly!

Click, click, click.

The tank was directly distorted by a powerful force.

Finally, with a ‘boom’, it burst completely.

"Let's go." Lu Cheng stepped into the building.

When the others saw Lu Cheng's powerful appearance, they couldn't help but swallow.

Compared to ten years ago.

The person in front of me seems to be stronger!

After all, they were brutally abused by Lu Cheng ten years ago.

When Lu Cheng opened the way, everyone quickly took the elevator to the top of the building.


The elevator doors opened.

Lu Cheng stepped slowly into a hall.

Da Da Da Da!

One by one the gangsters, armed with submachine guns, madly fired towards Lu Cheng.

However, these bullets, without exception, all turned, killing these gangsters one after another, leaving only a black man sitting at the top of the hall.

This should be the leader of this gang.

Lu Cheng walked up to the black man and said lightly: "If I were you, I wouldn't want to move the gun under the table."

Seeing his actions were seen through, the black face changed instantly.

Soon, he gave up resisting.

These people are obviously mutants.

Ordinary weapons, to them, have no lethality at all.

The black man said, "Take the diamonds away, it's all yours."

Lu Cheng picked up a black oval stone on the black table and said, "Where did you find this stone?"

He knows this is the meteorite used to make Edelman alloy!

The black man looked at the stone and said, "This is worthless, it's just a souvenir."

"Tell me the source and spare your life." Lu Cheng said.

The black man said: "It takes three days to walk from here in a small village in the interior."

Lu Cheng nodded slightly: "Take me over."

Without delay, a group of people left the building and went to the small village that the black people said.

Two days later.

The little village is here!

Lu Cheng found the village chief here, and through his mental power, he found out the exact location of the meteorite.

It's on a hill a few kilometers away from the village.

This hill was worshipped as a sacred mountain by the local villagers.

The meteorite unearthed from it was also regarded as a god.

Lu Cheng came to a big hole in the hill.

There is a huge hill standing on it.

The head of the hill resembles a Buddha, no wonder it is worshipped as a **** by the locals.

Lu Cheng scratched the edge of the hill head casually, and found that there were all meteorites made of Edelman alloy.

A hint of joy suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Look at this small hill, it looks like hundreds of tons.

Enough to make the skeleton of the ‘God’.

"I'll leave it to you. Within a month, I need to turn all these meteorites into Edman fluid and send it to the base on Three Mile Island." Lu Cheng looked at Stryker.

Stryker nodded: "I know, and I hope you fulfill your previous promise."

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Of course, after doing this, you will be free."


He looked to the side of Deadpool, and then said: "Let's go, it's time to talk about our affairs!"


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