Get Black Technology From Marvel

Chapter 222: Representatives of various countries were shocked! (Four thousand words)


Below, a group of physicists couldn't help but look at Lu Cheng curiously.

They are also very curious about what special projects have come up with those who can develop a new type of energy such as the Ark Reactor.

All physicists need to do it together.

Lu Cheng looked at the physicist below and said, "I named this project Spatial Storage Technology!"


He looked at the scientific researchers in the base, and said, "Thank you for printing out a few previous project plans for everyone to see."

The scientific researcher seemed to be prepared, and said: "Okay, wait a minute, it has been printed in advance, I will get it now."

Not long.

The scientific researchers took a copy of the project plan and distributed them one by one to the physicists present.

These physicists took the project plan and looked at it seriously.

At present, high-energy particle accelerators cannot be used, which means that physics is completely restricted and cannot be developed.

They desperately need a new technology to divert their attention!

Otherwise, I am afraid that many people present will collapse.

Looking at the project plan provided by Lu Cheng, a group of physicists began to discuss with each other.

All of the above technologies have data sources, but they are indeed written in a different way.

However, this spatial storage technology still sounds like a castle in the air, and they have to study and ponder it carefully.

"Prism technology, space folding, quantum states, macroatoms..."

Looking at these familiar terms, a group of physicists were lost in thought.

They are wondering how successful this technology is.

After half an hour.

Ding Yi was the first to speak, and said: "In your technique, you mentioned macroatoms, which have reached quantum states since they are used. This is indeed feasible, but the variables are also very large!"

"The macro atom is visible at the macro level, and its nucleus is a "dancing string". There is no entity and it can only be observed by refracting visible light."

"However, the macroelectron excited by energy is in a quantum state without an observer. Everything can only be described by probability, and the probability of being excited is very small."

"How can you guarantee that this quantum state will always exist?"

Macroatoms are the basis for the appearance of ball lightning.

As the discoverer of ball lightning, Ding Yi naturally has a say in this regard.

Lu Cheng said: "This involves a high-end technology, I will reveal it when the right time is right."

Everyone also knew that their conversations had been monitored by Sophon, so they didn't ask too much.

A physicist said, "Professor Lu's project plan is very detailed about various technologies. I think it is worth a try."

"Indeed, in theory, Sophon is also a kind of space technology. If we can make a breakthrough in space, maybe we can get rid of Sophon's interference."

"Since physics does not exist in this world, maybe we can transfer our energy to other places. This space storage technology is a good attempt."

"I agree too."

Chang Weisi stood up, faced these physicists, and said: "Everyone, the country has approved this new project, and the investment will be around 20 billion yuan. This should be a research that the country needs to focus on for a long time to come. I hope everyone can participate in this project and contribute to the development of the country!"

"Of course, whether you participate or not, you will still have to sign a non-disclosure agreement later. The matter about Trisolaris will not be announced to the public."

Now, the Planetary Defense Council has been completed gradually, but all policies have not been released yet.

Naturally, Huaxia could not preach about the Trisolaran planet to the masses.

After all, this is related to the future of all mankind!

If there is no proper policy and preparation, rashly promoting the Trisolaran planet may cause global panic.

A group of physicists all expressed their understanding and approval.

Long before coming here, Chang Weisi explained the basic situation to them.

If they disagree, they will not be able to enter this conference hall.


A group of physicists signed their name on the confidentiality agreement handed over by Chang Weisi.

Most physicists also agreed to join this project.

Only a few physicists, due to physical reasons, cannot participate in this project.

Yang Dong and Ding Yi, as outstanding physicists, naturally joined the development of space storage technology.

Chang Weisi looked at the list and said, "This technology may last for several years. After you join the test, it is estimated that you will spend a long time in a special R&D building. I thank you for the country. Up!"

A group of physicists naturally did not complain.

For Yu Qi to spend the rest of his life in a muddle-headed state, it is better to devote himself to new research, even if the probability of realization of this research is very slim.

They are also willing to be the first group of guides.

Use their faint light to light up the way forward for the younger generation!

This is the end of the brief meeting.

Next, it is natural to arrange the work site and arrange various tasks.

Chang Weisi is responsible for organizing the work site. As the initiator of the space storage technology, Lu Cheng has naturally become the project team leader again, responsible for coordinating and planning the project progress, arranging various task indicators and so on!

After the meeting.

A group of physicists gathered and asked Lu Cheng some details about the space storage technology!

Lu Cheng also answered one by one.

Yang Dong looked at Lu Cheng and said, "Lu Cheng, can you talk a few words alone?"

Lu Cheng glanced at Yang Dong and nodded, "Of course."

The two came to a remote corner.

Yang Dong thought for a while before he said: "In the past few months, I have heard a lot of things about you. You told the military about the Trisolaran Earth, right?"

Lu Cheng didn't know where Yang Dong heard the news, but he still admitted frankly, "That's right."

Yang Dong pursed his lips: "Where did you hear the news."

"The hack entered their forum, that's why I saw it." Lu Cheng used the previous rhetoric again.

As smart as Yang Dong, he obviously refused to accept this statement.

She opened the mouth and said: "Before you, stayed at my mother's place for a while, and then the trisomy of the earth was destroyed."

Lu Cheng rubbed his head: "It's not a good thing for a woman to be too smart. Okay, don't think too much about it. Aunt Ye has nothing to do with this."

After Lu Cheng's reminder before, Ye Wenjie guessed that there would be no more action.

It's a good thing to be able to spend the rest of my life in peace.

As for Yang Dong, this girl tends to go to extremes.

Lu Cheng was really worried that after learning about her mother, she might not think about it for a while.

After all, in the original book, she was blocked by Sophon because of physics, and after learning the identity of Ye Wenjie, she couldn't think about it for a while and committed suicide!

Yang Dong glanced at Lu Cheng and said nothing more.

She turned the topic to space storage technology again, and said: "According to the theoretical basis you just provided, this project is obviously not realizable. What else are you hiding?"

"You have to know that this is a 20 billion project. If you get nothing after studying it for a few years, the country may hold you accountable."

Lu Cheng smiled: "That's not enough. I did conceal a key step that has not been announced, but it will not be revealed until the end of the project. You will know it then."

If Yang Dong has the talent for cultivation, then Lu Cheng wouldn't mind revealing something to her.

Unfortunately, so far, Lu Cheng has also discovered that Luo Ji and Yun Tianming have talents in cultivation.

Seeing that Lu Cheng refused to say more, Yang Dong didn't ask any more, and turned around and left.

Lu Cheng was relieved.

With Yang Dong's temperament, he guessed that he wouldn't have any short-sightedness before seeing the finished product of Chuanqi.

Lu Cheng looked at the physicists present and said, "I will sort out the remaining work arrangements and arrange them for you. You can take a closer look at the project plan and the difficulties that need to be solved!"

The development of Phagocytosis cannot be completed in a day or two.

Even if Lu Cheng knew the whole process, he still had to spend some time to arrange all the matters and work.

Get out of the conference hall.

Lu Cheng came to an office and found Chang Weisi.

"Xiaolu, here you are, I am going to find you. How about arranging the working place of Chuan in the R&D building where the Dragon God Battle Armor was developed? Anyway, the development of the Dragon God Battle Armor is already close. It's over, there are many ready-made equipment and materials." Chang Weisi said.

Lu Cheng nodded: "I don't have any comments."

That R&D building is indeed the top level in China.

It can simulate a variety of environments, and the area is large enough for development and use.

Chang Weisi opened the mouth and said: "Then it's a deal. I'll contact Lao Zou later and ask him to vacate his seat."

He glanced at Lu Cheng and saw that the latter hadn't left yet, he said, "What else is there?"

Lu Cheng said: "Chief Chang, didn't I say that I could help find Evans before. Now that the software has been imported into the Dragon God War Armor, I may be able to try to search for his location!"

Chang Weisi's eyes lit up: "Really, how do I need to cooperate here?"

Lu Cheng opened his mouth and said, "I need to drive the Dragon God War Armor into the Panamanian waters to search, so I have to say hello to the country over there in advance."

He had already used the super server system before and roughly searched it.

The information about Evans was indeed found in Panamanian waters.

Now, all you need to do is to locate the specific location of Evans in the Dragon God armor.

At that time, at the speed of the Dragon God's Battle Armor, it only takes three seconds to break through from high altitude and grab Evans!

Chang Weisi nodded slightly: "It just so happens that the Planetary Defense Council is also initially established, so let's go, now you accompany me to the Council and talk about the specific plan in detail."

"Okay." Lu Cheng nodded.

The two did not delay, and directly referred to as a helicopter flying to the Planetary Defense Council.

The Planetary Defense Council is in the central area of ​​the imperial capital.

About half an hour later.

The two stopped on top of the building.

After layers of review, the two quickly arrived at the Great Hall of the People of the Council.


In the Great Hall of the People, representatives of many countries are already sitting.

Seeing Lu Cheng coming in, they couldn't help but cast their gazes.


When Chang Weisi was on the road, he had already contacted representatives of various countries.

"I have already said hello, you just need to tell your plan once." Chang Weisi said.

Lu Cheng nodded, walked directly onto the stage, and said, "Everyone, Evans, as a member of the Trisolaran Earth, is extremely cunning. In the previous arrests, he used his avatar to successfully escape the search and then disappeared."

"In order to catch him, we at Huaxia did a lot of attempts, and now we have some eyebrows!"

"At present, through a piece of software, we found that he is hovering near Panama waters, so our country needs to enter Panama waters for a fixed-point search!"

"I hope to get the consent of various countries to open up air routes!"

Some country representatives puzzled: "Do you plan to make a breakthrough from the air?"

Lu Cheng nodded: "That's right."

"No, if this Evans really appears in the Panamanian waters, it is very likely that on his Judgment Day tanker, there are a lot of precious information about the Trisolaran planet. If the people on board cannot be resolved in a short time, Then these materials are likely to be destroyed."

"We still don't know anything about the Trisolaris planet. These data must not be damaged."

Lu Cheng nodded slightly: "We have all considered these. First of all, our air breakthrough tool is not an ordinary fighter plane, but a special flying armor called the Dragon God armor."

"It is equipped with a thermal imaging function, which can directly lock the position and information of all members on the tanker on the Judgment Day."

"The entire process of striking takes only three seconds!"

"At this time, Evans has no time to react."

When the representatives of various countries heard this term, there was a trace of doubt in their eyes.

Chang Weisi smiled and said, "This is a new type of weapon developed by China Huaxia recently. I have a video here for you to take a look."

He took out the demo video of the Dragon God Battle Armor that he had prepared, inserted it into the playback device, and started playing it.

The signal flickered for a while, and a special mecha appeared on the screen.

This mecha is pale gold, and the whole body is streamlined, just like a golden dragon.

In the video.

The staff is driving the Dragon God battle armor, starting to conduct various tests.

With a sound of ‘swish’, the Dragon God’s battle armor rose directly into the sky, rushing into the clouds, leaving only a long light tail.

Even, the screen can only see the movement trajectory of the Dragon God's Battle Armor by slowing down ten times the speed.

When the representatives of various countries saw this scene, they stood up with a ‘teng’, and exclaimed in their mouths.

This kind of flying equipment is simply unheard of!

More importantly, that kind of speed has exceeded the speed of sound several times.

This is how it was developed.

If the driver sits on this kind of mech, I'm afraid he will be directly crushed into meatloaf, right?

Holding back the doubts in my heart, representatives of various countries continued to watch the video.

In the video, the Dragon God Battle Armor conducted another attack test.

For example, release shock waves, launch bombs at fixed points, shoot at moving targets, and so on.

The video is only two minutes in total.

After all is played.

Chang Weisicai said: "The function of the Dragon God's Battle Armor is by no means limited to this. I believe that as long as the position of Evans is locked, the pilot will be able to complete this strike mission outstandingly!"

The representatives of various countries looked at the dim picture and were already shocked and speechless!

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