Get Black Technology From Marvel

Chapter 229: The 7th crossing! (Four thousand words)

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Changlin Industrial Park.

Shen Fei came to Chengxi Technology in person.

She wore a decent suit with a strong aura, and she seemed to be the focus of the audience wherever she went.

Even Gu Qingzhu, who has the temperament of a nightclub queen, will be crushed in front of her.

Shen Fei sat on the sofa, her sleek buttocks pressed into a beautiful arc.

Behind her was a secretary and lawyer.

The lawyer prepared a contract in his hand and handed it to Lu Cheng: "Mr. Lu, this is the contract. Please check it out."

Lu Cheng took it and checked it quickly.

The regulations are written very clearly, but there is no ambiguity.

It can be seen that Shen Fei is still very sincere.

After reading the contract, Lu Cheng said: "There is no problem in general, just add a few more items."

He added some details.

After an hour of discussion, the two sides reached an agreement.

Lu Cheng opened his mouth and said: "Then Mr. Shen urges his staff to get the new system as soon as possible. I will call them to connect with you."

Programmers like Chen Nuo are also quite capable.

With the cooperation of people from Shenfei Company, the development progress of the project will be very fast.

I am afraid that the new system can be completely completed in just one month!

At that time, Dabai and Xiaohei robots can also be fully put into production.

"Okay, then cooperation is happy." Shen Fei got up and shook hands with Lu Cheng.

"President Shen, do you want to stay for a meal?" Lu Cheng said with a smile.

"Next day, the company still has a lot of things waiting for me to deal with." Shen Fei smiled, "When President Lu buys my land, I will do something more. Please have a good meal."

Lu Cheng nodded: "Okay, I'll see you off."

He also knew that Shen Fei was under pressure to urge her to marry, and that she had one year to reach the agreed date with her family.

Therefore, she definitely wants to make the company's market value reach the tens of billions level as soon as possible.

After sending Shen Fei out of the industrial park, Lu Cheng returned to the office.


Gu Qingzhu looked at Lu Cheng and said, "Boss, was that the CEO of Feifan Group just now?"

Lu Cheng opened his mouth and said, "Do you know?"

Gu Qingzhu nodded: "This is a celebrity. I often see her in the magazine of Urban Beauty."

Lu Cheng said, "He is indeed a very capable person."

Gu Qingzhu said: "Why did the boss suddenly cooperate with Feifan Group?"

Lu Cheng explained: "She has a piece of land in her hand. I plan to buy it. She spared me 100 million, so I naturally have to give it back."

"One hundred million!" Gu Qingzhu opened his mouth slightly, "She wants to provide you with a pension plan."

"What nonsense are you talking about here." Lu Cheng curled his lips. "A hundred million wants to support me. Am I so cheap?"

Gu Qingzhu grinned and said: "That is, boss, you are now an upstart in the industry. When Da Bai and Xiao Hei come out, you will soon be able to squeeze into the Forbes Young Rich List."

Lu Cheng opened his mouth and said, "You should first see how much money we have in our account. Recently, there are a lot of places to spend money."

Even mass production of Dabai and Xiaohei robots is a lot of overhead.

Not to mention, we will buy land later and build an industrial park!

He wants to build a business empire like a Stark enterprise, and the initial investment of funds will not come without a billion.

"When the materials for the holographic system's phantom technology are available, you shouldn't have to think about funding too much." Lu Cheng stretched his lips.

This epoch-making technology can be widely used in every industry.

You only need to apply for a patent and negotiate cooperation with various places. It is estimated that dividends alone can reach hundreds of millions of dollars a month.

Of course.

The phantom technology of this holographic system is formed, and then it is completely rolled out. It will not be possible to complete it in less than half a year.

It is certainly not expected in the short term.

Lu Cheng's current source of income is mainly from Chengxi's prosthetic limbs.

The domestic market is almost monopolized by him.

At present, Chengxi Technology is also expanding its layout in overseas markets.

Once overseas channels are fully opened up, various incomes will also surge several times.

after all-

Chengxi prosthetic limbs are top-notch in technology even if they look at the world.


The laws and regulations of each country are different. If you want to open up international channels, you have to waste some effort.

Lu Cheng soon came to the operations department and asked to publish a message over various channels.

The official website will open the Dabai and Xiaohe pre-sale channels at 11 o'clock tomorrow.

The number of pre-sales is one thousand!

Pre-sales do not need to pay the full amount, but a deposit of 10,000 yuan is required.

Lest these places are robbed by the scalpers!

After receiving the news, the operation department immediately arranged it.

The next day.

The news was learned by a large number of netizens through Weibo and WeChat.

For a while, the network boiled again.

[666, as expected to be Brother Cheng, efficiency is high! 】

[No one will fight with me this time, I want to order a hundred units]

[Ah, damn, I live on campus now, I can’t buy it]

[This time it is still an upgraded version, with the addition of medical abilities, are Da Bai and Xiao Hei going to evolve into Superman? 】

[Some intellectually disabled robots in China study hard, what is smart! 】

[This is what a technology company should look like, much better than some technology companies that only know how to make money]

[Come out soon, I will definitely support it! 】

After receiving the news, most people started to wait on the official website of Chengxi Technology.

The number of logins in the server background even reached tens of millions.

Fortunately, Lu Cheng's server has undergone a special transformation, otherwise it might collapse.

Finally waited till eleven o'clock.

The pre-sale quota has just been unavailable.

Less than thirty seconds.

A thousand Dabai and Xiaohei robots were sold out in an instant!

Lu Cheng was also a little surprised to see this result.

The result of the pre-sale was much better than he expected!

Lu Cheng also arranged for people in the sales department to contact previously interested companies and give priority to these companies.

Of course.

The prerequisite is to provide half of the deposit first, and then pay the balance after the robot is ready, so as not to be empty gloves.

Dabai and Xiaohei robots are not only home robots, but also robots in hotels and amusement parks.

The premise is to implant some service programs.

These are relatively simple, just need to modify some codes in the background.

However, the price of robots sold to companies is naturally slightly more expensive.

The pre-sale was a big success.

Lu Cheng also relaxed a little.

The next period of time.

Lu Cheng is practicing while communicating with the research institute to deal with new materials.

Holographic phantom projection technology will be the third product of Chengxi Technology!

New materials are naturally the top priority.

The explosion of Dabai and Xiaohei also brought great benefits and exposure to Chengxi Technology.

Chengxi Technology also became the most promising intelligent technology company in China.

All major media are scrambling to interview.

The handsome looks and extraordinary ability also made Lu Cheng directly listed on the hot search.

The limelight even directly overwhelmed those popular stars.


Lu Cheng's company was naturally suppressed by some companies.

However, in the face of huge traffic, these suppressions seem insignificant.

In a blink of an eye.

One month passed.

Shen Fei's system was finally completed, and Lu Cheng officially began to invest in chip production.

At the same time, he also began to arrange people to connect with the factory to make basic templates for Dabai and Xiaohei.

The factories over there are all old acquaintances, so there is no need to worry about any problems with the materials.

"In the future, we will still have to set up our own set of assembly lines. It would be too troublesome to produce in batches like this." Lu Cheng thought to himself.

The key parts such as the basic skeleton and the chip still have to be completed by myself.

This can save a lot of cost, and secondly, there is no need to worry about technology leakage.

As Chengxi Technology gets more and more popular, there must be more people who are jealous.

If the steps of making the finished product are too scattered, it is easy to be manipulated.


The land and assembly lines will not be so easy to set up for a while.

Now, we can only send more people to keep an eye on each manufacturer to avoid product problems.

Lu Cheng has also been busy during this time, holding meetings every day and listening to reports from various departments.

For example, the sales of Dabai and Xiaohei in various companies.

Some technical problems of Dabai and Xiaohei.

The company’s financial issues.

Only by knowing this information can he make better arrangements.

At the meeting.

Zhang Hao, the head of the operation department, said: "Mr. Lu, there are several media outlets who want to interview you recently. Do you have time?"

Lu Cheng waved his hand: "Push it all!"

Since the explosion of Dabai and Xiaohei robots, there have been media interviews basically every day.

At first, Lu Cheng would welcome him a little bit.

However, over time, he stopped doing this kind of time-wasting behavior.

Zhang Hao opened the mouth and said: "There is a family of central media, saying that they want to give you a separate issue of science and technology to get rich. Many big players in the science and technology industry have been on this show. I think this is also a good one. publicity."

"CCTV..." Lu Cheng raised an eyebrow.

It's really hard to reject this level of media.

"When will the appointment be over there?" Lu Cheng asked.

Zhang Hao said: "They said they can wait for you to confirm a time, and they will send someone over again."

Lu Cheng nodded slightly: "Then next Wednesday."

"Okay, I'll contact over there." Zhang Hao nodded.

Lu Cheng arranged various tasks before the meeting disbanded.

A week later.

Chengxi Technology.

Each of the cameras was set up, and interviews with Lu Cheng began.

The central media reporter interviewed this time is a young man in his twenties.

It looks very sweet, with airy bangs. It is Xiaojiabiyu's type.

The Central Media has recently recruited a large number of young people in order to cater to the tastes of the public!

Of course.

These young people are all graduates from prestigious schools, and the minimum requirement is 985 University.

"let's start."

Reporter Wang Bingbing faces the camera and speaks fluent Mandarin: "Hello everyone, everyone, I am reporter Wang Bingbing. This one next to me must be familiar to some people. It is sincere who has been hailed as a genius inventor by netizens recently. The chairman of Xi Technology, Lu Cheng!"

"Mr. Lu, come and say hello to everyone."

Lu Cheng was wearing a straight black suit, and his whole body looked heroic.

"Hello everyone, I'm Lu Cheng."

Wang Bingbing smiled, stretched the microphone over, and said: "Mr. Lu, your company has developed two products so far, all of which have been well received by netizens. One of them is Chengxi prosthesis, and the other is Dabai and Xiao Black home robots, can you tell us what was the original intention of creating them?"

Lu Cheng thought for a while, and said, "Because I have a relative who has a broken leg, but the smart prostheses on the market are very unfriendly, so I have the idea of ​​making a prosthetic product by myself."

"After the success of Chengxi's prosthetic arm, I was thinking about what to do with the second product, and by chance, I thought of making a household robot."

Wang Bingbing nodded and said, "Compared with other products of the same type, these two smart products have made great technological breakthroughs in both technology and function. How does Lu always solve some of these difficulties? ?"

Rely on the hook... Lu Cheng smiled and said, "It's just thinking hard, plus a little luck."

Wang Bingbing then asked: "Then, did Mr. Lu consider what the company's third product is going to do? Are you looking forward to it?"

Lu Cheng opened the mouth and said: "There are already some eyebrows, but it is not yet announced, but I can guarantee that this is also an epoch-making product!"

"After being put into use, it can even change everyone's daily life."

Wang Bingbing smiled and said, "Then we will wait and see!"

"President Lu, can you take us to visit your company?"

Lu Cheng nodded: "Of course."


Lu Cheng walked around with Wang Bingbing, and then introduced some of his product concepts and ideas.

Until two hours later.

The interview finally ended.

Wang Bingbing said: "Thank you very much Mr. Lu for accepting our interview. It also allows us to understand that the advent of a new product may have gathered the efforts of countless people behind it. Let us look forward to the next product of Chengxi Technology."

"This is the end of this interview, thank you for watching."

Lu Cheng found a hotel in advance to entertain these central media workers before returning to the company.

The fact that a company can be on CCTV is also a signal.

It proves that the country is also concerned about this company.

Uncertain, there will be opportunities to cooperate with major state-owned enterprises in the future.

The next period of time.

Lu Cheng devoted himself to busy work again.

Until a month later.

Da Bai and Xiao Hei were finally completed and officially started to sell.

at the same time.

Lu Cheng arranged various factories, UU reading www.uukanshu. com started mass production of Dabai and Xiaohe robots.

Taking into account the problem of factory capacity, the goal this time is initially set at 30,000 units!

In the office.

Lu Cheng stretched out, "Hey, how come you are more tired in the real world than in the world through which you are traveling."

This time.

He sleeps almost four or five hours a day.

If he hadn't been able to meditate and restore his spirit, he wouldn't necessarily be able to withstand it.

"Now that things are almost over, it's better to go to the New World to see." Lu Cheng exhaled.

He thought for a while, without hesitation, he said directly: "Enter the world of the man in black!"

The light flashed.

His figure disappeared in the real world.

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