On the helicopter.

Lu Cheng quietly looked at everything below.


He saw the fleets confronting the United States and the Soviet Union in the sea.

However, both kept a certain distance and did not cross the boundary.

On the sea.

There is also a cargo ship that has been bombarded, and the wreckage is floating quietly, with a faint black smoke.

"It seems that Professor X has stopped Xiao's conspiracy." Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed.

He knew the plot well, and naturally knew that the X-Men had entered the Caribbean Sea to stop Xiao's conspiracy.

This time, they should be smoother.

after all.

When he was at the CIA headquarters, he directly repelled Xiao.

This is equivalent to saving Darwin who should have died in disguise!

The angel didn't take refuge in Xiao again.

In this way, the X-Men can play against the Hellfire Club and can maintain their number advantage.

"This is the US fleet, please withdraw from the sea immediately, otherwise we will take strike measures!"

At this moment, a signal came from the helicopter.

Lu Cheng directly turned off the signal and ignored it.

With his current ability, these shells really couldn't get close to him.

This helicopter was also ‘borrowed’ from the CIA, and it doesn’t matter if it is bombed.

Lu Cheng looked around, directly controlling the helicopter, and flew towards the small island in front.

He had discovered that the submarine Xiao was hiding in had fallen on the edge of the island.

There are also figures of people on it, fighting fiercely.

The American fleet commander watched the helicopter flying towards the island, but did not make any attack.

He knows that those who can enter the battlefield at this juncture must be humans with special abilities like just now!

The situation is still unclear. If you rashly launch an attack, it is likely to trigger a counterattack.

The gain is not worth the loss!

Not long.

The helicopter approached the island at a very fast speed.

However, just as Lu Cheng's helicopter was about to land slowly.

A huge tree trunk suddenly threw towards the helicopter.


Lu Cheng raised his eyebrows slightly.

The figure directly exploded into a cloud of smoke, and suddenly disappeared in the helicopter.

next moment.


Accompanied by a loud roar.

The helicopter was bombarded by the huge tree trunk, and it was completely split apart.

Thick black smoke came out, and it quickly fell towards the ground!


Another loud noise came out.

The helicopter burst into flames, smashing the ground into a deep hole.

Lu Cheng's figure appeared on the ground, looking at the flaming helicopter, his eyebrows were slightly raised: "It's a disadvantage to go to school."

He turned around, looked at the mutant who was fighting fiercely not far away, and said: "Who lost the trunk just now?!"

not far away.

Darwin and the angel are fighting a man in red armor.


The two of them were obviously not the opponents of the man in the red armor.

When they saw Lu Cheng who suddenly appeared, their eyes were all surprised.

"Lu, are you here too?!" Darwin said with joy.

When he was at the CIA base, he often fought landlords with Lu Cheng.

Therefore, they are still very familiar with each other.

The angel also said: "This tree trunk was lost by this big guy. He seems to be suffering from bipolar disorder. He wants to attack everything when he sees it!"

She flapped her wings and flew to Lu Cheng's side.


The burly figure in the red armor roared and looked at Lu Cheng and said, "There is another bug, you bugs, do you like to run away so much? Why don't you dare to fight with me!"

He wears a helmet, his hard cheeks are full of veins, and he looks very hideous.

Darwin also quickly retreated to Lu Cheng's side, and said: "This guy is very strong, like a humanoid tank. The angel's corrosion has no effect on him, and he can easily penetrate my tree armor. , There are tons of power with one punch, and you must not fight with him recklessly!"

Lu Cheng looked at the burly, hill-like figure in front of him, and his eyebrows were slightly raised.

In the plot of "X-Men-First Class", this mutant does not seem to appear.

It seems that after I changed the plot, it seemed to have caused the butterfly effect.

Xiao did not recruit a mutant in the CIA, so he found another mutant to help him.

Moreover, looking at the appearance of this mutant, it seems that it is not easy to control.

This Xiao guessed, he only regarded it as a tool that could be used.

"You all get out, leave it to me here." Lu Cheng said lightly.

This guy is just a bit bigger and stronger.

Solving him is still easy!

After Darwin and the angel looked at each other, they both stepped back into the distance.

They had seen Lu Cheng's strength and knew that although Lu Cheng was like them, he was a mutant, but his ability was very different.

They stayed here, guessing that it would only distract Lu Cheng.

"Little Bailian, seeing that I didn't even run, it seems that you want to fight with me!" The big man said.

Lu Cheng smiled: "Do you deserve to fight with me?"

The big guy heard Lu Cheng's taunting words, and said sharply: "It seems that you don't know who Lao Tzu is. Lao Tzu is a red tank, you yellow monkey!"

The voice fell.

The red tank rushed towards Lu Cheng violently, and the ground shook crazily.

"Red Tank, it turned out to be this guy." Lu Cheng's eyes condensed.

This guy, in "X-Men", is a villain with empty power but not very good brains.

In "X-Men 3", he was recruited by Magneto.

However, he just ran away and was defeated by the Phantom Cat's ability.

The red tank slammed into Lu Cheng's body directly.


Lu Cheng flew out suddenly and fell to the ground.

Looks seriously injured and endangered.

When Darwin and the angel saw Lu Cheng's appearance, their expressions were also tight.

Both of them couldn't believe that Lu Cheng would be defeated so easily!

The Red Tank looked at Lu Cheng who was seriously injured and fell on the ground, spitting out: "It seems that he is also a big talker."

at this time.

A voice rang softly in his ear: "Who are you talking to?"

At the same time the sound sounded.

The ‘Lu Cheng’ on the ground made a bang, exploded a cloud of smoke and disappeared.

It is the ability that Lu Cheng copied before, Phantom!

Can create a clone temporarily.

After this period of research, he discovered the correct usage of the clone.

That is, when making a clone, and using the ability of teleport at the same time, it can make the opponent think that he is really attacked.

Then he suddenly appeared and caught the opponent by surprise.


The red tank was startled, turned his head and looked around, and found Lu Cheng standing behind him.

He roared, raised his huge fist, and slammed towards Lu Cheng.


The fist ripped apart with a piercing sound.

Lu Cheng was not afraid of it, his fingers slightly.


A fierce magnetic field wave swept out fiercely.


The body of the red tank that I saw was like a cannonball, flying upside down and hitting the submarine in front of it heavily.

There was a sound of golden and iron clinking.

The entire submarine was knocked out of a big hole by this red tank!

Lu Cheng did not hesitate at all, and with a move of his hand, the red tank flew out of the submarine, suspended in mid-air.

No matter how hard he struggles, it won't help!

Lu Cheng's voice was indifferent, and said slowly: "You move again, believe it or not, I will just shoot you into meat sauce?!"


A piece of iron was squeezed into a fist, and it slammed into the red tank that was contained in the air.

Clang clang clang!

This iron fist banged on the red tank, and even made a sound of gold and iron.

The chest of the red tank also collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing that he was about to be hammered to death.

The red tank coughed: "Don't, don't fight, I surrender!"

Lu Cheng raised his eyebrows and put them down.

While using mind control, we must also use magnetic field control.

Using the two abilities together, he is still a little strenuous.

If it weren't for this red tank's thinking is relatively simple and easy to control.

He wanted to defeat the red tank, it was really not a simple matter.

After all, this guy's physical strength is indeed like a tank.

"Cough cough cough!"

The red tank knelt on the ground, coughing constantly.

His physical fitness was surprisingly amazing, and he recovered from the injury just now.


He looked at Lu Cheng with a little horror, and didn't dare to do it anymore.

This guy is even more terrifying than Xiao who recruited him.

It simply leaves him without the ability to fight back!

Lu Cheng didn't pay attention to the red tank anymore, but stepped towards the fighter jet that fell to the ground.


Professor X naturally discovered the situation here, and stepped out of the fighter.

He looked at Lu Cheng who appeared suddenly, his expression a little complicated and said, "Lu, it's been a long time."

Lu Cheng smiled: "Long time no see, Charles, how is the fighting here?"

Professor X said: "Well, most of the members of the Hellfire Club have been controlled. Eric has entered the submarine to look for Xiao's whereabouts."

at this time.

Mora also stepped out of the fighter plane and said: "I have observed a little bit of the submarine just now. Xiao seems to be trying to detonate a bomb. He must be found as soon as possible."

Lu Cheng glanced at the submarine, and the spirit wave swept out.

In the center of the submarine, there was an area that he could not detect.

It seemed to shield his spirit.

It seems that Xiao is hiding in that position.

Lu Cheng thought for a while, but still didn't enter it and interfered with Magneto's actions.

Xiao killed Magneto’s mother with his own hands. If Magneto is not allowed to avenge him, this thorn will stay in Magneto’s heart forever.


It's useless to leave Xiao, just let Magneto solve him!



Magneto had already used his abilities to break into the center of the submarine.

He came into a hall, looked around, and said, "Charles, **** it, Xiao is not here, there is no one here!"

Professor X also sensed the news from Magneto, and immediately used his ability to say: "He must be inside, you look for it again!"

The voice just fell.

A wall in the hall suddenly opened.

Xiao wearing a special helmet, quietly looked at Magneto.

Two enemies who have been so many years apart, meet again!

Magneto walked into the wall with anger in his eyes.

The wall also slowly closed.

This is a special area, there are mirrors everywhere, which seem to interfere with the spirit!

The reason why Charles couldn't find this area just now was because of the existence of these mirrors.

Xiao looked at Charles calmly, and said: "Can I ask you some questions, why are you on their side?"

"Why are we fighting for a race that is about to die? Once human beings find that their aura is exhausted, they will drive us to extinction!"

Magneto didn't speak, and hit Xiao's cheek with a fist!

A series of illusions appeared on Xiao's cheeks, directly absorbing the power of Magneto King's fist, without any harm at all.

He looked at Magneto King and said: "I apologize for what happened in the barracks, I sincerely!"


He raised his hand and directly touched Magneto's forehead.


Magneto flew up fiercely, hit the mirror behind him, and smashed the mirror into a crack!

Professor X's eyes lit up and he connected Magneto through the gap.

He immediately spread the message: "Eric, go ahead, it works, try to take off his helmet."

Magneto Wang heard this, and then he clutched his chest and slowly got up.

Xiao Si didn't notice the existence of Professor X, and she still said to herself: "Eric, but I want to tell you that everything I do is for you, to unlock and give you super powers! "

He hit Magneto again, and directly caused the latter to hit the mirror, revealing the pipe behind it!

Magneto slowly got up, controlled the iron pipe, and suddenly moved towards Xiao Boom.


All to no avail!

Xiao's ability is to absorb all energy, just to restrain Magneto's ability!

Xiao raised his arm, released the energy, grabbed a metal pipe, and pressed it towards Magneto.

Magneto also used its power to resist it.


The energy gap between the two is too big, Magneto was finally crushed on the wall.

Xiao just approached Magneto, and said lightly: "Eric~www.NovelMTL.com~ I don’t want to hurt you, I have never, I want to help you, this is our era, we are the future of mankind, and this world is Belongs to us!"

Magneto opened his mouth and said: "Everything you do makes me stronger, turning me into the strong me I am today. That's right, I always understand that you are my creator."

While saying this sentence again.

Magneto controlled the metal wires behind him and took off the helmet from Xiao's head.

"Charles, take advantage of it now!" Magneto Wang Li roared.

Professor X also took this opportunity to completely control Xiao in one fell swoop!

Magneto moved away the pipe that was holding him down and walked in front of Xiao.

He raised his hand and put the helmet on his head to prevent Professor ** from controlling it.

Finish it all.

He looked at Xiao and said lightly: "I agree with everything you say, we are indeed the future of the world, but unfortunately, you killed my mother!"

He took out the coin Xiao gave him.

During World War II.

Xiao discovered Magneto's special ability and wanted him to control the coin.

However, Magneto has no way to release its power.

In order to activate Magneto's abilities, Xiao killed Magneto's mother.

Because mutants can only be well stimulated when their emotions fluctuate sharply.

"Now, I will return this coin to you!"

"If I count to three, I will move this coin."


Not finished yet.

This coin had already penetrated Xiao's forehead under the control of Magneto.

Lu Cheng quietly witnessed all this and nodded in satisfaction:

"Very well, next, it's my turn to perform!"


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